Minutes Annual Mtg 8.6.2011

Lake Rescue Association Annual Meeting
August 6, 2011
Jim McCall began the meeting at 10:00am by introducing Okemo Marketing Director Ted Austin
who gave a brief description of summer activities at Okemo and new happenings around the
Jim called the general meeting to order at 10:15am.
Jim began by introducing the current board, Kevin Davis, Glenn Brown, Chris Salerno, Mary Rita
Batesole, Charlie Robinson and Frank Wingate. Angi Ciufo and Judy Zilvitis were absent. Jim
also thanked Toni MacPherson of Mary Davis Real Estate for her contributions during the year
with the Lake Living Booklet, 4th of July invites, etc. Jim then presented the Presidents report of
the accomplishments of the Association for this year. The fisherman survey conducted by
Charlie Robinson. The Association applied for and received just under $9000 for a Better Back
Roads grant. The Lake Living Booklet for which he thanked key people, Judy Zilvitis, Toni
MacPherson, Maria Urban and Marge Killian. He explained the coring project conducted by Dr.
Andrea Lini of UVM. 4th of July Picnic. The Riparian Buffer Zone Demonstration Site project. A
brief description of what buffer zones are and where the sites are located. The mailing of the
membership survey. The association has begun preliminary collaboration with the Town of
Plymouth regarding sediment from Patch Brook and Buffalo Brook. Chris and others met with
Todd Minees. The “Get Sedimental” campaign. The LRA website updated working with Dave
Hearne the association now also has a Facebook page. Worked with Town of Ludlow on
different issues such as reducing speed limit on East Lake Rd. and possible paving projects along
with ongoing Better Back Roads. Milfoil efforts continue with divers going out twice a year. We
have been milfoil free for 7 years. John Esau explained the Loon platform. No nesting loons.
Platform seems to have been moved a little west. Jim and Janine Norman do water clarity
checks once a week.
The Treasurers report was given by Glenn Brown. The association is solvent! Currently we have
$104,253.87 in cash and investments. He explained that we spend our money wisely and we
are slowly building our “war chest”. If we do ever get a permit to dredge there could be an
assessment possibility. Also looking to the state for some money. We have 5 CD’s. One
currently getting 4.5%. 2 – 6 mo. CD’s and 1 – 18 mo. “excitement” CD. 1 – 37 mo. CD. We also
have a small savings account primarily used to help balance the checking account. We received
$2070 in a milfoil grant, $1900 watershed grant. The coring project estimate is around $7300.
We have made a deposit of $1000. We moved the annual meeting to Okemo and saved a little
Jim introduced Frank Heald, Ludlow Town Manager. Frank thanked Frank Wingate for his
contributions. Frank gave a brief state of the Town. Town is operating in the black. Any
surplus is used to offset tax increases. Town does not carry large receivables. New businesses
in town are Dental Office, Heritage Credit Union, The Brew House and Downtown Grocery.
Ludlow received TART money for the water and sewer project which is now completed. The
new community center is now open. Ludlow will celebrate its’ 250th birthday on Sept. 16. Two
day festival. Money raised through donations. Better Back Roads projects being leveraged with
state money. Regarding reducing the speed limit on East Lake Rd. the selectman opted not to
do it but they are now conducting speed testing. Current signs are not compliant. New yellow
cautionary signs are going up on East Lake Rd. with bicyclists and pedestrians suggesting 25
mph. speeds. These will be from Lake Pauline to Ellison Lake Rd. 4 signs in each direction.
Taxes not going to change. The town is currently conducting a rolling reappraisal. The
mountain area was done last year. This year they hope to complete the rest of the Town. 911
addresses, make sure signs are visible for police and fire. Frank once again explained his open
door policy. Frank then answered some questions regarding paving and cleaning of the catch
Jim introduced Kristen Underwood who conducted last years’ geomorphic survey. She has
come up with some more specific recommendations this year. A brief description of the coring
project. Round Pond specifically has the sediment buildup. She presented a timeline of
sedimentation changes going into Round Pond from the Black River. Specifically Patch Brook
and Buffalo Brook impact sediment going into the Black River. The Reading Pond Dam breach
in June of 2006 was a major player. Land use changes over the years have produced
vulnerability to erosion. Goals are to decrease sediment flow and store sediment upstream of
the Black River. Geomorphic survey encompassed 11 miles of river…She noted the major flood
events that have contributed. She suggested possible solutions such as closing Patch Brook Rd.
which most agreed probably won’t happen. Punching through some of the bulldozed berms to
reclaim flood plain for sediment deposit “storage”. Widen bridge crossings that are undersized
to actual stream width.
The coring project was conducted on June 15, 2011 by Dr. Andrea Lini of UVM geology dept.
They took one from the deepest portion of Round Pond and one from the deepest section of
Lake Rescue. They will analyze sediment composition and also a timeline of rate of
sedimentation. The results should be ready in Jan. 2012. Kristen then answered some
questions. Richard Killian is frustrated with pace of dredging schedules. She explained that
dredging itself is just a short term fix and that we must also work on projects to reduce
sediment coming into the lake. She used Stoughton Pond as an example. She also discussed
permitting issues.
Chris Salerno then presented her report on water quality. Neil Kamman from the State of
Vermont has actually been on the lake and acknowledges there is a sediment problem. He in
turn is assisting us in our pursuit of possible dredging. Chris explained that we have been
gathering data for the last 8 years and are now ready to move to the next step. Chris and
others met with the Town of Plymouth regarding road conditions. Plymouth is receptive and
willing to cooperate. Interested in using Better Back Roads grants. We need to work with
Plymouth on the tributaries running into the Black River. If and when we are permitted to
dredge it will probably be on a case by case basis. Probably where land owners use of the lake
is restricted by sediment. Dave Hearne stated that there will be many people involved in order
to get a dredging permit. State, Army Corp. of Engineers (Feds), Town of Ludlow, landowners
downstream. He also stated that property owners need to do their parts with regards to
driveways, hillsides, etc. People were also urged to use the website more. There was an idea
expressed to video annual meeting and post on website. Marty Fino will join board to work
with Chris on these issues. We soon hope to have specific projects laid out with committees,
Frank presented his milfoil report. No milfoil this year. Milfoil first found in 1998. Milfoil free
since 2003. Very significant. We have contracted for 100 hrs. of diving this year. They have
been around the lake once and will be back in Sept.
Charlie gave his Water Safety report. The state is in charge of policing the lake. The 200 foot
rule is in effect as boats need to maintain that distance from the shore or go 5 mph. also need
to maintain that distance from other boats and swimmers. There is an issue with the boat
wakes causing erosion along the shore.
Charlie gave his membership report. Currently 143 members which is 8 more than last year.
Approximately 56% of the 255 property owners listed in the Lakes District. Problems with
people who have rights of way to use lake. Trying to find out who they are and where they
live. We are working to increase our membership.
Mary Rita Batesole gave her report on the Riparian Buffer Zone Demonstration site project.
Signs have now been put up in 3 locations around the lake demonstrating some possible buffer
zone types. One at 39 Slacks Pasture Road demonstrates doing nothing to the banks and
leaving them in a “wild” state. At Doris Eddy’s in Round Pond is an example of new
construction where the hillside was completely cleared and replaced with shrubs and
perennials to the water line. At John Esau’s at the end of Lake Rescue on Fishing Access Rd. is a
combination of walls and shrubs and perennials. We hope to encourage landowners to be
aware of their shorelines for possible runoff sites and perhaps take appropriate action.
Kevin gave a brief history and rundown of the 4th of July picnic. Due to insurance issues no
longer can have boat races, skiing events, fishing derby etc. The event is still fun! Kevin thanked
the Spauldings, Mahoney’s and Crainich’s for the use of their property for the event.
Mary Rita Batesole gave a brief description of the nominating process to replace the 3 positions
on the board whose terms were up. These were Jim McCall, Angi Ciufo and Judy Zilvitis. Jim
and Judy had stated that they did not want to seek recollection much to the disappointment of
the board. Angi said she would like to remain. A nominating committee was put in place
consisting of Mary Rita, Angi and Liz Spaulding. A number of candidates were considered and
Natalie Fisher and Marty Fino were asked if they would like to join the board. Both agreed and
were put on the ballots as candidates. After the general election Angi, Marty and Natalie were
elected to 3 year terms. There were 43 proxy ballots received which had 41 votes for Marty
Fino, 43 votes for Natalie Fisher and 2 write-in votes for Mike O’Neil. Natalie and Marty were
welcomed to the board by the general membership.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 pm by Jim McCall thanking all for attending.
Respectfully submitted
Mary Rita Batesole
Acting secretary for Judy Zilvitis