Unit 5 Math Plans Lesson: 5.1 Extended Multiplication Facts Content

Unit 5 Math Plans
Lesson: 5.1 Extended Multiplication Facts
Content Standards: 4.OA.1, 4.OA.2, 4.NBT.1, 4.NBT.5; 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP 1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7, SMP8
Focus on SMP8: Look for and express regularity and repeated reasoning.
GMP8.1: Use patterns and structures to create and explain rules and shortcuts.
GMP8.2: Use properties, rulers, and shortcuts to solve problems.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Game Master (MM461); per group: 4 each of number cards 1-10(from EM
deck); *,/ Fact Triangles; calculator; slate; base-10 blocks; *,/ Facts Table (opt); tape measure or ruler
Vocabulary: extended multiplication facts
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT extend basic multiplication facts to products of ones and tens and
products of tens and tens.
Math message: TM315
1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):
Math Message Follow Up TM 315
(Partner Activity): Developing a Rule for Multiplying Ones by Tens (journal 106); Developing a Rule for
Multiplying Tens by Tens (journal 107) RSA - Journal pg 107 problem #5
(Small Group Activity): Playing Beat the Calculator (SRB 233; MM 461)
2. Ongoing learning & practice:
(Partner Activity): Finding Personal References for Customary Units of Length (journal 108)
Math Boxes: 5.1
Study Link: 5.1
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Playing Multiplication Top-It
Extra Practice: Solving Multiplication/Division Puzzles
ELL: Building a Math Word Bank
Lesson: 5.2 Multiplication Wrestling
Content Standards: 4.NBT.2, 4.NBT.5, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP6, SMP7, SMP8
Focus on SMP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
SMP7: Look for and make use of structure.
GMP1.3: Try different approaches when your problem is hard.
GMP7.1: Find, extend, analyze, and create patterns.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Game Master (MM488); Transparency (MM488 opt); per partnership: 4
each of number cards 0-9 (EM Deck); slate; index cards (opt); SEE TM 320 FOR ADVANCE PREP
Vocabulary: N/A
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT practice w/ extended multiplication facts; be introduced to basic
principles of multiplication w/ multidigit numbers.
Math message: TM321
1. Teaching the lesson (small-group discussion):
Math Message Follow Up TM 321
(Partner Activity): Playing Multiplication Wrestling (SRB253; MM488) RSA - See TM322
2. Ongoing learning & practice:
(Independent activity)Interpreting a Data Table (journal 109) RSA - See TM323
Math Boxes: 5.2 RSA - Math Boxes problem 3
Study Link: 5.2
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Reviewing Partial-Sums Addition
Enrichment: Judging a Multiplication Wrestling Competition
Lesson: 5.3 Estimating Sums
Content Standards: 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.3, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6
Focus on SMP3: Construct viable argument and critique the reasoning of others.
SMP6: Attend to precision.
GMP3.1: Explain both what to do and why it works.
GMP6.2: Use the level of the precision you need for your problem.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Teaching Master (MM143); calculator (opt); demonstration clock (opt); per
group: 8 each of number cards 0-10 (2 EM Decks); SEE TM 320 FOR ADVANCE PREP
Vocabulary: estimation; round
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT practice deciding whether estimation is appropriate in a given situation;
practice estimating sums.
Math message: TM326
1. Teaching the lesson (Whole group):
Math Message Follow Up TM 326;
Examining a Travel Map (journal 112);
Planning a Trip (journal 112-113)
Informing Instruction- See TM328
RSA - Journal pg 113 problem 5
2. Ongoing learning & practice:
(partner activity) Playing Product Pile-Up (SRB 259)
Math Boxes: 5.3
Study Link: 5.3
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Finding “Closer-To “ Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
Enrichment: Solving a Traveling Sales Person Problem
Extra Practice: Solving Elapsed-Time Problems
ELL: Building a Math Word Bank
Lesson: 5.4 Estimating Products
Content Standards: 4.NBT.3, 4.NBT.5, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP8
Focus on SMP1: Make sense of problems and preserve in solving them.
SMP4: Model with mathematics.
GMP1.5: Check whether your solution makes sense.
GMP4.1: Apply mathematical ideas to real-world situations.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Teaching Master (MM147); calculator; per group: 4 each of number cards 0-9 (EM
OR 10-sided dice; Game Master (MM488); SEE TM 331 FOR ADVANCE PREP
Vocabulary: rough estimation; magnitude estimation
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT practice estimating whether a product is in the tens, hundreds, thousands, or
Math message: TM332
1. Teaching the lesson (Whole group):
Math Message Follow Up TM 332;
Using the Food-Survey Data to make Magnitude Estimates (journal 114; MM 147)
(Partner Activity): Estimating Averages (journal 115)
2. Ongoing learning & practice: (partner activity)
Playing Multiplication Wrestling (SRB 253; MM 488) RSA MM 488 – See TM 334)
Math Boxes: 5.4
Study Link: 5.4
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Rounding Whole Numbers using a Number Line
Enrichment: Finding Missing Numbers and Digits.
Extra Practice: 5-Minute Math
Lesson: 5.5 Partial- Products Multiplication (Part 1)
Content Standards: 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.5, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP8
Focus on SMP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
SMP5: Use appropriate tools strategically.
GMP1.4: Solve your problem in more than one way.
GMP5.3: Estimate and use what you know to check the answers you find using tools.
Materials/Prep: Journal; Teaching Aid Master (MM403 or 431); slate; tape measure or ruler
Vocabulary: partial-products method; partial product
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT review and practice w/ the partial products algorithm for 1-digit multipliers.
Math message: TM338
1. Teaching the lesson (Whole group):
Math Message Follow Up TM 338;
Finding Products Mentally;
Demonstrating Partial-Products Algorithm for 1-digit Multipliers (MM403 or 431) Informing Instruction:
(Independent Activity): Using partial-Products Algorithm w / 1-digit Multipliers (journal 118-119)RSA
Journal 118 problems 1 and 2)
2. Ongoing learning & practice: (Independent activity)
Estimating Lengths Using Personal References (MJ 98, 120)
Math Boxes: 5.5
Study Link: 5.5
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Modeling Multiplication with Base-10 Blocks
Exploring Patterns in Extended Facts
Enrichment: Solving an Old Puzzle
Lesson: 5.6 Partial- Products Multiplication (Part 2)
Content Standards: 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.3, 4.NBT.5, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7, SMP8
Focus on SMP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
GMP1.5: Check whether your answers make sense.
GMP1.6: Connect mathematical ideas and representations to one another.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Teaching Aid Master (MM403 or 431; MM388 or 389) (opt); slate; Game Master
(MM489) (opt); per partnership: deck of number cards; 3’X5” index cards (opt); calculator (opt)
Vocabulary: N/A
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT practice w/ the partial products algorithm for 2-digit multipliers.
Math message: TM344 RSA Mental Math and Reflexes TM344)
1. Teaching the lesson (Whole group):
Math Message Follow Up TM 344;
(Partner Activity): Estimating Products (journal 122-123);
(Whole-Class Activity) Extending the Partial-Products Algorithm to 2-Digit Multipliers (journal 122-123)
Informing Instruction: TM345
(Partner Activity) Using the Partial-Products Algorithm (journal 122-123)
2. Ongoing learning & practice: (Partner activity)
Playing Name That Number (SRB 254; MM489)
Math Boxes: 5.6
Study Link: 5.6
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Modeling Multiplication with Base-10 Blocks
Enrichment: Scoring a Dart Game
Solving Venn Diagram Puzzles
Writing Multiplication Number stories
Lesson: 5.7 Lattice Multiplication
Content Standards: 4.NBT.5, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP3, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7, SMP8
Focus on SMP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
SMP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
GMP3.2: Work to make sense of others’ mathematical thinking.
GMP8.1: Use patterns and structures to create and explain rules and shortcuts.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Teaching Aid Master (MM434); transparency (MM434) (opt); *,/ Fact Triangles;
cards (opt); dictionary (opt); Game Master (MM506); per partnership: 4 each of number cared 1-10 (EM deck)
Vocabulary: lattice, lattice method (for multiplication)
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT practice using lattice method for multiplication.
Math message: TM350
1. Teaching the lesson (Whole group):
Math Message Follow Up TM 350;
Demonstrating the Lattice method for 1 –Digit Multipliers (MM434);
(Partner Activity) Practicing the Lattice Method for 1-Digit Multipliers (Journal 124);
(Whole-Class Activity) Demonstrating the Lattice method for 2-Digit Multipliers (MM434);
(Partner Activity) Practicing the Lattice Method for 2-Digit Multipliers (Journal 124)
2. Ongoing learning & practice: (Partner activity)
Playing Multiplication Top-It (SRB 264; MM506) RSA MM pg 506 – (See TM353)
Math Boxes: 5.7
Study Link: 5.7
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Exploring Fact Lattice Patterns
Enrichment: Investigating Napier’s Rods
ELL: Creating Visuals for Multiplication Algorithms
Lesson: 5.8 Big Numbers
Content Standards: 4.OA.2, 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.1, 4.NBT.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7
Focus on SMP6: Attend to precision.
SMP7: Look for and make use of structure.
GMP6.1: Communicate your mathematical thinking clearly and precisely.
GMP7.1: Find, extend, analyze, and create patterns.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Teaching Master (MM162); Teaching Aid Master (MM388 or 389) (opt); 1 ream of
paper; empty carton used to pack 10 reams of paper; calculator; SEE ADVANCE PREP TM355
Vocabulary: million, billion
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT practice reading, writing, and comparing large numbers using patterns in the
base-ten place-value system.
Math message: TM356
1. Teaching the lesson (Whole group):
Math Message Follow Up TM 356;
Reading and Writing Big Numbers (Journal 126);
(Partner Activity) Exploring the Relationships among a Thousand, a Million, and a Billion (Journal 127;
MM162) RSA – Math Log or Exit Slip – SEE TM358
2. Ongoing learning & practice: (Partner activity)
Analyzing a Data Table (Journal 128) Informing Instruction – (See TM359)
Math Boxes: 5.8
Study Link: 5.8
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Playing High-Number Toss
Enrichment: Estimation the Number of Dots and The Weight of Paper Needed to Fill the Classroom
Exploring Big Numbers in How Much Is a Million?
Lesson: 5.9 Powers of 10
Content Standards: 4.NBT.1, 4.NBT.2, 4.G.1, 4.G.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP6, SMP7, SMP8
Focus on SMP4: Model with mathematics.
SMP7: Look for and make use of structure.
GMP4.1: Apply mathematical to real-world situations.
GMP7.1: Find, extend, analyze and create patterns.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Teaching Aid Master (MM388 or 389); transparency (MM166) (opt); calculator; SEE
ADVANCE PREP TM361; Polygon Pair-Up Property Cards and Polygon Cards (MM496-497_
Vocabulary: scientific notation, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, powers of 10, exponent
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT practice exponential notation for powers of 10 as a way of naming the values of
places in our base-ten system.
Math message: TM362
1. Teaching the lesson (Small-Group Activity):
Math Message Follow Up TM 362;
(Whole-Class Activity) Introduction Exponential Notation for Powers of 10 (Journal 130) RSA – Math Log
or Exit Slip – SEE TM365
2. Ongoing learning & practice: (Partner activity)
Playing Polygon Pair-Up (SRB 258; MM496-497)
Math Boxes: 5.9
Study Link: 5.9
3. DI Options:
Enrichment: Investigation Powers of 10 on a Calculator
Extra Practice: 5-Minute Math
ELL: Building Background for Mathematics Words
Lesson: 5.10 Rounding and Reporting Large Numbers
Content Standards: 4.NBT.3
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7
Focus on SMP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
SMP6: Attend to precision
GMP2.2: Explain the meanings of the numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs and concrete
objects you and others use.
GMP6.2: Use the level of precision you need for your problem.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Teaching Aid Master (MM410, 414, and 416); pen or colored pencil
Vocabulary: rounding (to a certain place)
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT discuss sensible ways of reporting a count when a large number of items has
Mental Math and Reflexes: RSA
Math message: TM368
1. Teaching the lesson (Whole group):
Math Message Follow Up TM 368;
Reviewing Rounding; (Partner Activity)
Rounding Baseball Team Attendance Figures (Journal 132)
2. Ongoing learning & practice: (Whole-Class activity)
Math Boxes: 5.10
Study Link: 5.10
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Using Number Lines to Find the Halfway Point
Enrichment: Rounding Bar Graph Data
Extra Practice: Taking a 50-Facts Test
5-Minute Math
Lesson: 5.11 Comparing Data
Content Standards: 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.2, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7
Focus on SMP4: Model with mathematics.
SMP7: Look for and make use of structure.
GMP4.1: Apply mathematical ideas to real-world situations.
GMP7.2: Use patterns and structures to solve problems.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Teaching Aid Master (MM426, 419-421) (opt); slate
Vocabulary: N/A
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT look up and compare numerical data, including geographical measurements
Mental Math
2. Ongoing learning & practice:
Solving Addition and Subtraction Number Stories MJ 134A & 134B
Math Boxes: 5.11 RSA Math Boxes Problems 2a-2d
Study Link: 5.11
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Playing Number Top-It
Extra Practice: Playing High Number Toss
Lesson: 5.12 Progress Check 5
Instructional Objective: Assess students’ progress on mathematical content through the end of Unit 5
Building Background for Unit 6:
Math Boxes: 5.12
Study Link: 5.12 Unit 6 Family Letter (MM173-176)
Algorithm Project 5: U.S. Traditional Multiplication (pg. A21)
Materials/Prep: Math Journal 1 or 2, pp. 17P-20P; Student Reference Book, p. 24C & D
Instructional Objective: SWBAT introduce U.S. traditional multiplication
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP8
Content Standards: 4.NBT.5
Doing the Project:
 Solve a Multiplication Problem (independent activity)
 Discuss Solutions (whole group)
 Introduce U.S. Traditional Multiplication (whole group)
 Practice U.S. Traditional Multiplication (partner activity)
Extending the Project:
 Solve Multidigit Multiplication Problems - Online Additional Practice pgs. 20A – 20D (independent
Lesson: 11.1 Weight
Content Standard: 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7
Focus on SMP5: Use appropriate tools strategically.
SMP6: Attend to precision.
GMP5.2: Use mathematical tools correctly and efficiently.
GMP6.2: Use the level of precision you need for your problem.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; Transparency (MM 448 [opt]); balance or scale; standard masses; index cards;
nickels; liter bottles of water (opt); chart paper (opt); Teaching Aid Masters (MM419-421) (opt);
Vocabulary: gram, ounce
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT review grams and ounces as units of weight; estimate and measure weight in
grams and ounces with T’s guidance.
Math message: TM 849
1. Teaching the lesson:
Math Message Follow Up TM 849
Estimating Weights (Journal pg 286)
Converting between Metric and Customary Weights (Journal pg 287; MM448) Informing Instruction –
See TM 851
2. Ongoing learning & practice:
Updating the World Tour
Math Boxes: 11.1 RSA MB #1A
Study Link: 11.1
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Ordering Weights
Extra Practice: Estimating Weights
5-Minute Math
Lesson: 11.7 Capacity and Weight
Content Standard: 4.OA.3, 4.NF.4a, 4.NF.4b, 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7
Focus on SMP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
SMP7: Look for and make use of structure.
GMP2.2: Explain meanings of the numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs, and concrete objects
you and others use.
GMP7.1: Find, extend, analyze, and create patterns.
Materials/Prep: Journal; SRB; measuring cup; empty milk cartons (pint, quart, ½ gallon, gallon); 1 ½ cups rice; 1
gallon pourable substance (water, sand, unpopped popcorn, or light packing pellets); scale (accurate to nearest
ounce); slate; chart paper
Instructional Objective: TSWBAT review customary units of capacity.
Math message: TM 885
1. Teaching the lesson:
Math Message Follow Up TM 885
Measure Capacity in Metric Units (MJ 305, SRB 137)
Comparing Capacity using Metric Measures (MJ 305a)
Solving Capacity Number Stories (Journal pg 305b)
2. Ongoing learning & practice:
Creating a Bar Graph (Journal pg 306; SRB 302) Informing Instruction TM887
Math Boxes: 11.7 RSA #4
Study Link: 11.7
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Estimating Capacity
Extra Practice: 5-Minute Math
ELL: Building a Math Word Bank.
12·2 Solving Rate Problems (** Taught after Lesson 5.1**)
Content Standards: 4.OA.3, 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP6, SMP7, SMP8
Focus on SMP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
SMP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
GMP1.2: Make a plan for solving your problem.
GMP2.2: Explain the meaning of the numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs, and concrete
objects you and others use.
Mental Math and Reflexes
1. Teaching the Lesson
Math Message and Follow Up
Introducing Rate Tables
Solving Rate Problems – MM p. 454 Informing Instruction
Practicing with Rate Problems – MJ 2 p. 312 & 313 RSA Exit Slip MM389
2. Ongoing Learning & Practice
Play Credits/Debits Game (Advanced Version) with Partners - SRB p. 239 & MM p. 469
Math Boxes 12·2(MJ 2 p. 314) & Study Link 12·2 (MM p. 341)
Study Links (MM 341)
3. DI Options:
Readiness: Illustrating Rate Problems
Enrichment: Representing Rates with Line Graphs
Extra Practice: Solving Rate Problems
12·3 Converting between Rates (** Taught after Lesson 5.1**)
Content Standards: 4.OA.3, 4.OA.4, 4.NBT.3, 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2
Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP6, SMP8
Focus on SMP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
GMP1.4: Solve your problem in more than one way.
GMP1.5: Check whether your solution makes sense.
Mental Math and Reflexes
1. Teaching the Lesson
Math Message and Follow Up - MJ 2 p. 316
Exploring Methods for Checking Data – MJ2 p. 316
Checking whether Data Make Sense – MJ 2 p. 316-13317
2. Ongoing Learning & Practice
Using a Line Graph to Display Data – MJ 2 p. 318 RSA MJ318 #1
Math Boxes 12·3(MJ 2 p. 315)
Study Link 12·3 (MM p.342)
3. Differentiation Options
Enrichment: Calculating Mammal Speeds – MM p. 343 & 344
ELL Support: Analyzing Life Expectancy Data – SBR p. 301