Van Buren Intermediate School District Plan

The Van Buren
School District
for the Delivery of
Special Education
Programs and
Parent Advisory Committee Chairperson, Intermediate and Local School District
Superintendent Signatures ....................................................................................................... iii.
Procedures Used To Advise and Inform Individuals with Disabilities, Parents
and the General Public .......................................................................................................1
Activities and Outreach Methods to Make Citizens Aware of the Availability
of Special Education Programs and Services .....................................................................1
Description of the Types of Special Education Diagnostic and Related Services
Provided That Are Available Within the Intermediate School District or its Constituent
Local School Districts .........................................................................................................2
Description of Special Education Programs Provided by the VBISD and Local
Districts ...............................................................................................................................2
Autism Program ............................................................................................................2
Programs/Services Operated by Local Districts ............................................................3
Programs Currently Operated by the VBISD .................................................................3
Alternative Special Education Programs and Services R340.1832(e) ...............................4
Instructional Specialist Services R340.1832 (e) ............................................................4
Additional Programs or Services Available Within VBISD .............................................5
Confidentiality Assurance ..................................................................................................5
Administrators Responsible for the Implementation of Special Education Programs
and Services .......................................................................................................................5
Qualifications of Paraprofessional Personnel .....................................................................5
Transportation Services ......................................................................................................5
Funding – Distribution of Intermediate Millage....................................................................6
Appointing Parent Advisory Committee Members ..............................................................6
Membership Selection ...................................................................................................7
Roles and Responsibilities of the Parent Advisory Committee ...........................................7
Role and Responsibility of Administrative and School Personnel .......................................7
Fiscal and Staff Resources Available to the Parent Advisory Committee ...........................8
Additional Plan Content ......................................................................................................8
Moderately Cognitively Impaired Program Expanded Age Range
R340.1739/R340.1733 ..................................................................................................8
Severely Multiply Impaired Program Days and Hours of Instruction R340.1748
and Expanded Age Range R340.1733 ..........................................................................8
Surrogate Parents .........................................................................................................8
Appendix A: Persons Responsible for Implementation of Special Education Programs and
Services and Providing Public Awareness..................................................................................9
Parent Advisory Committee Chairperson, Intermediate and Local School District
Superintendent Signatures
Pursuant to Rule 340.1831 of Michigan Revised Administrative Rules for Special Education
(April 3, 2009) (Rules), the following Plan for the Delivery of Special Education Programs and
Services (VBISD Plan) was developed with the involvement of the Parent Advisory
Committee, constituent school districts, public school academies and the Intermediate
School District.
The following signature of the Van Buren Intermediate School District (VBISD)
superintendent signifies approval by the Intermediate School District board of education.
Van Buren ISD
The following signatures by (1) the Chairperson of the Parent Advisory Committee, and (2)
Superintendents of VBISD constituent districts signify participation in the development of
the Plan. These parties to the Plan have been advised of the right to file objections to the
Plan in accordance with procedures addressed in Rule 340.1836.
VBISD Parent Advisory Committee
Lawrence Public Schools
Bangor Public Schools
Lawton Community Schools
Bloomingdale Public Schools
Mattawan Consolidated
Covert Public Schools
Paw Paw Public Schools
Decatur Public Schools
South Haven Public Schools
Gobles Public Schools
Wood School
Hartford Public Schools
VBISD Plan for Special Education
A. Procedures Used To Advise and Inform Individuals with Disabilities, Parents and the
General Public
The VBISD, in cooperation with the local school districts, shall advise and inform
persons with disabilities or suspected disabilities, their parents, and other community
members of the special education opportunities required under the law, the obligations
of the districts, and where further information can be obtained. A list of those
representatives from the local and intermediate school district who can provide this
information is included on Appendix A, listed as “Persons Providing Public Awareness”.
The VBISD and local school districts accomplish this through the distribution of
documents entitled, VBISD Special Education Parent Handbook and Procedural
Safeguards. If practicable, this information will be provided in language understandable
to the general public and in the native language of the parent. If necessary, an
interpreter will be used for this purpose.
The procedural safeguards will be provided as follows:
1. Any time a parent, guardian, or student requests a copy
2. When a child is referred for special education for the first time
3. With each notification of an individual educational program team (IEPT) meeting
4. When a re-evaluation of a child is conducted
5. When the school district is made aware that a request for a due process hearing
or state complaint is filed with Michigan Department of Education (MDE)
6. Prior to any disciplinary action that may cause a change of placement and not
later than the date on which the decision to take disciplinary action is made
B. Activities and Outreach Methods To Make Citizens Aware of the Availability of
Special Education Programs and Services
The person responsible for the development, implementation and coordination of the
public awareness effort is the Project Find/Early On Coordinator employed by the
VBISD. The Project Find/Early On Coordinator may be contacted at the VBISD office in
Lawrence, Michigan. Persons who provide public awareness include the VBISD staff,
the local school district administrators, and Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) (See
Appendix A).
Methods used to create and maintain community awareness of available special
education programs and services and students' rights to a free appropriate public
education include but are not limited to the following:
1. Special education programs and services brochure and the parent handbook will
serve as the principle documents for informing the community of special
education programs, ancillary and other related services.
2. Distribution of letters or a brochure(s) to community agencies advising them of
special education opportunities required under the law, the obligations of the
local and intermediate school districts and the name, address, and telephone
number of representatives of the local and intermediate school districts where
more information may be obtained.
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3. Interagency coordination through the Early On Local Interagency Coordinating
4. Coordination with the District Health Department's program for outreach and
5. On-going communication with regional hospitals and health clinics to identify
children in need of early intervention services.
6. Directory of services which includes special education resources, Early On, and
Early Intervention services in Van Buren County.
7. Informational web site (
8. Informational booth to distribute brochures at the Van Buren County Youth Fair
or other community events.
9. Annual posting in area newspapers.
C. Description of the Types of Special Education Diagnostic and Related Services
Provided That Are Available Within the Intermediate School District or its
Constituent Local School Districts
Services that are provided by the VBISD currently include the following: School
Psychologist, School Social Worker, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational
Therapist, Physical Therapist, Consultant for Visually Impaired, Consultant for Hearing
Impaired, Audiologist, Consultant for Emotionally Impaired, Consultant For Autistic
Impaired, Consultant for Cognitively Impaired, Consultant for Orientation and Mobility,
and Educational Interventionist. These services are provided by the VBISD to all of the
local districts under procedures provided in service agreement contracts on file at the
D. Description of Special Education Programs Provided by the VBISD and Local
The continuum of special education programs and services in Van Buren Intermediate
School District include services for all disability categories and all age levels, birth
through twenty-five (25). All local education agencies (LEAs) operating elementary
and/or secondary facilities within VBISD provide special education programs or
services. The programs and services include a full continuum ranging from the least to
the most restrictive environment depending upon the severity of the impairment and the
individual needs of the students.
Autism Program – R340.1758 The VBISD utilizes the program option for students with
autism provided at R340.1758(b), in which students with autism may be placed per IEP
in other special education programs described in this Plan, with support from staff
knowledgeable about autism. Such support shall consist of the following:
1. Inservice education shall be provided to each special education teacher
responsible for the education of students with autism. The inservice education
shall be provided in areas identified in R340.1799(a-f)
2. A consultant knowledgeable about autism and programming for students with
autism will be available to the teacher and support staff to assist in meeting the
unique individual needs of the student.
VBISD Plan for Special Education
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3. Ancillary and related service providers who are responsible for the delivery of
services to students with autism will have inservice education relating to the
service they provide.
4. The IEP Team will describe the consideration of the ability of the student with
autism to function in the program of placement in the context of such items as
class size and student/staff ratio.
Programs/Services Operated by Local Districts
Elem – Elementary Sec - Secondary
Local District
Instruct. Specialist
Paw Paw
South Haven
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Mildly Cognitively
LD Cat.
EI Cat.
Elem, Sec
Elem, Sec
Programs Currently Operated by the VBISD
Behavioral Education
Center, Bangor Public
Bert Goens Learning
Center, VBISD
Campus, Lawrence
Lawrence Public
Paw Paw Public
VBISD Technology
Center, VBISD
Campus, Lawrence
Paw Paw Community
Based (Young Adult
Base building)
Emotionally Impaired – R340.1741
Resource Program – R340.1832(e)*
Severely Multiply Impaired – R340.1748
Hearing Impaired – R340.1832(e)*
Early Child. Sp. Ed. Program –
Early Child. Sp. Ed. Program –
Early Child. Sp. Ed. Service –
Early Child. Sp. Ed. Program –
Resource Program – 340.1749b
Moderately Cognitively Impaired – 340.1733
Resource Program – R340.1749b
Resource Program – R340.1749a
Resource Program – R340.1832(e)*
Moderately Cognitively Impaired – 340.1733
Mildly Cognitively Impaired – 340.1832(e)*
*Alternative Programs R340.1832(e)
NOTE: The above charts are based on information provided at the time of submission.
This will be reviewed annually.
To facilitate timely planning, the responsible local
administrator should immediately contact the VBISD Director of Special Education when
a program/service reaches a mandated case load limit, or if changes in program options
are planned.
VBISD Plan for Special Education
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E. Alternative Special Education Programs and Services R340.1832(e)
All other parts of the Revised Administrative Rules for Special Education referenced
below apply except as modified.
Rule 340.1832(e)
Description of Program / Service Modification
Mildly Cognitively Impaired
Program R340.1740/1832(e)
In both elementary and secondary programs allow a maximum caseload
of 20 students with no more than 15 students at one time.
Hearing Impaired Program
Maximum Caseload
Age Range
(1) Allow a maximum caseload of 10 students with no more than eight
students at one time.
(2) The age range in any one classroom shall not exceed that for the
combined age range for elementary and middle school age students, or
the combined age range for middle and high school age students.
Resource Program
Maximum Caseload
In elementary resource programs allow maximum caseload of 22
students with no more than 15 students at one time.
Resource Program
In secondary resource programs allow a maximum caseload of 22
students with no more than 15 students at one time.
Resource Program
In secondary resource programs, allow teacher to teach subject and
offer tutorial assistance during the same class period.
Early Childhood Special
Education Services
This program operates under all provisions of R340.1755, with the
following clarifications and exceptions: Related services providers will
work in collaboration with an approved early childhood special education
teacher. The required clock hours may be spread across 180 days of
instruction or across an entire calendar year. Membership will be
prorated if a student’s IFSP/IEP requires less than 72 clock hours of
service within the instructional calendar spread across an entire calendar
year. The calculation will be based on the number of IFSP/IEP early
childhood service hours divided by 180.
Severe Multiple Impairment
Increase maximum caseload to 12 students. The program shall consist
of 1 teacher and 2 aides for a maximum of 9 students and 1 teacher and
3 aides for 10 or more students.
Instructional Specialist Services R340.1832(e) – (1) Instructional Specialist
Services are delivered by a special education teacher, who provides support for
students with disabilities during instructional periods in which both of the following are
a. The student is primarily attending instruction in the general education setting with
nondisabled peers who are instructed by a general education teacher; and
b. the student receives grades/reports of progress for the course work from the
general education teacher, according to the same standards applied to
nondisabled peers.
(2) The instructional specialist shall provide support to students with disabilities and
their general education teachers by any of the following, as appropriate: adapting
general curricular and instructional materials; providing accommodated formal and
VBISD Plan for Special Education
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informal assessment; co-presenting instruction with the general education teacher;
providing in-class individual and small group instruction in the general education setting;
or providing special education programs/ services support in separate and segregated
settings that does not exceed instructional time with the general education teacher in a
general education setting for a particular subject area.
(3) The instructional specialist shall operate according to policies and guidelines for
incidental contact between special education teachers and general education students,
and for pre-referral consultation, as provided by the Michigan Department of Education.
(4) Each instructional specialist teacher shall have a case load, which does not exceed
25 students.
Additional Programs or Services Available Within VBISD
Vocational evaluation procedure: Vocational evaluations are provided by the VBISD
Career Guidance Department for students considered for enrollment in the Van Buren
Technology Center (See “Process and Procedures for Obtaining A Vocational
Evaluation” on file at the VBISD)
F. Confidentiality Assurance
The Van Buren ISD will assure the confidentiality of any personally identifiable data,
information and records of students with disabilities, that are collected, used and
maintained in compliance with Rule 340.1861(3) 34 C.F.R. 300.610 through 300.626.
G. Administrators Responsible for the Implementation of Special Education Programs
and Services
Each local superintendent (or designee) is responsible for the implementation of special
education programs and services provided by the district. The VBISD Special
Education Director (or designee) is responsible for the implementation of all special
education programs and services operated by the VBISD. See Appendix A for additional
H. Qualifications of Paraprofessional Personnel
Paraprofessionals shall, at a minimum, be high school graduates, or equivalent, and
additionally meet specific requirements established by the employing district.
Paraprofessional personnel shall meet all state and federal program and service
Transportation Services
Transportation of students with disabilities is the responsibility of each local district. An
exception to this is transportation provided by the VBISD for the Bert Goens Learning
Center, Behavioral Education Center, all VBISD Early Childhood Special Education
VBISD Plan for Special Education
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Programs, Hearing Impaired Programs, and Young Adult Program/Instructional Base.
Decisions regarding exceptional transportation needs are addressed at the IEP Team
meeting and communicated immediately to the responsible district. Exceptional
transportation needs are reviewed at regularly scheduled LEA transportation meetings.
Guidelines and contracts for the provision of transportation of children with disabilities
are on file and available at the VBISD office.
Funding – Distribution of Intermediate Millage
Millage funds are distributed pursuant to R340.1811(5). A brief description follows:
Actual costs: Actual costs are those that remain after deducting applicable state and
federal funds for special education programs and services approved in the VBISD Plan.
VBISD Operated Programs and Services: Actual costs for special education
programs and services operated by the VBISD, and made available to all constituent
districts, are reimbursed in full before any payments are made for other programs and
Formula for Local Programs: The VBISD reimburses up to one hundred percent
(100%) of local actual costs for Special Education programs.
a. Not reimbursed are actual costs for:
1. Classroom supplies that exceed an average of $1,000 per program in a
2. Paraprofessionals (e.g., aides, secretaries) not exclusively assigned to
special education;
3. Administrators who do not possess a Special Education Supervisor’s or
Director’s approval from the state;
4. Special Education due process hearings;
5. Indirect Costs (cost to operate and maintain facilities).
6. Out-of-ISD resident students unless they are residents of a local district
bordering on a VBISD constituent district.
b. The costs of any out-of-ISD resident student attending a program operated by
VBISD will be the responsibility of the constituent district that has elected to
enroll the student.
c. If amounts budgeted by the ISD are not sufficient to reimburse local districts at
100%, each district will have a like percentage of their claim determined by:
(budgeted funds/ ISD-wide local actual costs x local actual costs)
d. Payments are made to local districts in six equal installments, typically in August,
October, December, February, April and June.
K. Appointing Parent Advisory Committee Members
The basic philosophy of the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) begins with the premise
that every child is special and brings unique educational needs to school on a daily
basis. Parents must be given the opportunity and knowledge to fully participate in the
individualized educational process of their child.
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Membership Selection
The members of the VBISD Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) are
nominated by each local district Board of Education, and are appointed by the VBISD
Board of Education. The members must be parents/guardians of a student receiving
special education programs or services provided by the local school district or VBISD.
The VBISD Board will make every attempt to assure that the committee represents as
many disability categories as possible and includes committee members from every
local district. The VBISD Board will appoint members for a three-year term. These
terms may be extended on an individual basis by both PAC and the VBISD Board.
The meetings of the PAC are held at least four times per year. Additional electronic
communication will be utilized to inform and update members as necessary. A PAC
chairperson and vice chairperson may be appointed annually and can serve multiple
year terms due to the voluntary nature of the position. Only official PAC members have
voting privileges, however meetings are open to guests. All business of the PAC shall
be decided by a simple majority of the quorum in attendance.
L. Roles and Responsibilities of the Parent Advisory Committee
The PAC will cooperate in the development and review of the ISD plan. The PAC
Chairperson signs the ISD Plan to indicate involvement in the development of the
The PAC may file an objection to the ISD Plan in accordance with procedures in
the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education. Objections to the plan
shall require a majority vote at a PAC meeting with the majority of the eligible
voting members in attendance
The PAC will participate in other activities within the ISD, such as:
 represent the needs and desires of individuals with disabilities and their families
 develop knowledge of special education programs and services
 actively promote the welfare of individuals with disabilities through parent and
public education
 assist parents with special education laws and procedures
 listen to concerns expressed by parents of children with disabilities and by
other concerned community individuals
 report PAC activities to the VBISD Board of Education and the Superintendents
of local school districts
M. Role and Responsibility of Administrative and School Personnel
The VBISD Planner/Monitor will act as the PAC liaison. The liaison will assist the PAC
in arranging presentations, visitations, and other awareness activities to familiarize them
with special education programs and services and relevant special education issues.
The liaison will also assist the PAC in the development of annual goals and activities to
facilitate goal implementation.
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N. Fiscal and Staff Resources Available to the Parent Advisory Committee
The VBISD will provide all clerical and secretarial assistance and pay postage costs. In
addition, the VBISD will reimburse reasonable costs to attend appropriate state
All requests for reimbursement to attend inservices/
conferences must be approved by the Director of Special Education.
O. Additional Plan Content
Moderately Cognitively Impaired Program
Expanded Age Range R340.1739/R340.1733
Allow expanded age range for the MoCI Programs.
Depending on the incidence of
students placed in Moderately Cognitively Impaired Programs operated by the VBISD,
expanded age ranges for programmatic feasibility and student needs may be
Severely Multiply Impaired Program Days and Hours of Instruction R340.1748 and
Expanded Age Range R340.1733
Days and hours of instruction for this program are for at least 200 days, while
maintaining the state mandate of 1,150 clock hours of instruction. Depending on the
incidence of students placed in Severely Multiply Impaired Programs operated by the
VBISD, expanded age ranges for programmatic feasibility and student needs may be
Surrogate Parents
The VBISD will follow the Michigan Department of Education Office of Special
Education and Early Intervention Services’ Surrogate Parent Policy and Federal
Regulation Sec. 300.519 (R340.1725f Surrogate Parent).
When unable to identify or find the child’s parents, or if the child is a ward of the state,
the local administrator or designee will be responsible to contact the agency responsible
for the general care of the child to determine the assignment of a surrogate parent for
the child. If no such surrogate is provided by the responsible agency, the school will
contact the court of jurisdiction to request assignment of an individual to protect the
rights of the child, as needed, in educational proceedings.
It is the responsibility of the VBISD in cooperation with the LEAs to develop a pool of
potential surrogate parents when the need arises. VBISD will provide training for the
identified pool of surrogate parents as necessary.
As needed, the local administrator may contact the VBISD, who will request assistance
from the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) for securing an
appropriate parent representation. Training is annually offered to agencies for potential
surrogate parents regarding the law, the special education process, and available of
resources, programs and services.
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Persons Responsible for Implementation of Special Education Programs and Services
and Providing Public Awareness
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Representatives and VBISD Staff for each District
– contact:
VBISD Special Education Department
490 S. Paw Paw St., Lawrence, Michigan 49064
Director of Special Education
Telephone: (269) 674-8091, ext. 5149
Lawrence Public Schools
650 W. St. Joseph St., Lawrence, MI 49064
Principals for Lawrence Elementary and Lawrence High Schools
Telephone: (269) 674-8233
Bangor Public Schools
801 W. Arlington Rd., Bangor MI 49013
Principals for Bangor Primary, South Walnut
Elementary, Bangor Middle and Bangor High
Telephone: (269) 427-6800
Lawton Community Schools
101 Primary Way, Lawton, MI 49065
Principals for Lawton Elementary, Lawton Middle and Lawton
High Schools
Telephone: (269) 624-7900
Bloomingdale Public Schools
PO Box 217, Bloomingdale, MI 49026
Principals for Bloomingdale Elementary, Pullman
Elementary and Bloomingdale Secondary Schools
Telephone: (269) 521-3900
Mattawan Consolidated School District
56720 Murray Street, Mattawan, MI 49071
Principals for Mattawan Early Elementary, Mattawan Later
Elementary, Mattawan Middle and Mattawan High Schools
Telephone: (269) 668-3361
Covert Public Schools
35323 M-140, Covert, MI 49043
Principals for Covert Elementary and Covert High
Telephone: (269) 764-3701
Paw Paw Public Schools
119 Johnson Street, Paw Paw, MI 49079
Principals for Paw Paw Early Elementary, Paw Paw Later
Elementary, Paw Paw Middle and Paw Paw High Schools
Telephone: (269) 657-8800
Decatur Public Schools
110 Cedar Street, Decatur, MI 49045
Principals for Davis Elementary,
Decatur Middle and Decatur High Schools
Telephone: (269) 423-6800
South Haven Public School
554 Green Street, South Haven, MI 49090
Principals for Lincoln Elementary, Maple Grove Elementary,
North Shore Elementary, Baseline Middle, and South Haven High
Schools; also Administrative Assistant for Special Services
Telephone: (269) 637-0520
Gobles Public Schools
409 N. State St., Gobles, MI 49055
Principals for Gobles Elementary, Gobles Middle
and Gobles High Schools
Telephone: (269) 628-5618
Wood School
35594 66th Street, Bangor, MI 49013
Telephone: (269) 427-8562
Hartford Public Schools
115 School Street, Hartford, MI 49057
Principals for Woodside and Red Arrow Elementary
Schools, Hartford Middle and Harford High Schools
Telephone: (269) 621-7000
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