Louisiana Department of Education Job Description

Position Title: Deputy Superintendent, District Support
Office of District Support
Louisiana State Department of Education
About the Office of District Support:
The District Support Office assists district networks in identifying goals, creating strategic plans around the
Core Elements, assessing progress toward goals, and assessing implementation quality. The District Support
staff work in a challenging environment, aiding senior education leaders statewide to achieve ambitious
outcomes for students.
The District Support Office supports networks of school districts in five Core Elements of education reform:
Goal Setting: Teachers in all subjects will set quantifiable achievement goals for each student.
Assessment and Content: Teachers in all subjects will select assessments and curricular materials
that align with skills students are expected to demonstrate on new Common Core assessment items.
Feedback: Principals and other instructional leaders will observe all teachers and will provide
feedback based on a Common Core-aligned rubric.
Collaboration: Teachers will work in teams to examine student work and to articulate specific
changes in instructional practice that will align student performance to Common Core standards.
Identifying Leaders: Districts will use Compass effectiveness ratings to identify teacher leaders who
can take on new responsibilities to support these Core Elements in their schools.
Position Summary:
This is a senior level cabinet position at the LDOE. The individual assuming this position will manage the
District Support office which includes the high school programs division, the student programs division, and
five distinct networks that each work with 15 districts. This organization is the primary communications and
support structure for all superintendents and district staff in the state.
Key Responsibilities:
 Establish the departments key priorities aligned to common core and teacher evaluation
 Determine the core strategies
 Manage seven divisions within the district support office—5 networks, high school programs and
federal programs and all associated staff
 Evaluate the success of the department’s common core and teacher evaluation initiatives and adjust
strategy as needed
 Serves as the primary liaison between all districts across the state and other departments in the LDE
including but not limited to finance, talent, content, and accountability
 Create and manage the department’s communication strategy with superintendents and district staff
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Preferred Requirements:
Successful experience in a school or school district (or equivalent organization) in a leadership
Proven ability to work effectively with District Superintendents.
Evidence of ability to improve student achievement in high poverty schools.
Ability to identify programs that Districts may use to improve student performance.
Strong oral and written communication skills.
Knowledge of District school governance, policies and procedures and accountability systems.
For more information regarding this position, contact:
Aarika Spruel
La Department of Education Human Resources
1202 North Street
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70812
225.342.0166 or Aarika.Spruel@LA.GOV.
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