Document 7020964

Skin Care Class Script
By: Heather Erbe-revised by Anecia Maroney
1. Starter Kit bag with these contents:
a. 6 Mirrors/Trays [make sure your mirrors are clean!]
b. Filled Demo Roll UP bag [see “What’s in a Roll UP Bag?”
c. Clearproof [for acne prone skin]
d. Timewise Repair [for women 35 yrs+]
e. Liquid and/or Mineral Foundation Demos [all shades]
f. Disposable Facial Cloths
g. Hair bands/clips/headbands
h. Cotton Balls
i. Either : Cream Eye Shadows, Look Cards OR Demo Trays
[more professional]
Demo Trays filled include:
1. Cheek Colors
2. Eye Colors
3. Bronzers
5. Eyeliners & Lip Liners
6. Lip Glosses & Lip Sticks
j. Demo Brush Set
k. Optional CREAM Eye Shadows as Demos
l. Mascara with Disposable wands
m. Current Recruiting Information
n. Sales tickets
o. Pens
p. Customer Profiles
q. Your Datebook with highlighted dates & times you’re available
for future SCCs [for the next 2 weeks]
r. Calculator
s. Create-A-Roll UP sheets, laminated [1 for everyone]
t. Dry Erase Markers [for Roll Up Sheets]
u. Merchandising Bags
v. Filled Ready-to-Sell Roll Up Bags [1 per guest]
w. Color Carrier [filled with color products, you can purchase on]
x. Your Goal Poster/Dream Book/Pictures of MK Rewards
y. Applause Magazine—for Director & NSD Commission checks
z. Marketing Game Surveys
ARRIVAL [if the SCC is at the Hostess’s house]:
1. Always arrive 30-40 minutes before the scheduled class time
[make sure you coach your hostess about your arrival time]. When you arrive at
the door, only take one bag and your purse with you. It is never a
good idea to show up with all your bags on your arm. It gives her
the impression that you are moving in. Smile, look her in her
right eye, and tell her how excited you are to be with her!
2. Go inside and immediately find the two areas you’ll be
working in: the SCC area [kitchen table/dining room table], and
the Individual Close area [adjacent living room]. You want the
individual close area to be in a location where the other guests
will be able to see you, but not hear you.
3. Drop your bag off in its respective area, and then go outside to
get your remaining items.
4. Once you’re inside with everything, begin to set up your
mirrors/trays, individual close area, and Satin Hands by the
5. As you’re setting up, chat with the hostess. Be focused on
setting up, but also be engaging and get to know your hostess
Individual Close Area:
Marketing Hotline Postcard/Recruiting information, Sales
tickets, Pen, Your Datebook, Merchandising Bags, Calculator,
Color Carrier
SCC area:
1. Put the Roll UP Bags aside—near where you’ll be in a visual
place. [Make sure you brought the RIGHT roll-up bags for your
guests—knowing how many Combo/Oily & Normal/Dry bags
you’ll need [pre-profiling step. An easy way to identify which bag
is what is to tie a pink or purple ribbon around the handle of
each bag. Pink = N/D, Purple = C/O].
2. Put the Color Demos or Look Cards, Demo Brush Set, Cotton
Balls aside in kitchen area.
4. Customer Profiles at each seat at SCC table w/ pen
As the Guests Arrive:
Greet them all at the door and lead them to the table to sit and
begin filling out their profile card.
Set up Product Trays:
TW Cleanser, TW Serum +C, Day Solution, Night Solution, TW
Moisturizer, Eye Cream, Satin Lip Mask, Satin Lip Balm,
Foundation Primer, Foundation [match foundation as the guests
**for Timewise REPAIR [TWR] SCCs: TWR Cleanser, TWR
Serum, TWR Day Cream [on face], TWR Night Cream [on neck],
TWR Eye Cream.
Begin Satin Hands treatment - The Satin Hands time is a GREAT
time to build rapport with your guests. Get them talking, and be
very interested in them.
The number one way to gain respect and to LOSE respect is by
honoring or NOT honoring someone’s time. Begin the class when
you said the class would begin. [a 5 min. grace period is acceptable, but with
GREAT COACHING of the Hostess & her guests in the Pre-Profiling will eliminate the need
for a grace period. If a guest shows up AFTER you’ve already done Satin Hands, welcome
her, and tell her that she can do Satin Hands with the Hostess at the end of the class.]
Begin by having the guests all take their seats. Ask them how
their hands feel! [they’ll be ooing and ahhing all about them!]
“I am SO excited to pamper you today! We’re going to have a lot
of fun. We’re going go to be doing Facials and mini-makeovers
today. This is the first of two appointments you can have with
me. The first appointment we’ll focus on skin care, because it’s
the most important for long-term beauty, and without great skin,
our makeup will not look as good. The second appointment is a
full make-up color appointment. We’ll be doing a mini-makeover
today and you’ll look gorgeous when you leave, but at the color
appointment, we’ll customize a Look that is just right for you. I
wish we could do both today, but if we did, we’d be here until
midnight! [smile and laugh] .
Just for coming, today, you all get a gift certificate! Use it, don’t
use it, either way is okay with me. But if you do use it, I want you
to take something home that you really want and would use. As
we’re going through all the products today, I’m going to be going
into some detail to let you know what they’re doing to your skin.
Also, we’re going to be playing 2 quick games for a chance to win
2 more gift certificates! So, who’s feeling lucky? [laugh]
OK--I only have two rules: [SMILE] 1. We must have fun. I’m
a really fun person and what we’re going to be doing is a lot of
fun, so we’re going to have a good time. 2. You have to like the
way you look when it’s all over, otherwise we have to do it again.
[laugh] You have veto power with all colors, so if you don’t like
something, just tell me and we’ll fix it, ok?”
“Ok, so let’s get started on your skin care. Does anyone have any
eye-makeup on? [If so, put some oil-free eye makeup remover on
a cotton round and give it to her to take off her eye makeup.]
“In your tray, you’ll notice there are two rows—a top row, and a
bottom row. We’ll begin on the top row, all the way to the leftthey are numbered. You’ll see either a pink cream with pink
dots, or a clear gel with purple dots.
There are 5 steps that you want to accomplish on a daily basis in
order to take really good care of your skin. Anyone know what
they might be? (wait for them to respond)…We want to Cleanse,
Exfoliate, Moisturize, Tone and Protect. The 1st product we will
use this evening is called the 3-n-1 Cleanser. It has a cleanser, an
exfoliant and a mask all in one. Go ahead and put it on all over
your face, but not on top of your eyes. It has an exfoliator in it,
and you don’t want to exfoliate your eyes.” [If she has acne prone skin,
give her the deep cleanser, a cotton ball w/ Blemish Control toner, and then proceed with
the Timewise Serum +C and others as normal]
“Here are your facial
cloths. You can go ahead and wipe of your cleanser.
“What you just did was the Timewise 3-in-1 Cleanser. It cleanses,
exfoliates, and tones all in one. Anyone know what a toner does?
… It restores the pH balance of your skin, so that when you wash
your face, your skin won’t have any sort of reaction to the
cleanser. All of our products are hypoallergenic and noncomedogenic, which are big fancy words which mean they won’t
irritate your skin, and they won’t clog your pores! This skin care
line also has something called TIMEWISE in it. Timewise is an
anti-aging formula with Vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin A works
like a little generator for collagen in our skin. As we age, our
collagen breaks down and stops producing. So the Vitamin A
goes into your skin, and helps to produce it to keep our skin tight
and firm. Vitamins C & E are anti-oxidants, which help repair
our skin from damage from pollution and sun.
[While they’re doing that, wet the facial cloths.]
**For TW Repair groups, talk about how the TW Repair is the
most ADVANCED and concentrated Anti-Aging of all the
products in the MK Line. It’s the CADILLAC of the Mary Kay Skin
Care. SHOW THE BOX it comes in. Each product has a higher
concentration of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. AND—the
TW NIGHT cream is the only product in our line that has
RETINOL in it—which speeds up cell production at the highest
rate. The TW Repair line’s format is the cleanser, a serum, then
moisturizer either for DAY [w/spf 30] or NIGHT [with retinol],
and then an eye cream which helps with puffiness, dark circles,
AND wrinkles.
“OK, now that you’ve got smooth, clean skin, we’re going to put
the most amazing Anti-Aging product on your face. [Hold up
TimeWise Serum +C] This is called TimeWise Serum +C. It’s the
most potent anti-aging product in the regular TimeWise line. It’s
just to the right of where your cleanser was. Take your ring
finger, and apply it under your eyes first, and then onto your
entire face. This product has the highest concentration of
Vitamins A, C, and E—AND has an extra dose of Vitamin C, so it’s
going to tighten & firm the skin by building collagen AND
repairing & brightening the skin too. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that repairs cells. It’s highly potent and will even help
brighten the dark circles under the eyes that are caused by
broken capillaries. Because it’s the most advanced anti-aging in
the regular TimeWise line, we put it on clean skin first. Doesn’t
that feel amazing? Next, we’re going to put on these two
products! [hold up the Day & Night Solutions] These are the NEXT most
powerful anti-aging products in the regular TimeWise line. First,
put on the Day solution. [point to it and say, ‘It’s the white milky one in the
3rd space] Go ahead and put this all over your face. This is not a
moisturizer. It’s PURE vitamins. This is INTENSE anti-aging. It’s
a very high concentration of the Timewise Vitamins A, C, and E.
It also has SPF 35 to protect you from premature aging and skin
damage. OK, This is the Night Solution. Do you see the little
beads? Those are the Vitamins, encapsulated to be kept pure.
The bottle is designed that when you dispense it, the beads burst
open, and you get the purest form of the Vitamins on your skin.
Go ahead and put it on your neck—just so you can feel what it
feels like. This you’d use before you go to bed, after you’ve
washed your face. It’s a light serum that has an adhesion
property to it, so that when you put it on, and then put the
moisturizer on, the moisturizer will get pulled into your skin and
not be left on your pillowcase, so it’s working to repair your skin
all night long. When you put these with your cleansing products,
you will see EITHER a PREVENTION or REDUCTION of wrinkles
by 56%! ”
“Next is the Timewise Moisturizer. Go ahead and put that all
over your face and your neck. [wait a minute…then say…] “How does
that feel?” “Next, use your ring finger put on the white creamy
one around your eyes. This is the Timewise [Firming or AntiAging] Eye cream. Go ahead and put all around your eyes—top
and underneath. An eye cream is SO important because your eye
tissue is the most delicate tissue on your entire body…so it
wrinkles first. Because this eye cream has TIMEWISE in it, the
Vitamin A acts like a collagen generator, and it’s going to
PREVENT or REDUCE wrinkles.”
“Now, we’re going to make your lips feel like the rest of your
face! The next one is a Lip Mask. Go ahead and scoop it all up—
you’re going to need every bit of it—and begin rubbing that on
your lips really fast. It’s gritty and it doesn’t taste good, so don’t
lick it.Because this product works best if we let it sit a
minute, we’re going to play a quick game. Now, the lip mask is
not all that attractive so in this game, you won’t have to look at
each other…lol Flip your profile card over on the back and
number 11 on the back has a place where you can give away a
FREE PAMPPERING SESSION to your friends. The only rules
are they must be 18 or older and to the best of your knowledge,
they don’t already use Mary Kay. Ok, so this is a race. The
person who gives away THE MOST PAMPERING SESSIONS wins
an additional gift certificate from me!! On your mark, get set, go
(I usually play music on Pandora and go around to match their
foundation at this time---I let them write names until I’m
finished matching foundation and/or until they stop writing.
Make sure and instruct them to keep writing in the blank space
at the bottom of the card if they run out of lines bc the winner is
whomever GIVES AWAY THE MOST pampering sessions!! 
Ok, finish the one you’re on and count up your names. Who gave
away the most? (Celebrate the winner and have her mark the
front of her card with a star/symbol so that at the end you know
to give her the additional certificate.) Go ahead and wipe off
your lips now, getting all the gritty off! Next is the lip balm. The
lip balm moisturizes for up to 6 hours and can be used in place of
any lip balm/chap stick.
Ok, now we are going to transition into color. You’ll notice on
the bottom row the clear product that looks kind of like vasaline,
this is our foundation primer. The primer is designed to seal in
all of the good stuff we just did and it helps to hold your
foundation on better. We also call it spackle because it masks
any imperfections such as large pores, scaring etc. So, go ahead
and smooth it all over your face beginning at the center and
moving it out toward the edges of your face. It may feel a little
oily at first but it turns to silk.
Next we are going to apply your foundation. (use whichever
foundation type that you have on hand)
We have several different types of foundation---The mineral
powder foundation, timewise liquid foundations which contain
age fighting properties in either matte wear-for oily skin or
luminous wear—for dry skin as well as a CC Cream which is very
light coverage with spf. We also have a medium coverage liquid
foundation and a cream to powder foundation which fits in a
compact. Today we are going to try:
MINERAL—I love the Mineral powder foundation. It has
buildable coverage which means you can add as many layers as
you like and get more coverage without it looking cakey. It is
very light so it doesn’t feel like you have anything on your face
and it has oil absorbing properties which will keep oil from
breaking through as you wear it. Simply swirl the brush in the
powder and tap off the excess. Starting at your jaw line, work
circles toward the center of your face slightly pressing the brush
into your skin. Repeat until your entire face is covered and layer
the product until you get the coverage you desire.
Timewise Liquid---(you can use fingers or the liquid foundation
Simply smooth the liquid foundation from the center of your face
to the edges using your fingers or the liquid foundation brush.
You can wear this foundation alone or finish it with our
translucent powder (not included in starter kit)
Now, I am going to come around with cheek color. (You can let
them use a cheek brush if you have one or a cotton ball will work
as well) Cheek color is the beginning of the contouring process.
It helps to accent your natural features and makes your look
healthier as far as the coloring of your skin is concerned. There
are several ways to apply cheek color but my preference is to
start at the temple and brush downward following the cheek
bone toward the nose. Keep a 2 to 3 fingers width distance
between your nose and where you stop your cheek color.
Ok---Now on to eyes. (At 1st Appointments I generally use the
cream eye shadows because they are easy to apply and are kind
of a dash out the door look. This also gives me the chance to
invite them back for their “custom look” and use the mineral eye
shadows. If you do not have the cream eye shadows, use the
color cards that came in your starter kit!—simply open them and
follow the application tips that are on the cards.)
Today, we will try 2 of our cream eye shadows. I will be the first
to say, I was not particularly a fan of cream eye shadows prior to
Mary Kay because I had never tried any that didn’t collect in the
crease and get all yucky but these dry. They are water proof,
have a primer built in and they last ALL DAY LONG. You can
wear the creams together like we are going to do today or you
can wear one and accent with the mineral colors like we will try
at your color appointment. Start 1st with the lightest shade and
apply it to your entire eye from your lid all the way to your brow
bone. Next, use the darker shade and accent the lower part of
your lid up to the natural crease in your eye.
We will finish your eyes with mascara today. (use disposable wands
that are appropriate for the type of mascara you choose to demo) At your
color appointment you will have the opportunity to try eyeliner
as a part of your custom look. We have 4 types of mascara—
Ultimate Mascara which gives length and volume—It contains a
volumizer that will give your lashes fullness. We have lash love
mascara which is great for people with very sparse lashes. The
applicator has lots of tiny bristles that grab all of your lashes.
We also have lash love lengthening which grabs all of your lashes
and pulls them longer. All of these mascaras are water resistant
which is good even if you sweat or cry and we have one more that
is waterproof for those who prefer it.
Lips---Today we are going to try out Nourishine Plus Lip gloss! [I
have a demo tray with all of the lip gloss colors and I let them
pick their own shade] “lip color is really fun and can change the
entire look. It can also be very intimidating so try something
today that you maybe wouldn’t normally try because here we can
wipe it off and try something different.  [once everone is happy
with their lip color move on the Marketing Game]
“OK, now we’re going to take a quick break and play a quick
game for another gift certificate! Anyone want to win another
gift certificate? Grab your purses! We’ll come back to talk
about your favorite things in just a second.
[I have the guests keep score by putting a tally mark on the top of their profile
“OK, here’s how the game is played. I’m going to say a letter. The
first person to pull out something from their bag that begins with
the letter I say gets a point. You have to pull it out AND say it.
Person with the most points at the end, WINS!”
[Say the letter, give the winner a point, and then give the ‘fast fun fact’ about MK
that goes with that letter. HAVE FUN HERE—goal is to have FUN, and share fun
facts about MK.]
C = “FREE Cars! What’s the most famous Mary Kay car? Yes! The
Pink Cadillac! The company actually gives 5 types of Free Cars
away—to the newest part time consultant AND the most full time
Director! They give you the car, and they pay all the payments,
some of the car insurance, and they give you a NEW ONE every 2
years! Next letter is…”
[A note about “R”…When I do the SCC, I wear my Court of Sales Rings and other
gifts from the Company. BUT BEFORE I HAD ALL THAT, I talked about what my
DIRECTOR had earned, and what I COULD earn with Mary Kay. So have a GOAL!
What are you working on? Talk about that!! I also have a GOAL POSTER for this
year’s rewards that I’m working on, and show that too. Make a goal poster &
Bring with you to ALL your SCCs. Or even better—make a digital photo album
and bring your iPad or Laptop with you to your SCCs, and show that!!]
R = “Rewards! Mary Kay rewards their people like no other
company in the world. They give diamond rings, jewelry, free
cars, free 5-star trips around the world. This is what I’m working
for this year! [show goal poster or digital photo album]. Mary
Kay gives INCREDIBLE luxurious gifts! In Mary Kay, there are
very little rules. We have a lot of freedom to work when and how
we choose to. But—WHEN we work, the company is VERY
generous with their gifts and rewards—unlike any other
company in the world!
M = “Money! A Mary Kay business is built in 3 ways: Marketing
the Product, Sharing the Opportunity, and Leadership! We earn
a commission for what we sell, and we also earn commission
checks from the company for sharing the opportunity. Directors
& Nationals earn LEADERSHIP commission checks, too.
A Consultant earns on average between $5000-$25,000 per
A DIRECTOR earns on average between $5000-$25,000 per
MONTH, or $60,000-$300,000 per YEAR.
A NATIONAL earns on average between $5000-$25,000 per
WEEK, or $300,000-$1,000,000 per YEAR.
And…it’s unlimited! [Have an Applause Magazine with you, and pass around
the NATIONAL’s Commissions checks.]
A = “OK, now for this letter, you can more points. ‘A’ stands for
ADVANTAGES. For every advantage you can think of as to why
having a home-based Mary Kay business is a GOOD idea, you get
an extra point! Ready, go!” [Just let them shout out advantages, and nod
your head, smile, and give them a point for every one they can think of until they’re
“OK, now we’re going to go into a BONUS ROUND! Go ahead and
put away your bags. For every QUESTION you ask about the
COMPANY, I’ll give you an extra TWO points! Ready, Go!” [Let
them ask you questions, give them 2 points, and ANSWER them until they’re all
out of questions. When it’s over, count up the points and say out loud,
“______you won! You’ll get an extra gift certificate at the end, ok?” The whole
point of this game is to give them quick info about the company, and for you to
become aware of who might be interested in this opportunity for themselves!]
OK—NOW, hand out the surveys & pens—one to each guest, and
ask her to fill it out. [the purpose is for HER to assess HER OWN
interest level in a MK business, and for YOU to gain a BETTER
IDEA of WHO you need to invite to TNL or book an interview
with! THIS is how we share the opportunity with other women!]
[While they’re writing, clear the trays / mirrors off the table. Take to the kitchen
and throw away all the ‘trash’. Set aside the mirrors. They’ll need them again to
look at themselves when you go around the table to complement each woman]
When they’re finished, take the surveys, GLANCE at them WHILE you’re setting
them down in the individual close area. LOOK for the ones who are INTERESTED
and WILLING to help you with an interview, and MAKE SURE you talk to them
about this during the Individual Close.]
DEAL OR NO DEAL: (place a slip of paper with a free product on it in an envelope
and seal it. I usually put items like, lip gloss, eye shadow, eye applicators etc-LOW
TICKET ITEMS). Deal or No Deal is a TOOL that is designed to help you GET THE
COLOR APPOINTMENT!!! You will fan out the envelopes-Make sure you have at
least 1 more envelope than number of people at the class so that no one is left with
the last one. You will say: “OK, last thing before I show you your discounts!!!
Everyone Choose and envelope BUT DON’T OPEN IT!! Repeat after me, DON”T
OPEN IT! (laugh about it with them) Inside each of these envelopes is a FREE
PRODUCT! When I meet with you in just a minute to give you your gift certificate,
If you book your color appointment today, you will automatically receive whatever
is in your envelope FOR FREE WHEN YOU COME BACK! If you choose not to
Book your Color Appointment, you will simply give me your envelope back. When
we talk about your color appointment in a minute, I will also ask you if you plan to
share your appointment with anyone. If you choose to share it with friends who
are 18 or older, were’nt with you today and who do not currently have a Mary Kay
Consultant, then I will give you an additional gift certificate for FREE Products
when you come back.” (You may choose to give away free product at your
discretion. I give away $10/ guest that she brings up to 3 and if she brings 4, I give
$50. Ie. 1 guest-$10, 2-$20, 3-$30, 4-$50)
[Now, grab a Roll-Up Bag for each woman, according to her skin type and place in
front of her. Have your demo product out and ready to display as you walk them
through the bag.]
“OK, go ahead and open these up! These are our Travel Roll UP
Bags, and in them are ALL the products we just tried. We’re
going to go through this as a review, and what I want you to be
thinking about is which products you liked the best. This bag also
counts towards your gift certificate, so let’s look at that first. The
pockets rip out [let them do it] and even hangs on a hook if you need
more bathroom space, or if you travel! Let’s start at the pocket by
the hook, and pull out these two products [show the TW Cleanser
& Moisturizer]. We’re going to go through this bag in a way that
makes sense, so we’re going to start with BASIC SKIN CARE.
This is your 3-in-1 cleanser and moisturizer. It cleanses,
exfoliates, tones, and moisturizes—and you can even get the
moisturizer with a sunscreen. It’s SIMPLE. Put this [the TWC] in
the shower, use it, get out and put this on [TWM] and you’re
done! Next, pull out the TimeWise Serum +C. This is the MOST
powerful anti-aging in the regular TimeWise line, and it goes on
right after you cleanse. This is the one that will tighten & firm
your skin, and make your skin brighter.
“Next, pull out the two little ones. These are the DAY & NIGHT
solutions—perfect for PREVENTING & REDUCING wrinkles.
[Show them WITH your TWC & TWM as you say this…] You just put one in
the middle for the morning, and one in the middle at night! OK,
now pull out the one in a box. This is your eye cream. Use it every
morning and every night—and I believe everyone over the age of
18 needs to use an EYE CREAM!”
“OK, next open the 2nd pocket. This is the Microdermabrasion
treatment. Safe for all skin types, and it’s best to be done in the
shower. It removes 3-4 layers of dead, dull skin, and leaves your
skin feeling so smooth and soft! Next is the Oil-Free Eye-makeup
Remover. It has two phases in it—a water based phase, and a
silicone based phase. It’s oil free, and won’t burn or sting. And it
wipes mascara off so effortlessly!
“OK, go ahead and put all that back in the pocket…[give them a
minute] OK, for the 3rd pocket represents all things makeup, and
you can customize this in a way that’s best for you. The 3
products I’ve put in there are the foundation primer, which helps
your foundation go on smoothly. Then, the eye primer, which
helps your eye shadow stay on all day without creasing. It creates
a barrier between the oils in your skin, and the eye makeup. So,
it helps your eye shadow go on smoothly, and your eye shadows
will not crease and they’ll look fresh all day. The next product in
that pocket is the compact. Yours is empty, so go ahead and leave
it in there, and I’ll show you an example of how you can
customize it. [Show a DEMO FILLED Compact—3colors, blush, lip gloss], and
show them how it CAN be filled with different options—POWDER, 6
EYESHADOWS, BLUSH & BRONZER, OR Standard. Talk about its ‘magnetic’
feature, too.] At your second appointment, which is the advanced
color appointment, we’ll customize your compact for your day
and evening colors.”
“Go ahead put those back, and pull out the products in the 4th
pocket in there. In there are the Satin Hands and Satin Lips,
which are designed to exfoliate and soften your hands and lips!”
“OK! Go ahead and roll up your bags and put them by your feet!’
Table Close—PART II
“OK, now let’s talk about your GIFT CERTIFICATES! I’m giving
you these laminated sheets and a dry erase marker because I
have some very special deals for you today in addition to your
gift certificates, too, that I know you’ll want to remember. Do
them, don’t do them, it’s totally up to you. OK? [smile]”
“First, let’s go through this Sheet and talk about how the
products are grouped into sets. It’s really important that as we go
through each set, that you circle individual PRODUCTS that you
love and CROSS OUT the ones you wouldn’t ever use. By the time
we’re done with this sheet, I want yours to be written all over. [Go
through the sheet, walking them through each set, and visually put your products
on the table into sets so they can see them.]”
[**NOTE ABOUT TIMEWISE REPAIR: If your class had women who are
35+ and you used the TW Repair, the back side of your Roll Up Bag placemat has
info on how they can take it home. Be SURE you refer that to them, and talk about
the Roll UP Bag with the TW Repair—princess & queen. Also, SHOW THE BOX it
comes in again, and remind them that this is the CADILLAC of our Mary Kay skin
care line.]
“OK, now for the deals! _____can I borrow your bag? [hold the bag
closed and say] This bag retails for $30. But there are TWO WAYS I
can give it to you for FREE! The first way is the Queen Bag. [open
the bag] This is an example of a Queen Bag. A Queen Bag is filled
with any 7 sets of your choice. There are 12 sets to choose from,
so you can pick your top 7 and put it together in your own bag.
The regular retail price of the bag if you add it ALL up is $464.
But our top deal—the Queen Bag—you can get it all for only $299.
That’s over $100 in free product PLUS a $35 bag. And the best
part, is that you can break it into payments, so write “payments”
next to that! [only say that if you’re comfortable offering it—MY RECOMMENDATION
is that you ONLY offer payment plans on Roll Up Bags IF you have at least 10-12 bags in
“The 2nd way you can get the bag for FREE is called the Princess
Bag. A Princess Bag is filled with 4 sets, because there’s 4 pockets
in the bag. You just pick your favorite four sets. This one is our
most popular deal. The regular retail price of a Princess Bag is
up to
$291, but the discount today is $199!
[close up the bag and give it back to the guest]
“If you don’t want a bag, then there are 3 other deals you can
take advantage of, and they’re listed at the bottom of the sheet. If
you like 3 SETS, then my gift to you is a 4th set for free. The
difference between that and the Princess Bag, is that it’s the
same amount of product, but you get a better deal if you LIKE the
bag, and WANT the bag, because you get almost $100 off, PLUS a
FREE $35 bag! OK, if you like 2 SETS, then my gift to you is a 3rd
Set HALF OFF. And if you like 1 SET, then my gift to you is a color
makeup item 50% off. Here’s another thing I like to do—you can
CREATE A SET—What that means, is if you want to mix and
match products into your own sets, you can do that too, and I’ll
be happy to help you with that. EVERYONE here is getting a Gift
Certificate from me for $10, and SOME of you who WON the
games will be getting an extra $5 gift certificate! Make sure you
write that on your sheet so you don’t forget!”
Sit down, smile, take a deep breath, and GENUINELY say, “Did
you have a good time?” Then, look at her sheet WITH her and
say, “GREAT! Ok! I have a $10 gift certificate for you just for
coming (plus if she won any of the games) would you like to save
it or spend it?”
[She will either tell you instantly what she loved OR
you’ll have to use process of elimination with her.]
Ask her if you can write on her sheet. Circle what she loves.
Cross out what she’s not crazy about. YOUR JOB is to LISTEN to
what she says, and find the best solution for HER. Help her get
the best deal by grouping things together in sets. When you work
WITH her to help her save money, then she’ll be able to trust you
more, and women NEED to feel safe & comfortable when they
Close the sale. [Exchange Product & Money]
STEP TWO: BOOKING The Color Appointment!
Alright! Is it better on __________ or __________ for your
color appointment? (You are assuming she wants to come back.
You will get what you expect!)
[Pull out your datebook with HIGHLIGHTED DATES and TIMES
for the next TWO WEEKS.]
She will either tell you or say she doesn’t want one. If she books
ask her if any of the women on the back of her card will be
invited—place a star next to them] [SHE MIGHT SAY SHE HAS
TO TALK TO THEM.] SO YOU SAY… “OK, here’s what we’ll do.
Choose a date that you think MIGHT work BEST for you guys,
and I’ll hold it for 24 hours for you. I’ll call you tomorrow and
you can call them tonight and let me know tomorrow if that’s
going to work for you. If so, GREAT! If not, that’s okay too. It’s
really a flexible hold—it’s a hold so no one else can take that spot,
but it’s flexible for you to change it if you need to.”
Set a date and time. Write it down on a business card and give it
to her. Then, say, “And tomorrow I call you and we’ll check on
the date and see if it works for everyone, ok?”
[Write on the business card her date & time, and the amount
she’s going to get for free!]
MUST DO STEP 3 now. Don’t delay.
**if she’s ALREADY coming as a MODEL to TNL, Skip this part.
And just GIVE HER Pam’s Marketing Post Card and tell her to
listen to the hotline before she comes on Thursday.
BUT—if she’s booking a SCC… Say,
“Hey let me ask you something…remember when I was sharing
a little bit about what Mary Kay has done for me and my life?
Does any of that resonate with you? [If yes]. You know, I don’ t
know if this business is for you, even for a little extra money or
even for FUN, AND IT’S PROBABLY NOT, but I would love to get
your opinion about it. Would you be willing to listen to a 22
minute hotline by my National Pam Shaw/watch a Video about
MK, and give your opinion of it to my Director and I BEFORE
your Pampering Session? ”
[let her respond]
[if yes] “Great! What’s your schedule like tomorrow? When do
you take lunch? Or right after work?”
Schedule it. Right there. For 24-48 hours.
FINISHED! Now onto guest #2. Walk her BACK to the table, and
get the next guest.
When it’s all over, package everyone’s products up and say goodbye!!! EXCEPT to
your hostess—make SURE she goes LAST so that you can give her the Hostess
Hopefully, you left that class with SALES, FUTURE SCCs ON YOUR DATEBOOK,
and POTENTIAL TEAM MEMBERS that you are CLEARLY leading to the next step!
NOW, write down your Faces/Sales/Future SCCs/Future Guests to TNL/Future IVs
on your Focus Folder, Weekly Accomplishment Sheet, and GenX Sheet and submit
to your Director!!