Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920

Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920
Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014
Week 45, November 3-7
The course begins on Monday Nov 3rd, however due to individual
schedules the formal course introduction will take place on Wednesday
Nov 5th . Course participants should start reading the key texts in the
Reading list.
Monday 3rd
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lecture: ”From the grave to the museum exhibition”, on the contemporary
illicit trade with cultural objects
Staffan Lundén, doctoral student, Dept of Global studies
Suggested reading:
Lundén, Staffan, “The scholar and the market. Swedish scholarly
contributions to the destruction of the world’s archaeological heritage”, s.
197-247. (PDF)
Lundén. Staffan. ”Perspectives on looting, illicit antiquities trade, art and
heritage”, s. 109-134 (PDF)
Tuesday 4th
Literature studies
Wednesday 5th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Objectives, assignments, learning outcomes, schedule, literature
Bosse Lagerqvist & Diana Walters
Thursday 6th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lecture and seminar: Heritage and interpretation – theories and
Diana Walters
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920
Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014
Friday 7th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Seminar: ”Who owns the heritage?”, debate: pro and against repatriating
cultural objects based on some cases.
Staffan Lundén
Cultural objects in museum collections
The objects/group of objects below have been in focus for repatriation
discussions. The student assignment is to give an opinion for each
object/group of objects in regards to their logical placement including a
 The Paracas textiles (presently at the Museum of World Cultures,
Göteborg, and owned by the Göteborg City).
 The Parthenon Marbles (presently at the British Museum, London)
 A Totem (at the Etnografic museum, Stockholm up to March
The literature below can be used as a base for the assignment:
Declaration on the importance and value of universal museums (2002)
MacGregor, Neil, 2004, “The Whole world in our Hands” The Guardian
24 July 2004
O’Neil, Mark, 2004, “Enlightenment museums. Universal or merely
global?”, Museums and society 2:3, pp. 190-202.
Vem tillhör museernas samlingar? Svenska Unescorådets skriftserie 3,
2008. (PDF) (39 s.)
The Paracas textiles:
Correspondence between Sven Karell, General Consul in Lima and Erland
Nordenskiöld, Head of Ethnographic Museum, Göteborg, 1931-32.
Tjänsteutlåtande Göteborgs kommun
The Parthenon marbles:
Focus on the Meditteranean 2, 2005, s. 135-146. (PDF)
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920
Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014
British museum webpage:
British Committee for the Restitution of the Parthenon marbles (See specifically: “The case for the return”)
The Totem:
Gurt, Carl Johan, ”Haisla åter i Stockholm”, Fjärde världen 20:3 2004, s.
28. (PDF)
Kulturella perspektiv 1992, no. 3-4, s. 53-65. (PDF)
Gurt, Carl Johan och Persson, Henrik, ”Totempålekravet – del av större
problematik för nordvästkustindianern i Nordamerika: miljöförstöring och
kulturell utarmning”, Fjärde världen 9:1, 1992, s. 14-15. (PDF)
Hultkrantz, Åke, ”Låt totempålen vara kvar i Sverige”, Fjärde världen 9:3,
1992, s. 38. (PDF)
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920
Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014
Week 46, November 10-14
Monday 10th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lectures: Heritage and conflicts – or interpretations and solutions
Diana Walters
Tuesday 11th
Literature studies
Wednesday 12th
Literature studies
Thursday 13th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lectures: Objects, access and stories in museum collections
Diana Walters
Post-colonialism – the theory.
Klas Grinell
Presentation of Museum of World Cultures
Friday 14th
Literature studies
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920
Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014
Week 47, November 17-21
Monday 17th
Literature studies
Tuesday 18th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lecture: Industrialization, Industrial Heritageization, Tourism
development. “Disneyfication”
Bosse Lagerqvist
Wednesday 19th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lecture: Indigenous people
Nick Waller
Thursday 20th
Literature studies
Friday 21st
Literature studies
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920
Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014
Week48, November 24- 28
Monday 24th
Literature studies
Tuesday 25th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lecture: Intangibility: Skill and Craft.
Valdimar Hafstein
Wednesday 26th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lecture: Swedish Roma places in Heritage Management
Ingrid M Holmberg, senior lecturer, Dept of Conservation
Thursday 27th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lecture: Protection as Dispossession: Between Heritage and a Hard
Valdimar Hafstein
Seminar: group assignments. Valdimar Hafstein
Friday 29th
Literature studies
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920
Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014
Week 49, December 2- 6
Monday 1st
Literature studies
Tuesday 2nd
Literature studies
Wednesday 3rd
Literature studies
Thursday 4th
Literature studies
Friday 5th
Literature studies
Week 50, December 8-12
Monday 8th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Literature seminar
Tuesday 9th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
Lecture: Formulation of a critical study/individual paper. Diana Walters
Mentor time
Wednesday 10th
Individual project
Thursday 11th
Individual project
Friday 12th
Individual project
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920
Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014
Week 51, December 15-19
Monday 15th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
14.00 – 17.00
The individual study/project. Mentor time, Diana Walters
Tuesday 16th
Individual project
Wednesday 17th
Individual project
Thursday 18th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
10.00 – 16.00
The individual study/project. Mentor time, Diana Walters
Friday 20th
Individual project
Week 52, December 22-26
Monday 22nd
Tuesday 23rd
Wednesday 24th
Thursday 25th
Friday 26th
Week 1, December 29-January 2
Monday 29th
Tuesday 30th
Wednesday 31st
Thursday 1st
Friday 2nd
Individual project
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920
Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014
Week 2, January 5-9
Monday 5th
Tuesday 6th
Wednesday 7th
Individual project
Thursday 8th
Individual project
Friday 9th
Individual project
Week 3, January 12-16
Monday 12th
Individual project
Submission of papers
Tuesday 13th
Individual project
Wednesday 14th
Individual project
Thursday 15th
Individual project
Friday 16th
Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A,
9.00 -12.00
Final seminar, ”cross critic”
Diana Walters
Bosse Lagerqvist,
Course valuation GUL
Bosse Lagerqvist