Part 4 Making Igneous Rock

Objective: To demonstrate the rock cycle by simulating activities showing
the processes of erosion and the formation of sedimentary, metamorphic,
and igneous rock.
Part 1 Weathering and Erosion:
1. Pour one color of chips on a paper towel and cut them into little pieces
and shavings with the plastic knife. (The smaller the pieces and shavings
the better)
2. Repeat with the other colors keeping the colors separate until ready to
combine them.
3. In the middle of the sheet of aluminum foil pour all of one of the colors
of chips.
4. Place another color on top of the first color and then the other color last.
5. Draw and label a sketch of what you observe in your journal.
Part 2 Making Sedimentary Rock:
1. Fold the aluminum foil over your three layers of chips.
2. Place 3 books over the aluminum foil and leave for 3 minutes.
3. Take off the books, peel back the foil, and observe the chips.
4. Draw and label a sketch of what you observe in your journal.
Part 3 Making Metamorphic Rock:
1. Fold the aluminum foil over the chips again.
2. Have one person in the group press very hard on the foil with his/her
hands for 30 seconds.
3. Have another person in the group do the same thing for another 30
4. Continue doing this until every person in the group has pressed on the
foil twice.
5. Unwrap the aluminum foil and observe the chips.
6. Draw and label a sketch of what you observe in your journal.
Part 4 Making Igneous Rock:
1. Fold the aluminum foil over the chips again.
2. Place the foil on a hot plate and leave it there for 30-45 seconds.
3. Pick up the foil by the sides and return it to your table.
4. Leave the package wrapped for at least 10 minutes.
5. Gently unwrap the aluminum foil and observe.
6. Draw and label a sketch of what you observe in your journal.
CONCLUSION: Answer the following questions in complete sentences in the
form of a paragraph,
What did you do to simulate weathering and erosion?
What did you do to make the sedimentary rocks stick together?
What did you do to make the metamorphic rocks stick together?
What was the difference between what you did to the sedimentary rocks
and the metamorphic rocks?
What did you do to make the igneous rocks?
What was the difference between what you did to the metamorphic rocks
and the igneous rocks?
BONUS QUESTION: What physical property does aluminum have that
allows it to be hammered into thin sheets without breaking?
CONCLUSION: Answer the following questions in complete sentences in the
form of a paragraph,
What did you do to simulate weathering and erosion?
What did you do to make the sedimentary rocks stick together?
What did you do to make the metamorphic rocks stick together?
What was the difference between what you did to the sedimentary rocks
and the metamorphic rocks?
What did you do to make the igneous rocks?
What was the difference between what you did to the metamorphic rocks
and the igneous rocks?
BONUS QUESTION: What physical property does aluminum have that
allows it to be hammered into thin sheets without breaking?