Rome Poster

Roman Emperor Poster
For this poster project, you and a partner will be researching a Roman emperor and create a visual of
his life. In the visual you will include: facts, biography, and illustrations. The points for this project
will come in two parts, a small paper and a visual poster.
Poster – 35 Points
Title with emperor name and the years that he was emperor
5 facts about your emperor
Paper – 35 Points
A half page written biography about your emperor
Include information such as: how did he become emperor, what were his major achievements,
and how did he die?
At the end of the biography make a simple case on whether he was a good or bad emperor
Roman Emperor Poster
For this poster project, you and a partner will be researching a Roman emperor and create a visual of
his life. In the visual you will include: facts, biography, and illustrations. The points for this project
will come in two parts, a small paper and a visual poster.
Poster – 35 Points
Title with emperor name and the years that he was emperor
5 facts about your emperor
Paper – 35 Points
A half page written biography about your emperor
Include information such as: how did he become emperor, what were his major achievements,
and how did he die?
At the end of the biography make a simple case on whether he was a good or bad emperor