The Checklist for Exams

Checklist for 2014-2015 Fall Final Exams at West Mecklenburg High School
The North Carolina Testing Code of Ethics applies to all End-of-Course Exam, NC Final Exam, and World
Language Exam administrations. Thank you for being a part of West Mecklenburg Testing! Please follow
the directions below to ensure that we have a smooth test administration day!
After Morning Check-Out
□ At this point, you should have:
o Received your testing bin of materials
o Counted and signed out your test materials
□ Be at your testing location by 7:00 a.m.
□ Make sure the following is in place to avoid testing violations:
o Content has been covered or removed from the hallways and classroom walls.
o Desks that are facing the same direction.
o A working clock (or you can go to to display a clock).
o The door window is not completely covered.
□ If your proctor has not arrived by 7:00 a.m. (and you are supposed to have a proctor), call the media
center at 333* to notify Ms. Raynor.
□ Check for Review of Accommodations Forms in your bins, which will let you know which students are
eligible for testing accommodations. Make sure the students on the RoA forms are on your roster for
that class period.
□ Take a moment to take a deep breath and make sure you have all items you will need for testing
(correct answer sheets, correct test books, sharpened pencils, envelopes, etc.)
Procedure for Late-Start Test Administrators/Proctors:
After morning check-out in the media center, report to your late-start location. Materials
from regular testing locations will be brought to you once students have begun testing
and no late students can enter.
Procedure for Accommodation Sites:
Students will be escorted to you by a staff member. They should arrive with test
materials. If you get a student with no test materials, let the staff member know that
they need to bring those to you from the regular testing location.
Before Testing: Checking In Students
Test administrators and Proctors: As students enter, ask for, turn off, and collect their electronic devices
using the envelopes in your bin. Write students’ names on the front, seal them, and store them in your
bin in sight of the students (on the teacher’s desk or across the room).
Ask students to place their bags away from them to avoid any misadministrations.
It’s time to take care of accommodations. Using the Review of Accommodation Forms as a guide,
discreetly ask those students if they would like to use their testing accommodations for today’s test.
Students are able to accept or refuse.
o If a student refuses his/her accommodations…no problem! You and the student must complete
a Refusal of Accommodations Form. This form is in your folder. You and the student must sign!
The student can then test with everyone else. You will complete the Review of Accommodations
Form once testing begins (directions are later on this checklist).
If a student accepts his/her accommodations AND THEY GET EXTENDED TIME, DICTIONARY, OR
MARK IN BOOK....the student can use that accommodation within your classroom. You will
complete the Review of Accommodations Form once testing begins (directions are later on this
If a student accepts his/her accommodations AND THEY GET SEPARATE SETTING, READ ALOUD,
OR MULTIPLE TEST SESSIONS….have your proctor or hall monitor escort the student with the
test materials, including the Review of Accommodations Form, to the accommodations locations
listed on the testing plan. Don’t forget to send the Review of Accommodations Form,
white/graph paper, reference tables/formula sheets, and calculators marked with the
teacher’s name.
Administering the Test:
□ After the room has been checked, electronic devices have been collected, and students have been sent
to their accommodation sites, you may begin testing.
EOC Start Time
7:30 a.m.
NCFE Start Time
8:00 a.m.
World Languages Start Time
8:00 a.m.
Make final announcements to the class:
o (Introduce yourself and your proctor, if needed) SAY: “We are ready to begin testing! It is
important that you follow all rules. If anything happens in this test room that results in a
misadministration, you must come on a makeup day to retake your exam. Remember that this
exam counts as 25% of your final grade. Are there any questions before we begin?”
Hang your DO NOT DISTURB testing sign on the outside of your classroom door.
Late students are allowed in the room until students in the classroom begin the actual test. You can
catch tardy students up on directions, so let them enter if you’re still reading instructions.
Follow the instructions verbatim in your Assessment Guide (for EOCs and NC Final Exams) or on your
Directions Sheet (for World Languages). The “SAY” portions of the assessment guides are included
below for your reference:
Page # of Assessment Guide
# of “SAYS” to Say
Page 17
3 (use pg. 27 for test code)
Page 18
2 or 3 (test-dependent)
Page 19
6, 7 or 8 (test-dependent)
Page 20
2 or 3 (test-dependent)
Page 21 (Record Times on Board)
4 or 5 (test-dependent)
Page 22 (Record Times on Board)
Page 23
4 (end of test)
Once you
are testing,
reading the
for things
to do while
they are
Page # of Assessment Guide
# of “SAYS” to Say
Page 28
Page 29
Page 30
5 (test-dependent)
Page 31
Page 32
2 or 3 (test-dependent)
Page 33
1 or 2 (test-dependent)
Page 34
1, 4, or 5 (test-dependent)
Page 35
2 or 4 (test-dependent)
Page 36
0 or 3 (test-dependent)
Page # of Assessment Guide
# of “SAYS” to Say
Page 37 (Record times on board)
Page 38
Page 39 (Record times on board)
Page 40
Page 41
2 (end of test)
(For English II, be sure to remind students to complete constructed
responses on the answer sheet before time is up).
Page 42
Page 43 (Record times on board)
Follow procedures for completing
calculator inactive sections
Page 44
Page 45 (Record times on board)
Page 46 (Record times on board)
Page 47
Page 48
1 (end of test)
Once you
are testing,
reading the
for things
to do while
they are
During Testing: Late Students
 EOC Test Rooms Only: Once students begin the test, give your leftover testing materials to the hall
monitor. We will get them to the EOC late rooms. Just remember what/how many you sent out for
accurate record-keeping!
 Once students begin the test, no late students are allowed. If late students knock, send them with the
hall monitor to:
o Designated late rooms for EOCs
o ISS for NCFEs or World Language Exams
o Mrs. Collins or Mrs. Pendergrass for CTE Exams
During Testing: Questions, Concerns, or Emergencies:
□ Whatever may happen, do not panic! Everything will be okay. 
□ If you have questions, concerns, or emergencies, you or the proctor can let the hall monitor know. The
hall monitor will radio or call the office, and Ms. Raynor will answer your question or come to your
testing location. It is helpful to let the hall monitor know the situation, so Ms. Raynor will know what to
During Testing: Completing the Review of Accommodation Forms
□ There are three parts to completing the Review of Accommodations Forms for those students who
refuse or are using their accommodations in your testing location. Please refer to the images below:
Write in
that is not
changes if
Write “yes” or “no”
to indicate if the
accommodation was
provided in that
If the
accommodation was
NOT provided, write
“student refused.” If
the accommodation
was provided, briefly
explain what took
place. For example,
“Student needed an
additional 15 minutes
to test.”
The test
administrator prints
and signs his/her
name before turning
in this sheet.
During Testing: Completing the Roster
□ Rosters are much different this year because of district policies. Follow the directions closely to be sure
you have done it correctly!
□ While students are working, take the time to walk the room and do the following:
o Mark attendance on your roster. Only mark A for absences (do not mark through names and
do not include check marks or P (present) or T (tardy). Be sure to check for a page 2 for
names you don’t see on page 1.
o Complete the test booklet form number and/or letter for each student on your roster.
o Based on the Review of Accommodation forms you had in your folder, mark their
accommodations on the roster. Use the following legend:
 SS = separate setting
 ET = extended time
 RA = read aloud
 DICT = dictionary
 MIB = mark in book
 MTS = multiple test sessions
□ No additional marks should be made on the roster!
□ On the notes page, make any notes that you think would be helpful, such as:
o Who was sent to an accommodation site
o Who was present but asleep during testing
o Who came to testing late and was sent to the Media Center
o Who caused an irregularity or misadministration
During Testing: Monitoring
□ Students can be sneaky, so constant monitoring and walking is a must! Do not become complacent. All
students must be actively monitored at all times.
During Testing: Time Monitoring
□ Please communicate with your hall monitor using sticky notes on the inside window of your classroom
door (if possible). You can make notes like the following to help us keep track of timing:
Students started at 8:12
Should be done around 10:12
Max EOC Testing Time
4 hours
Our last break was at 10:15
Should be done at 11:07
Max NCFE Testing Time
2 hours
Done w/ regular timing
2 students working who have
extend time accommodation
Max World Language Testing Time
Approx. 90 minutes
*Students are only allowed to work beyond these times if they have Extended Time as an accommodation.
After Testing: Collecting the Materials
□ As students finish, remember that they are allowed to read non-textbook materials, but their test
materials must be collected and you must check the non-textbook materials.
□ Do not announce the end of the test session until all students are finished!
□ Collect all test materials as your manual states.
□ Count to ensure that you have collected all test materials from students. No materials should be stuck
inside books.
□ Separate used from unused answer sheets.
□ Ensure used answer sheets are free of stray marks for scanning purposes.
□ (EOCs and NCFEs only) There are two things to code on SIDE 1 of students’ answer sheets:
o If the student has a 504, code Question 1. You can find this information on the Review of
Accommodation Form.
o If you provided the student with an accommodation in your room, for Question 2, mark all that
□ Return unused answer sheets in alphabetical order in a large plastic bag.
□ Return used answer sheets in alphabetical order in a large plastic bag.
□ Separate used from unused test books.
□ Return used test books in alphabetical order by students’ last names. (If students did not write their
names on the front cover, please make sure they do.)
□ Remove paper clips from test books (for Math I only).
□ Separate used scrap/graphing paper from unused scrap/graphing paper.
□ Separate unused scrap paper from unused graph paper.
□ Separate used formula sheets/reference tables from unused formula sheets/reference tables.
□ Be sure you completed the roster correctly.
□ Take your testing sign off the door.
□ You and the proctor must sign both sides of the CMS Test Day Certification Form (for NCFEs and
EOCs). Be sure to sign the correct areas based on whether you provided accommodations in your room
or not.
□ Return the following materials in your bin:
o Used/unused answer sheets
o Used/unused test books
o Roster with absences marked, form numbers/letters marked, and accommodations marked
o Testing sign
o Pencils
o Manila folders
o Assessment guides (even if you are testing again, turn in your assessment guide)
o Highlighters (if applicable)
o Used/unused scrap paper/graphing paper
o Used/unused formula sheets/reference tables (if applicable)
o Envelopes and markers
o Dictionaries (if borrowed)
o Refusal of Accommodations Forms (completed and signed)
o Review of Accommodations Forms (completed and signed)
o CMS Test Day Certification Form (signed by Test Administrator AND proctor, if proctor available)
o Listening CDs (World Languages only)
After Testing: Returning Materials:
□ If you have a proctor, the proctor stays with the class while the test administrator returns materials to
the Media Center. The proctor can return electronic devices to students.
□ If you do not have proctor, check-out happens at the end of the day OR the hall monitor collects bins
on a hall and turns them in. (All tests on that hall must be complete if the hall monitor leaves his/her
Do you remember how many
items you sent to a late-testing
room (EOCs only)?
We will need to know for
You rocked this test
Thanks for your help!
If you have feedback for Ms.
Raynor on how to make it go
even better, be sure to let her