Albion neighbourhood plan code (Word - 271kb)

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This code applies to assessing a material change of use, reconfiguring a lot,
operational work or building work in the Albion neighbourhood plan area if:
(a) self-assessable or assessable development where this code is an applicable code
identified in the assessment criteria column of a table of assessment for a
neighbourhood plan (section 5.9); or
(b) impact assessable development.
Land in the Albion neighbourhood plan area is identified on the NPM-001.2 Albion
neighbourhood plan map and includes the following precincts:
(a) Station precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-001);
(b) Albion village precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-002);
(c) North precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-003);
(d) Raceway precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-004);
(e) Commercial precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-005);
(f) Industrial precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-006);
(g) Hunt Street precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-007);
(h) Crosby Park precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-008).
When using this code, reference should be made to section 1.5, section 5.3.2 and
section 5.3.3.
Note—This neighbourhood plan includes a table of assessment with level of assessment variations to those in sections 5.5, 5.6,
5.7, 5.8 and 5.10. Refer to Table 5.9.2.A, Table 5.9.2.B, Table 5.9.2.C and Table 5.9.2.D. Purpose
The purpose of the Albion neighbourhood plan code is to provide finer grained
planning at a local level for the Albion neighbourhood plan area.
The purpose of the Albion neighbourhood plan code will be achieved through overall
outcomes including overall outcomes for each precinct of the neighbourhood plan
The overall outcomes for the neighbourhood plan area are:
(a) High-quality urban design and an urban community with easy access to
opportunities for living, working and playing.
(b) A vibrant, inclusive and accessible community that retains a strong sense of place.
(c) Renewal builds on the current mix of land uses, service and employment
opportunities, character values, and transit opportunities presented by this inner-
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
city location, to provide a greater and more diverse range of employment,
residential uses, entertainment, recreation opportunities and services.
(d) Higher density development includes a mix of uses where appropriate, provides
dwelling choices such as affordable housing and is of a high-quality design.
(e) Integrated land use and transport planning close to the railway station and bus
routes increases use of public transport, reduces private vehicle use, improves
access to the train station and bus stops, promotes intermodal connection and is
designed to mitigate impacts of the railway.
(f) Parks service the existing and future sporting and informal recreation needs of the
(g) High-quality and accessible urban recreation areas contribute to landscape
amenity, including through redevelopment that improves public access to
Breakfast Creek and the Brisbane River, and improvements to Yowoggera and
Cameron Rocks parks.
(h) Community access to the waterfront is provided at Council-owned land in Argyle
Street as part of any redevelopment after the depot ceases operation.
(i) Important character values are retained and enhanced through maintaining key
views to the City Centre, Brisbane River, Breakfast Creek and Mt Coot-tha, and
conserving views to local landmarks such as Bartley’s Hill and Eildon Hill.
(j) The movement system is improved and facilitates pedestrian and cyclist
movements to activity areas, public transport, parks, Breakfast Creek and the
Brisbane River.
(k) Once the flour mill redevelopment is substantially occupied, mixed use, high
density, residential development is accommodated in the medium term in the
future mixed use development area as shown in Figure a.
(l) Redevelopment improves road linkages in the south of the neighbourhood plan
area as identified in Figure a.
(m) Development is of a height, scale and form which is consistent with the amenity
and character, community expectations and infrastructure assumptions intended
for the relevant precinct, sub-precinct or site and is only developed at a greater
heights, scale and form where there is both a community need and an economic
need for the development.
Station precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-001) overall outcomes are:
(a) Revitalisation for a mix of higher density residential and offices capitalises on
proximity to, and provides a high level of accessibility to, the railway station and
Albion village.
(b) Development complements, extends and consolidates the suburban functions
provided in Albion Village, and may include a supermarket.
(c) Affordable housing is encouraged.
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
(d) Development improves connections for pedestrians and cyclists between the
railway station, Albion Village and surrounding residential and employment areas.
(e) Albion Road is designed to promote pedestrian movement while continuing to
accommodate some limited vehicle movements.
(f) Buildings are of a human scale along major pedestrian routes and integrate with
existing heritage buildings and have active frontages.
(g) An urban common of a minimum 2,000m2 is provided.
(h) Buildings adjacent to the railway station and rail corridor do not compromise
future volumetric development over the rail corridor and manage the adverse
amenity impacts of the railway through the design and placement of appropriate
(i) Development does not compromise the streetscape hierarchy or access over the
rail corridor or to adjacent precincts.
(j) New development is mixed use and ensures local amenity and public views are
retained to the CBD, Brisbane River, Breakfast Creek and Mt Coot-tha. Views are
also conserved to local landmarks such as Bartley's Hill and Eildon Hill.
(k) There are visual links to the railway station and adjoining area with the station
being usually prominent with its own identify and visibility in the public realm.
Albion village precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-002) overall outcomes are:
(a) Albion village continues as the core retail, food and drink outlets and
entertainment precinct in the neighbourhood plan area.
(b) Infill development occurs between character and heritage buildings and
complements their heritage values and setting.
(c) Development fronting Sandgate Road continues the pedestrian environment and
the human scale of development along the street with higher building forms set
back from the street front and positioned behind lower building forms.
North precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-003) overall outcomes are:
(a) Intensification of high-quality residential development occurs only after the
concrete batching plant operation ceases, to avoid adverse amenity impacts on
new residential development.
(b) Expansion of industry and warehouse activities does not occur, although minor
improvements and new, short-term, non-residential uses in existing buildings may
occur. Such proposals shall demonstrate that the use will not detrimentally affect
the amenity of existing or future surrounding residential uses.
(c) An urban common of approximately 4,000m2 is provided in Burdett Street, by
closure of part of Burdett Street and 10% land contribution from surrounding lots.
Steep land along the eastern boundary of the precinct is also dedicated as park.
(d) Development improves pedestrian connections from Lapraik Street along Lever
Street to the railway station.
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
(e) Development is designed to sensitively integrate with existing adjoining dwellings.
(f) Building heights ensure views are retained from Lapraik Street to Eildon Hill, Mt
Coot-tha and the CBD.
Raceway precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-004) overall outcomes are:
(a) Relocation of the Albion Park raceway facility allows redevelopment for medium
density residential development and increased business activity.
(b) If the raceway is repositioned, a park with public road frontage and a minimum
area of 5,000m2 is provided to the Council. The future park is located at the
northern end of Amy Street as indicated in Figure a or elsewhere within the
development if a publicly accessible plaza in private ownership is proposed in this
location instead.
(c) If the raceway is repositioned redevelopment mitigates adverse impacts on
adjacent residential uses.
(d) If the raceway relocates and the site redeveloped to include residential purposes,
an additional urban common is provided and consolidated with Crosby Park.
(e) Amy Street is mostly residential in nature with some limited entertainment or
convenience uses at ground storey.
(f) Development improves vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist linkages to and through
the precinct.
Commercial precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-005) overall outcomes are:
(a) Well-designed offices and low impact industry uses, which do not have
detrimental impacts on nearby residential areas, transition or provide a buffer
between residential areas and low impact industry uses.
(b) Areas bordering Crosby Park include office uses that support the sports focus of
the park, such as physiotherapy.
Industrial precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-006) overall outcomes are:
(a) Medium impact industries and complementary small-scale offices are
(b) Residential development is not provided.
(10) Hunt Street precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-007) overall outcomes are:
(a) Medium to high density residential development is accommodated.
(b) Commercial development only fronts Kingsford Smith Drive.
(c) Heights of development minimise impacts on nearby residential areas and
maintain key view corridors.
(11) Crosby Park precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-008) overall outcomes are:
(a) Crosby Park continues as a public park servicing the sporting and informal
recreation needs of the local and wider community, with sporting uses
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
contributing to the character and significance of the park, such as the Brothers
Rugby city-wide facilities.
(b) Any further expansion of the nationally significant Queensland Cricket facilities
involves State Government support and any significant expansion results in
community benefit.
(c) Park works are informed by a Council-prepared park management plan and
explore opportunities to consolidate new uses with existing facilities. Assessment criteria
The following table identifies the assessment criteria for self-assessable and assessable
Table—Criteria for self-assessable and assessable development
Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Section A—If for self-assessable development
If a centre activity not involving building work in the Station precinct (Albion
neighbourhood plan/NPP-001) or the Albion village precinct (Albion neighbourhood
Development must mitigate impacts of the
Development for residential uses does not
front the railway.
Development reinforces an active frontage
along Sandgate Road.
Development for retail, food and drink outlet
and other uses that reinforce an active
frontage is located along Sandgate Road.
Development ensures that the location of
uses within the precinct is in keeping with
the separate themes of the adjoining streets.
Development locates office or residential
uses along Anstey Street and Birbeck Street.
Section B—If for assessable development
Development reinforces an active frontage
along Sandgate Road.
Development locates retail, food and drink
outlet and other uses that reinforce an
active frontage along Sandgate Road.
Development ensures that the location of
uses within the precinct is in keeping with
the separate themes of the adjoining streets.
Development locates office or residential
uses along Anstey Street and Birkbeck
Development is of a height, scale and form
Development complies with the number of
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
that achieves the intended outcome for the
precinct, improves the amenity of the
neighbourhood plan area, contributes to a
cohesive streetscape and built form
character and is:
(a) consistent with the anticipated density
and assumed infrastructure demand;
(b) aligned to community expectations
about the number of storeys to be built;
storeys and building height in Table
Note—Neighbourhood plans will mostly specify a maximum
number of storeys where zone outcomes have been varied in
relation to building height. Some neighbourhood plans may
also specify height in metres. Development must comply with
both parameters where maximum number of storeys and
height in metres are specified. Refer to Figure a for further
detail on maximum number of storeys.
(c) proportionate to and commensurate
with the utility of the site area and
frontage width;
(d) designed so as not to cause a significant
and undue adverse amenity impact to
adjoining development;
(e) sited to enable existing and future
buildings to be well separated from each
other and to not prejudice the
development of an adjoining site.
Note—Development that exceeds the intended number of
storeys or building height can place disproportionate pressure
on the transport network, public space or community
facilities in particular.
Note—Development that is over-scaled for its site can result
in an undesirable dominance of vehicle access, parking and
manoeuvring areas that significantly reduce streetscape
character and amenity.
Development proposals must demonstrate
integration with adjacent land in terms of
infrastructure, recreation space and
pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular movement.
No acceptable outcome is prescribed.
Note—This can be demonstrated through incorporating the
relevant principles of the Structure planning planning scheme
Development scale, height and design must:
Development has a building height and
design that retains key views in the following
(a) not result in significant loss of a view
(b) reduce building bulk;
(c) be graduated to be in character with the
potential height of adjoining buildings;
(d) be mixed to ensure visual variation;
(e) other than in the Station precinct (Albion
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
(a) Station precinct (Albion neighbourhood
plan/NPP-001) – maximum building
height to be informed by a view analysis;
(b) North precinct (Albion neighbourhood
plan/NPP-003) – views to and from
Bartley’s Hill, the City Centre, Eildon Hill,
Effective 4 September 2015
neighbourhood plan/NPP-001) and
Albion village precinct, (Albion
neighbourhood plan/NPP-002) be in
keeping with the medium or medium to
high density nature of the zone or
(f) development in the Station precinct
(Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-001)
must also:
Mt Coot-tha and the river;
(c) Raceway precinct (Albion
neighbourhood plan/NPP-004) and Hunt
Street precinct (Albion neighbourhood
plan/NPP-007) – views to/from
Newstead Park rotunda and park, Palma
Rosa House, Bartley’s Hill and the City
(g) be in keeping with the precinct’s role as
a transit oriented development;
Note—This may be demonstrated by a view analysis.
(h) be mixed;
Development contributes to a mix of
building heights and massing within the
relevant precinct.
(i) ensure local amenity and public view
corridors are retained to the City Centre,
Brisbane River, Breakfast Creek and Mt
Coot-tha and that views are conserved
to local landmarks such as Bartley’s Hill
and Eildon Hill;
Note—Building scale is managed through maximum building
heights and the design requirements in the applicable codes.
No gross floor area limitation is prescribed.
(j) ensure the railway station is visually
prominent with its own identity and
visibility in the public realm;
(k) create visual links to the railway station
and adjoining areas;
(l) development in the North precinct
(Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-003)
ensures that views are retained from
Lapraik Street to Eildon Hill, Mt Coot-tha
and the City Centre.
Development provides increased residential
densities located in close proximity to Albion
railway station in the North precinct (Albion
neighbourhood plan/NPP-003) and Station
precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP001).
Development provides a minimum density of
120 dwellings per hectare in the Station
precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP001) and in the North precinct (Albion
neighbourhood plan/NPP-003).
If in the Station precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-001)
Development conserves the heritage values
of the precinct.
Development ensures heritage and character
structures are retained and incorporated
into the design of any redevelopment
scheme for the railway station.
Development mitigates the impacts of the
Development for residential uses does not
front the railway.
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
If in the Albion village precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-002)
Development must complement and be
generally aligned with existing heritage
Development provides a front setback that is
aligned with the average setback of
adjoining heritage buildings.
Development is built to the side boundaries
at ground level, where not adjoining
residential uses at ground storey.
Development reinforces an active frontage
along Sandgate Road.
Development of retail, food and drink outlet,
and other uses that reinforce an active
frontage, are located along Sandgate Road.
Development ensures that the location of
uses within the precinct is in keeping with
the separate themes of the adjoining streets.
Development locates office or residential
uses along Anstey Street and Birkbeck
If in the North precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-003)
Development for residential uses ensures
that the amenity of residents is not affected
by the operation of the existing concrete
batching plant.
Development does not occur within the
precinct until the adjacent concrete batching
plant operation ceases.
Development has a building footprint and
design that reduces bulk and amenity
impacts on adjoining residential
Development provides a maximum site cover
of 60%.
Development for non-residential uses is
short term, minor and demonstrates that the
use will not detrimentally affect the amenity
of existing or future surrounding residential
Development for non-residential uses:
Development provides a minimum setback,
of 3.5m to the site boundary of existing
residential uses.
(a) is in operation for no longer than 5
(b) is located within existing buildings;
(c) involves no (or only minor) building
(d) is designed to internalise potential noise
and pollutant sources in buildings and/or
away from the site boundaries.
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
If in the Raceway precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-004)
No acceptable outcome is prescribed.
(a) minimises land use conflict;
(b) integrates with surrounding land uses
through improved pedestrian and
vehicular connections;
(c) minimises adverse impacts on the
amenity of existing residential
(d) provides for the long-term integration of
the precinct into the surrounding area;
(e) maintains a buffer between industrial
and residential land uses;
(f) protects views and residential amenity
for nearby residential areas;
(g) complements and allows access to
Crosby Park;
(h) includes a local road network, the design
of which minimises the introduction of
non-residential traffic into residential
Development must contribute to the
pedestrian amenity along Amy Street.
Development retains and incorporates
mature trees located along Amy Street into
future development.
If in the Industrial precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-006)
Development of industrial uses mitigates
impacts on surrounding existing and
potential incompatible uses.
Development of industrial uses is not located
within 20m of:
(a) a sensitive use; or
(b) an existing office except where the office
is ancillary to another use; or
(c) the Commercial precinct (Albion
neighbourhood plan/NPP-005).
If in the Crosby Park precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-008)
Development ensures that the total building
footprint of Queensland Cricket, including
any expansion, is no greater than 7,500m2.
No acceptable outcome is prescribed.
Note—Subject to a structure planning process in order to
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
balance the national significance of the facility with the local
recreation needs of the community and the landscape
amenity it provides. Structure plans are to be prepared in
accordance with the Structure planning planning scheme
Development proposals for expansion of
sporting uses resulting in an area greater
than 500m2 of gross floor area within the
park provide community benefit and
enhance public use of the park.
Development proposals greater than 500m2
of gross floor area maximise community
benefit through initiatives such as:
(a) removing existing buildings and
consolidating the uses within new
(b) improving useability of the park by the
general public;
(c) providing shared facilities for use by the
general community or with other park
(d) entering into an agreement for shared
use of facilities with another sporting
Table—Maximum building height
Building height (number of storeys)
If in the Albion village precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-002)
Development of a site located fronting
Birkbeck Street
Development of a site located in the balance As per Figure a
of NPP-002
If in the North precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-003)
Development of a site located fronting
Dover Street
Development of a site located in the balance 6 storeys or RL 33 AHD, whichever is the
of North precinct (Albion neighbourhood
If in the Raceway precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-004)
Development of a site located fronting
Cooksley Street
Development of a site located in the block
bounded by Agnes Street, Amy Street,
Yulestar Street and Kingsford Smith Drive
Development of a site located in the balance 5
of Raceway precinct (Albion neighbourhood
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
If in the Commercial precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-005)
Development of a site located fronting Fox
Street, Elliot Street or Collingwood Street
Development of a site located in the balance 5
of Commercial precinct (Albion
neighbourhood plan/NPP-005)
If in the Hunt Street precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-007)
Development of a site located in the balance 5
of Hunt Street precinct (Albion
neighbourhood plan/NPP-007)
Development of a site located fronting
Kingsford Smith Drive, between Agnes
Street and Hunt Street
Development of a site located in the block
bounded by Hunt Street, Cooksley Street,
Yulestar Street and Kingsford Smith Drive
Note—Where Table is silent, building heights are in accordance with Figure a.
Note—Maximum building height is determined by view analysis in the Station precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-001)
and may impact development height in the North precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-003), Raceway precinct (Albion
neighbourhood plan/NPP-004) and Hunt Street precinct (Albion neighbourhood plan/NPP-007).
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015
View the high resolution of Figure a–Albion neighbourhood plan area (PDF file size is 227Kb)
Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans (Albion)
Effective 4 September 2015