SPA Executive Board Meeting May 29, 2013 Call To Order: The

SPA Executive Board Meeting
May 29, 2013
Call To Order:
The meeting held in the Polk 250 and was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by Rusty Bruce, SPA
Roll Call:
Members Present
Rusty Bruce
Torri Sepulvado (via Facetime)
Abram Billiot
Dalton Dodich
Taylor Degruise
Grant Ordoyne
Marisabel Ponce Cordero (via Skype)
Blaise Toups
Emilie Ulicsni
Members Absent
1. Brandon Bergeron
2. Samundra Kharel
3. Emiko Kodama
Advisors Present:
1. Brandie Toups
a. GA: Lillie Beauchaump
Officer’s Report:
President- Rusty Bruce
1. Orientation tomorrow from 11:45-1:15
a. Those working it are Lille, Abram, Dalton, Blaise, Grant, and myself.
b. Next orientation will be June 19th in the Ball Room from 11:45-1:15
i. Members working it are on the calendar.
ii. Our second meeting will be on July 17, following the orientation.
1. Meeting will take place in Polk 250.
2. Welcome back tshirt design
a. Submitted, waiting on the university to see if they are pleased with the design we
have submitted.
3. Finalize the first 30 days quarter page flyers that will be ordered through Total Graphic.
4. Abram and Dalton, your paperwork for summer school has been submitted.
5. Everyone needs to make sure that you have completed our FAFSA in order to get paid for
next year.
6. Committee meeting times and locations are due today.
7. Chinese acrobats discussion
8. If you have not picked up your SPA keys, please see Mrs. Brandie.
9. check email, mailboxes, etc. often
Vice President- Torri Sepulvado
1. Currently working on the Fall 2013 Retreat.
a. Call lady after proposal is presented
b. Dates open for even are August 16th and 17th
i. They were the only dates available.
Secretary- Dalton Dodich
1. Will work on minute outlines for other committees.
a. I will need location, time started and ended, names, topic and what was discussed
on the topic, and other details of the meeting.
2. Vote to approve minutes next meeting.
a. I will email minutes to members for approval and/ or corrections
Business Manager- Abram Billiot
1. Final costs of all proposals need to be given to Abram in order to keep the budget up to
Committee’s Report:
Spirit and Travel- Blaise Toups
1. Still waiting for NBA schedule to be released.
a. Looking into price of tickets for 1st Pelicans game of the 2013 season.
b. Haven’t been able to work on specific committee board possbible meeting
i. Need to do this before end of meeting
2. Rusty to Blaise “Be looking out for other events.”
a. Send Blaise any ideas you may have.
3. Brandi to Blaise- “What are you planning on working for upcoming year?”
a. Blaise: find tailgating sessions
b. UL vs Nicholls game
c. Pelicans game
d. Fall Breakaway
4. Brandi to Blaise- “You need to have fall semester planned out.”
i. Should have proposals done by July meeting
ii. Need that done so spring planning can begin in fall
iii. Sometimes committees get behind, so begin early
5. Spirit Award
a. Tailgating contest, etc.
i. The games in which the award will be given will be decided by Blaise.
b. Whether or we decide to take this over from SGA needs to be approved by board.
Multicultural- Emiko Kodama
1. Torrie speaking for Emiko via email
2. Committee meetings for Multicultural will be at 4 p.m.
a. No location given
Union Activities- Samundra Kharel
1. Torrie speaking for Sam via email
2. Working on September movies:
a. Possibilities: Life of Pie, Miracle…(missed remainder), Passion of the Christ
3. Curious about the cost of broadcasting these movies and which vendors to use.
4. Committee opinion of Sam’s proposed movies
a. Rusty has a vendor list that he will forward to Sam
b. Rusty- “Remind him that we are not just doing movies, but also other events.”
c. Marisabel- “Possibility of showing a movie based on student choice.”
Entertainment- Brandon Bergeron
1. Not in attendance, no report given
Special Events- Emilie Ulicsni
1. Committee meetings will be at 4pm in snack bar on Mondays
a. Conflict with Emiko’s times- will be discussed
Publicity Team Report- Taylor Degruise and Grant Ordoyne
1. Still working on 1st 30 days advertising
2. June 6th, 20th and July 11th are the Nicholls Worth posting dates
a. We plan to use this for advertising.
Webmaster- Marisabel Ponce Cordero
1.) Conflict with Skype connection, no report.
Old Business
1. Welcome Back Day
a. Mechanical Bull cost: $1250
b. Log Slammer cost: $1250
i. Replacing Joust
ii. $500 discount
iii. Is the same dimensions as the mechanical bull; however, it will need more
power sources
iv. Comes with event person and lodging
c. 370 can cuzi
d. Event staff- $250
e. Original cost was $6250. Final cost will now be $6370.
i. With log slammer replacing the pedestal joust
f. Motion by Emilie to approve adjusting budget.
i. Motion seconded by Abram
ii. All 9 in favor of adjusting budget
2. Asian Acrobats- Brandi Toups
a. Unique opportunity for a different event
b. Their organization has an eight page writer of technical things we would need in
order to accommodate them.
i. We may or may not have the many accommodations necessary to put on
the event.
c. Event would cost for $2500 finding agent
i. $7500 for the Asian acrobats
ii. Plus any additional costs in compliance with their writer
d. We currently only have about 1/3 the accommodations needed for event
e. Emilie- “Maybe not write it off, but do something related”
i. See maybe about getting a smaller package
f. Anna Broussard’s emailed comment about some of the accommodations we
currently have: “The stage is large enough…lighting situation we do not have
what they need…many of the instruments we have do not work very well…we do
have 4 headsets but are not highest quality.”
g. Motion by Brandi to move into voting to drop Asian Acrobats.
i. Motion seconded by Blaise.
ii. All 9 in favor to drop Asian Acrobats
iii. Event will be replaced with something else
New Business
1. 2013-2014 Goals for SPA
a. Original Goals made on May 4th.
i. Be proactive in marketing.
ii. Increase the number of Committee Members.
iii. Have a more recognizable board.
b. Goals revised for SPA by Mrs. Brandi Toups and Rusty Bruce on May 13, 2013
i. Establish two new initiatives per semester to create a more proactive
marketing campaign.
1. Perhaps marketing like we do for the 1st 30 days each month.
ii. Increase the number of active committee members by 20%.
iii. Create a more recognizable board on campus by participating in other
student organization events and meetings. Each board member will visit at
least one other meeting per month.
1. We need to go to other persons events so that they in turn may
show up to our events. Promote SPA event within their events.
2. This will go with our point system as well.
c. Motion to move into voting to revise 2013-2014 SPA goals by Rusty Bruce.
i. Seconded by Taylor
ii. All 9 in favor of revising the 2013-2014 SPA goals.
2. 2013 Fall Retreat
a. Proposal presented by Torrie.
b. Need to add Brandi Toups as well as new advisor to the attendance list.
c. Marisabel and Emiko cannot attend
d. Motion to move into voting on the proposal for the 2013 Fall Retreat by Torrie.
i. Seconded by Abram
ii. All 9 approve on the proposal for the 2013 Fall Retreat
3. Texting Simulator
a. Idea to replace Asian Acrobats
b. Event will fall under union activities event.
Rusty Bruce
1. Sam needs to have the proposal for texting simulator for July 17th.
2. Be here for the next meeting on July 17th.
Brandie Toups
1. People (vendors) calling her about wanting to do events.
2. Forwarding the list to Rusty.
3. Applications for assistant director of student union are closed.
a. There were 28 applicants
b. Committee will be formed to do the screening.
c. Brandi and Brenda will do final hiring
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:07 p.m. by Rusty Bruce, SPA President.