April 2013 - St. Wenceslaus Parish

The St. Wenceslaus Altar & Rosary Society met for their regular meeting on April 17, 2013, at 8:00 p.m.
at the Beseda Hall. President Eileen Sestak called the meeting to order. She welcomed everyone and
thanked them for coming considering the weather forecast. President Eileen led the opening prayer.
President Eileen thanked Circle #1 for serving the delicious lunch. She then stated she is going to pass
around a sign-up sheet for watering flowers and workers to sell Kolaches on Czech Days. President
Eileen reminded everyone of the annual dues and stated the treasurer will be available after the
meeting to collect your dues.
The minutes of the January 16, 2013, minutes were read by Secretary Karla Kortan. President Eileen
asked if any corrections, since there were none the minutes stand approved as read.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Renee Hejna. President Eileen asked if any corrections,
since there were none the treasurers report stands approved as read.
Vice-President Gerry Hellman read a poem honoring Pope Francis.
Circle Reports:
Circle #4 served the Ron Koupal funeral; Priscillia Souhrada Chairman on 2/2/13
Circle #5 served the Mildred Cimpl funeral; Eileen Sestak Chairman on 4/4/13
Circle #6 is up for assignment with Judy Wagner Chairman.
Circle Changes: Mildred Cimpl removed from Circle #2, Claudette Sternhagen removed from Circle #4,
Marlene Pechous removed from Circle #8, Mary Ann Vanecek removed from Circle #9. Crystal Honner
has been added to Circle #3, Claire Sestak has been added to Circle #5. As per request, Carol Kloucek
has been moved from Circle #10 to Circle #4. Joyce Hauck has requested to be added to the volunteer
Bingo Reports:
February 13 – Circle #1 – Nancy Smith, Chairman, Ann Beran to bake kolaches.
March 13 – Circle #2 – Sara Hellmann, Chairman, Rita Varilek to bake kolaches.
April 10 – Circle #3 – Linda Hoffman, Chairman, Lorretta Kortan to bake kolaches – cancelled due to
inclement weather. Linda Hoffman will take the Kolaches to the Good Samaritan Home.
May 8 – Circle #4 – Sherry Povondra, Chairman, Jeanette Zimmerman to bake kolaches
June – No bingo
July 10 – Circle #5 – Sara Goeden, Chairman, Rita Honner to bake kolaches
August 14 – Circle #6 – Mary Ann Kloucek, Chairman, Agnes Hejna to bake kolaches.
Rosary Reports:
February – Saturday – Ann Beran; Sunday – Bob & Loretta Kortan
March – Saturday – Frances Honner; Sunday – Ron & Joyce Sestak
April – Saturday – Rita Varilek & Maxine Kronaizl; Sunday – Ev Kloucek
May – Saturday – Geralyn Hellmann; Sunday – Jeanette Zimmerman
June – Saturday – Alvin & Ruth Sternhagen; Sunday – Ione Cap
July – Saturday – Marilyn Hejna; Sunday – Judy Wagner & Rhonda Kocer
August – Saturday – Frances Honner; Sunday - ?
President Eileen stated she still needs someone to pray rosary on Sundays in August and Sundays in
December. Discussion was held on what time to start praying the rosary and it was decided to start ½ hr
prior to mass time.
Votive Light & Card report provided by Maxine Kronaizl. Get Well cards were sent to Mildred Cimpl,
Donna Adam, Claudette Sternhagen and Ann Marie Kloucek. Sympathy cards were sent to Francis
Rokusek Family, Ron Koupal Family and Mildred Cimpl Family. Votive Lights were lit for Francis Rokusek,
Ronald Koupal and Mildred Cimpl.
Correspondence read by the secretary consisted of Thank You’s from Frances Rokusek Family, Ron
Koupal Family, Tabor Library Board of Directors, Leonard Cimpl and the Scotland After Prom Party. A
letter requesting to be removed from circle from Mary Ann Vanecek and a letter from Rita Schuch
making a donation.
Old Business:
President Eileen reported on the Ministerial Tea held in January. Kathy Kortan gave a report on the
update of the rectory. Treasurer Renee Hejna reported that Rita Schuch has made a donation of
$125.00 for the balance due on the blinds for the rectory.
New Business:
President Eileen read a letter from the Tabor Chamber of Commerce requesting a donation for the
advertising expense for Czech Days. A motion was made by Joyce Hauck to donate $325.00 to the
Chamber for advertising, Rhonda Kocer seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Eileen read a
letter from Relay for Life donation requested by Geralyn Hellmann. A motion was made by Ione Cap to
make a donation to the Relay for Life in the amount of $100.00, Julie Burbach seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
President Eileen reported that there are 8 cookbooks remaining and are for sale at Ev’s Beauty Bar.
Human Services Nursing Home Program will be held on May 21, 2013. Marlene Kostal, Florence Sutera
and Frances Honner in charge with Agnes Hejna baking kolaches.
Kolache Baking Days at the Beseda Hall have been set for Friday, May 10th and Saturday, May 11th
hoping more ladies will be available to come starting around 8:30 AM. Loretta Kortan gave a report
and will be putting the reminder in the bulletin. She also asked to bring baking pans if you have them.
Lunch will be provided.
Planting of Flowers around the church will be on May 14th at 6:30 pm with a rain date of May 16th.
Volunteers are needed to help. Bring a garden shovel if you have one. President Eileen thanked those
who signed up to water the flowers.
Czech Days: After a discussion was held it was decided to increase the following prices. Meal tickets
$9.00, Bowl of soup $2.00, Individual Dumplings .50 each, single Kolache $1.00. Motion was made by
Lori Karolevitz, seconded by Mary Prunty. Motion carried.
Another discussion was held on increasing the price for a dozen Kolaches. A motion was made by Linda
Hoffman to increase the selling price to $10.00 per dozen – paying the ladies who make them $8.00 per
dozen, Judy Wagner seconded the motion. Motion carried. It was also mentioned that the income from
the Kolache sales will be kept separate. If anyone has any extra freezer space, please notify Geralyn
Hellmann. A suggestion was made to make more signs available with the price of the dozen Kolaches.
A discussion was held on how much meat to order since we ran out last year. It was decided to increase
the pork and the beef by 25 lbs. each. A motion was made by Ronda Kocer, seconded by Kathy Kortan.
Motion carried.
We will be packaging kolaches on Thursday, June 20th. The Chairman and Co-Chairman of each circle are
asked to come at 5:30 pm with electric frying pans to brown hamburger for tavern meat.
The 2013 Czech Days Circle assignments schedule is:
Friday, June 21, 2013
Circle #8 8 AM to 12 Noon
Circle #9 11 AM to 3 PM
Circle #10 2 PM to 6 PM (split shift)
Circle #1 3 PM to 7 PM
Circle #2 6 PM to 10 PM
Circle #10 10 PM to closing (split shift)
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Circle #3 8 AM to 12 Noon
Circle #4 11 AM to 3 PM
Circle #5 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Circle #6 4 PM to 8 PM (split shift)
Circle #7 6 PM to 10 PM
Circle #6 10 PM to closing (split shift)
2013 List of Committees was reported as follows:
Activities: Adeline Merkwan & Gladys Hamburger
Publicity: Karla Kortan
Get Well & Votive Lights: Maxine Kronaizl
Auditing: Joyce Hauck & Amy Goehring
Yankton Area Banquet: Jeanette Zimmerman, Agnes Karolevitz, Sue Pechous
Flowers for Church Altar: Nancy Smith
Christmas Party Entertainment: Judy Wagner, Marilyn Cahoy, Mildred Sternhagen
2013 Bazaar Committee: Judy & Patrick Carroll, Evie & Gary Kronaizl, Mary Ellen & George Bares, Barb
& Joe Rezac, Linda Hoffmann, Eileen & Terry Sestak.
Cake Walk: Deb Kokes, Heather Kubal, Judy Wagner, Ann Souhrada
Country Store: Karen Caba, Char Kronaizl, Jeanette Zimmerman, Amy Goehring
Fish Pond: Rhonda Kocer, Kristi Kocer, Sara Goeden, Sara Hellmann
Sweet Shop: Deb Cahoy, Deb Knudson, Ione Cap, Rita Honner
Bazaar Publicity: Marge Wallem
A discussion was held on the donated Christmas Poinsettas and Easter Lillies of when and what to do
with them. It was suggested if you want the flowers after the holidays to contact Nancy Smith and a
notice to be put in the church bulletin.
President Eileen said the Auditing committee consisting of Joyce Hauck and Amy Goehring have
completed their audit and have found the books in good standing.
There were no bills to be presented at this time.
The next meeting will be held on August 21, 2013, at 8:00 pm. Circle #2 with Marilyn Hejna as
Chairman will serve lunch. With no further business a motion was made to adjourn the meeting by
Julie Burbach, seconded by Linda Hoffmann. Motion carried.
A closing prayer was led by Vice-President Geralyn Hellmann. Door prizes were won by Claire Sestak
and Linda Hoffmann.
Secretary, Karla Kortan