Social Studies Grade 8: Historical Worldviews Examined 2015

Social Studies Grade 8: Historical Worldviews Examined
2015-2016 Long Range Plan
Brendon Nichols
UNIT A: “Renaissance Europe”
Grade Level
Time Frame
Enduring Understandings
How did the exchange of ideas and knowledge shape the Worldview
to mid Dec
of the Western World?
Learner Objectives (student’s will…)
 appreciate how Renaissance Europe formed the basis for the worldview of the western world.
 demonstrate a willingness to consider differing beliefs, values and worldviews.
 Recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time, geographic location and societal context.
Summative Assessment Strategies
Chapter tests, Unit Exam, Philosopher trading cards, Renaissance Open House/ Travel Brochure, End of Unit Project
Questions of Inquiry
*How did Renaissance spark the growth and exchange of ideas across Europe? *How did the physical geography of Renaissance Europe impact trade and
competition between European countries? *How did increased trade lead to emergence of powerful city-states? *How did philosophers and thinkers
influence society in development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance? *What was the relationship between the Renaissance and
astronomy, mathematics, science, politics, religion and arts?
Introductory Activity/ The Hook
“Worldview Investigation Activity” (Think-Pair-Share New Experiences/ Contact)
Teaching/Learning Strategies and Activities
-Powerful questions -Collaborative activities -Classroom discussions - Independent critical thought -Personal reflection
 Our Worldviews Teaching Resource & Textbook, Learn Alberta & AAC websites, library books, Internet resources, Documentary (DVD)
Formative Assessment Strategies
Textbook reflection questions, classroom discussions, mapping activities, graphic organizers and summary charts, exit cards, 2 minute papers,
observation checklists
UNIT B: “Japan”
Grade Level
Time Frame
Late Dec to
Enduring Understandings
How did beliefs, values and knowledge shape the Worldview in Japan
between 1600 and 1900?
Learner Objectives (student’s will…)
 appreciate the roles of time and geographic location in shaping a society’s worldview.
 appreciate how a society’s worldview can foster the choice to remain an isolated society.
 appreciate how models of governance and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview.
 appreciate how a society’s worldview shapes individual citizenship and identity.
Summative & Performance Assessment Strategies
Chapter tests, Unit Exam, Presentation, The Last Samurai
Questions of Inquiry
*What were the key elements of the worldview of the Aztec prior to contact with the Spanish? *How did the Aztec civilization’s worldview influence its
choices, decision and customs? *What key elements in Spain’s worldview led to the desire to expand its empire? *To what extent were the divergent
worldviews of the Spanish and Aztecs factors in the dominance of one nation over the other? *In what ways did the factors such as technology and
disease contribute to the dominance of the Spanish over the Aztecs? *What factors led to the Red River Resistance (Louis Riel) and what impact did it
have on territorial control/ assimilation? *What are the Metis, French and First Nations perspectives on events that led to ‘Manitoba’? *How was
creation of Manitoba an attempt at achieving compromise…? *How did immigration policies affect collective identity of Francophones? How did
National Policy determine the economic demographic aspects of Canadian expansion? *What strategies were used by government to promote
immigration from Europe? *What impact did immigration have on Aboriginal peoples and communities across Canada? What were reasons for
negotiation of numbered treaties? *What are social and economic effects of women’s changing role? *How did Canadian Imm. Policies contribute to
increased diversity/ multicult.?
Introductory Activity/ The Hook
 “Worldview Investigation Activity” ( Creation of original isolated island)
Teaching/Learning Strategies and Activities
-Powerful questions -Collaborative activities -Classroom discussions - Independent critical thought -Personal reflection
 Our Worldviews Teaching Resource & Textbook, Learn Alberta & AAC websites, internet resources, library books
Formative Assessment Strategies
Textbook reflection questions, classroom discussions, role-play, graphic organizers and summary charts, exit cards, 2 minute papers, observation
UNIT C: “Spanish and the Aztecs”
Grade Level
Time Frame
April to June
Enduring Understandings
How does intercultural contact impact the Worldview of societies?
Learner Objectives (student’s will…)
 appreciate how a society’s worldview influences its choices, decisions and interactions with others.
 appreciate how Aztec and Spanish identities and worldviews were impacted by intercultural contact.
 appreciate and recognize how rapid adaptation can radically change a society’s beliefs, values and knowledge.
 assess, critically, how the Aztecs were affected by the Spanish worldview
Summative & Performance Assessment Strategies
Chapter tests, Unit Exam, Comprehensive Timeline, Diary of a Warrior/ Conquistador, Creation of a Civilization
Questions of Inquiry
*What were the key elements of the worldview of the Aztec prior to contact with the Spanish? *How did the Aztec civilization’s worldview influence its
choices, decision and customs? *What key elements in Spain’s worldview led to the desire to expand its empire? *To what extent were the divergent
worldviews of the Spanish and Aztecs factors in the dominance of one nation over the other? *In what ways did the factors such as technology and
disease contribute to the dominance of the Spanish over the Aztecs?
Introductory Activity/ The Hook
“Worldview Investigation Activity” (Creation of new Planet and Species)
Teaching/Learning Strategies and Activities
-Powerful questions -Collaborative activities -Classroom discussions - Independent critical thought -Personal reflection
 Our Worldviews Teaching Resource & Textbook, Learn Alberta & AAC websites, library books, internet resources
Formative Assessment Strategies
Textbook reflection questions, classroom discussions, role-play, graphic organizers and summary charts, exit cards, 2 minute papers, observation
**Current events will be done throughout the year**
100% = Summative – evidence used to assess understanding
Your mark will be based on summative assessments such as…
o Assignments: Performance Tasks, Position papers
o Tests: Unit Tests, Unit Performance Tasks
o Final Exam