RFP FY2014 Continuation FC: 667/343 Program and Staff

Name of Grant Program:
Program and Staff Development Regional Support
Centers for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Fund Code: 667/343
1. Using guidelines provided in the Attachment, submit a work plan for FY2014 for the ABE/ESOL
Content Specialty assigned to your region.
2. Using guidelines provided in the Attachment, submit a work plan for FY2014 for the Program
Support Area assigned to your region.
3. What training or technical assistance did your Center offer in FY13 to: a) orient new practitioners
in your region to the ABE field as well as to their specific job roles, and b) help teachers in the
region to meet the state’s Professional Standards for Adult Basic Education Teachers? What
were the results of these activities?
4. Budget
This project is funded with a combination of state and federal funding, subject to budget
appropriation. State funding may be used from July 1, 2013 (or the date the budget is approved
by the ESE Grants Management Office, whichever is later), through June 30, 2014. Federal
funding may be used from September 1, 2013 (or the date the budget is approved by the ESE
Grants Management Office, whichever is later) though August 31, 2014. Applicants are advised
to submit a state budget in the amount of 345,360 and a separate federal budget in the amount of
$21,600, for a total of $366,960 per region for FY2014. Please provide budgets that are cost
effective, directly related to the program’s purpose and priorities, and consistent with allowable
Fund Use as outlined in this RFP. Use a separate Signature Page for each budget.
Standard Budget Application Package: Following the instructions, complete the required Budget
Forms, Part I - Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants and Part II - Budget
Detail Pages (see Required Forms). Use the applicant agency’s definition of full-time
employment (hours/week and weeks/year) as a basis for calculating Full Time Equivalents (FTEs)
for all salaried staff on the Budget Detail Pages.
Budget Narrative:
a) Provide a detailed budget narrative that fully explains and provides a rationale for each
proposed expenditure. The budget narrative must correspond to the line item sequence of
the required budget pages in the ESE Standard Application for Grants package, Part II Budget Detail Pages
b) At the top of the budget narrative; include a clear explanation of how the applicant agency
defines full-time, in terms of hours per week and weeks per year.
c) For salaried positions, delineate the hours per week and weeks per year that each position is
to be paid from this grant, and note additional hours and/or weeks paid from other sources.
d) Provide a clear and complete description of what costs are included in the fringe rate.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
e) Consultant expenditures must include the range of hourly and daily rates to be paid for
various levels and types of service.
Distinguish between short-term consultants hired on a per-project basis and consultants to be
hired for a sustained period of time; for the latter, include the same information provided for
salaried staff.
5. Match Narrative
Were there any changes in FY2013 in the facilities that the applying institution provided to the
Regional Support Center for offices, training, videoconferencing, laboratory or other use or in the
administrative and technology staff time that the applicant provided?
If the response is “no changes,” acceptance of the grant signifies a commitment by the grant recipient
to provision of the same space and other institutional support described in the FY2012 and FY2013
If there have been any changes to the institutional commitment, submit the following information:
a detailed description and floor plan of the specific space committed to the Program and
Staff Development Center, attached as an appendix. Include square footage of office
space, square footage of room(s) used for trainings, videoconferencing, technology lab,
and any other grant-related purposes;
the percent of time each room is used by the grant;
an estimate of the dollar value of such space and a rationale for the estimate;
a description of videoconferencing facilities available to the applicant, including a description
of the type of connection to be provided for videoconferencing and Internet use, the minimum
number of hours/week that the institute commits for use by ABE professional development
regional center and the projected cost;
a description of any other facilities to be provided to the proposed Program and Staff
Development Regional Support Center, with an estimate of their dollar value; and
a description of other institutional support available to the Program and Staff Development
Regional Support Center in terms of administrative and/or technology staff time.
6. Service Option: Statewide Adult Basic Education Research and Resource Collection
ESE is prepared to renew funding to the University of Massachusetts Boston to maintain a Statewide
Adult Basic Education Research and Resource Collection and disseminate its resources The
purpose of the Statewide ABE Research and Resource Collection is to support teaching, research,
professional development, and administrative needs in the Massachusetts ABE field by providing
access to research and data reports, books, periodicals, teacher- and student-generated materials,
as well as audio and visual learning materials. The SRRC is required to provide an online, userfriendly searchable catalogue of resources and to mail books and other materials to adult education
programs and practitioners on request.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
To apply for this program service option, please:
a) Describe the SRRC activities in FY2013 that supported the SABES Regional Support Centers’
priorities in content and program support areas.
b) How does the SRRC identify, vet and promote current research to support these areas?
c) Budget: Submit a budget and budget narrative in the amount of up to $130,000 for the period
between July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 that itemizes costs related to the Statewide
Research and Resource Collection. Refer to the “Budget” section above (item 4) to prepare the
budget and the accompanying narrative.
Important: In addition, submit a consolidated budget, for all costs related to both the SABES
Center and the Resource Collection, on ESE budget forms.
1. General Guidelines for Developing the 2014 Work Plan
2. Guidance for Regional Activities
o Curriculum
o Assessment
3. Requirements for Content Specialty Areas
o Writing
o Reading
o Mathematics
o ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
4. Requirements for Program Support Areas
o College and Career Readiness/Advising
o Educational Leadership
o ESE-Funded Distance Learning Programs
o Technology
Using the template provided, indicate the professional development activities that your Regional
Support Center will offer in its Content and Program Support areas in FY2014.
FY14 Work Plan
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
1. ACLS requires that the train-the-trainer model be limited to professional development in subjects
other than Reading, Writing, Mathematics and ESOL. These Content areas are to be taught by
experts: i.e. those who contribute to or who are very well grounded in current research on
instruction in a given subject. The train-the-trainer model may be an appropriate strategy in
other areas such as, for example, Educational Leadership, Assessment, or Continuous
2. All activities should reflect research-based principles of effective professional development
including a level of intensity appropriate to the learning objectives, job-embedded, follow-up
support at the program, etc. Providers should target a minimum enrollment of 10 participants for
each activity, unless there is a compelling reason to offer it to fewer practitioners. ACLS will help
promote and encourage the trainings, upon request.
3. In the session description, please define the target audience and level (e.g. the class level, or
teachers’ level of expertise, or both as appropriate) for the trainings.
4. Plan professional development as early in the school year as possible, so that teachers will have
time to try out and concretize what they learned before the year ends in June.
5. Work plans should be responsive to the need for all teachers—not just those at the pre-ASE or
ASE levels—to be trained in use of the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult
6. Because a significant number of teachers and other practitioners work part-time and have
difficulty attending trainings, it is important to create strategies and formats to accommodate this
audience (e.g., summer institutes, distance learning training, or other)
7. Whether offering professional development in one region or in all five, indicate a target number of
participants and programs to be reached in each region where the training is offered.
8. Evaluate the effectiveness of these trainings and, in consultation with ACLS, make adjustments to
the course offerings accordingly.
9. Seek to offer trainings in ways most likely to have impact: e.g. train teams from the same
program; offer trainings at programs; ensure follow-up and application of new learning; seek to
engage the Program Director for ongoing support; collaborate with ACLS and consultants to
develop classroom observation tools for Directors; etc.
10. Embed a research component and discussion of research into every training.
11. Embed appropriate uses of data, including student work, into trainings to support the emphasis of
each training, rather than focus specific training on data.
12. Collaborate with other Regional Support Centers to outline the big picture of professional
development, and decide when activities need to be offered in order to be used by staff before
the year ends. For example, determine which PD activities must be offered in quarters 1 and 2 to
be effective, which may be offered in quarter 4 or even 3, and what is feasible.
13. Involve the ACLS Assessment Specialist in reviewing training materials during the development
stage (e.g., Creating Effective Assessments for Teaching).
14. See guidelines on the next pages for regional activities related to Curriculum and Assessment.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
1. In consultation with ACLS, develop a process for determining the number of programs that have
and use a program-wide curriculum, and which do not. Since many programs have pieces of a
curriculum but not a full documented program-wide curriculum used by all relevant teachers, a
rubric of sorts might help capture the data. Determine where programs are in the process of
developing, using and/or revising their curriculum and what does the program see as their next
2. The report will cover all funded programs in the region and will be used to help ACLS and SABES
determine the support needed to ensure that all programs have and are using a program-wide
curriculum in ABE, ESOL, or both. The development of the needs assessment should occur in the
1st quarter, and the implementation should begin in the first quarter and end by the 2 nd quarter (or
a time mutually agreed upon). Each Regional Support Center will provide its own report using a
common format by the end of the 2nd quarter. ACLS will provide a more refined definition of
curriculum and more guidance on the desired needs analysis.
3. Based on the completed program-wide curriculum needs assessment and in consultation with
ACLS, determine what the levels of support needed and next steps for FY14 and FY15, and
devise a plan. The plan would then begin to be implemented in quarters 3 and 4 in FY14.
4. Determine, in consultation with ACLS, how to support programs’ alignment of their curriculum and
instruction to the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRSAE), and
develop a plan of action. (The form of the alignment to the CCRSAE will be finalized in ACLS by
the end of FY13). This activity will impact the work in the first bullet.
5. In consultation with the SABES-ACLS Educational Leadership Team, discuss and develop a plan
for providing curriculum professional development to Administrators in their role as educational
leaders (e.g., leading curriculum development; observing teachers in the classroom, etc.) and
begin to offer some type of PD (e.g., study circle or other activity) in FY14.
6. With ACLS, determine whether the training entitled Using the Curriculum Frameworks to Develop
a Program-Wide Curriculum continues to be effective given the increased rigor placed on
programs by the CCRSAE. If it is determined to need revision, identify and complete these, so
the revised training may be offered in FY14.
7. Revise the Lesson Planning Guide and materials (e.g., lesson plan templates). Support ACLS’
message that ACLS’ emphasis is not on producing lesson plans over curriculum, or in isolation
from curriculum or curricular units. The emphasis is instead on ensuring that lesson plan
information is incorporated in developing and using curriculum and units, as well as lesson plans,
rather than lesson planning presented as a separate workshop.
8. In discussion with ACLS, develop professional development on how teachers should use the ABE
Curriculum Frameworks benchmarks. The discussion needs to include the level of teacher
experience to which the PD will be aimed, and options for integrating the use of the benchmarks
into other areas of Curriculum and Assessment PD.
9. Determine ways to incorporate Integrating Career Awareness into the ABE and ESOL Classroom
(ICA) as well as the Community College Transformation Agenda modules into training on
curriculum and instruction.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
CLAS-E Reading Assessment
 Continue to offer online format. Offer it throughout the year so anyone may take it as needed.
CLAS-E Writing Assessment
 CLAS-E Writing Assessment trainings will be offered as needed: at least once per quarter but not
necessarily in each region
 Work with the Center for Educational Assessment at University of Massachusetts Amherst to
improve CLAS-E Writing Recertification work (e.g., developing the scoring samples), scoring test
administrators’ recertification activities, and providing remediation in all regions.
 Provide a report to the ACLS Assessment Specialist on the total number of test administrators
who recertified in FY14, the number who passed, and the number who needed remediation, by
 Work with the U. Mass Amherst Center for Educational Assessment, the ACLS Assessment
Specialist, and the Assessment Work Group to develop a professional development plan to
support programs’ effective use of CLAS-E Writing/Reading; streamline handouts for CLAS-E
Writing in 1st quarter.
 BEST Plus trainings will be offered as needed: at least once per quarter but not necessarily in
each region.
 For BEST Plus Test Administrator Recertification work (scoring activities, providing remediation
as needed), one to two Curriculum and Assessment Coordinators (CACs) will take the lead in
determining how BEST Plus test administrators have performed on recertification over time in
order to evaluate whether or not to continue with all test administrators recertifying annually.
 Provide a report to the ACLS Assessment Specialist on the total number of test administrators
who recertified in FY14, the number who passed, and the number who needed remediation, by
 CACs at Southeast and Northeast SABES will be trained as BEST Plus trainers. Based on the
needs of each region and in consultation with ACLS, determine whether it is necessary to seek
other potential trainers from ABE program staff to be trained, or confirm that the two stipulated
trained CACs will suffice.
 If BEST Plus Test Administration Guides need to be purchased, identify one of the SABES
Centers to make the purchase.
TABE 9/10 and Level L
 TABE 9/0 trainings will be offered as needed: at least once per quarter, but not necessarily in
each region.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
 MAPT trainings will be offered as needed: at least once per quarter, but not necessarily in each
 Schedule a meeting first with the ACLS Assessment Specialist to go over the MAPT information
and any updates; provide the ACLS Assessment Specialist with one month’s notice when MAPT
trainings are to be offered and when need materials updated.
 Develop a MAPT Power Point for programs to use to train other staff.
 The Center for Educational Assessment will take the lead, with input from ACLS, on training the
CACs to deliver the MAPT Math and Reading Score Report trainings in their or in other SABES
o Identify practitioners in consultation with ACLS from programs who may also aid in
making the trainings meaningful for program staff.
o With ACLS, determine other methods for helping programs to embed the use of score
reports into their teaching practice (e.g., regional study groups)
 Ensure that some negotiated percentage of practitioners and programs in each region (identify a
specific number, based on the number of practitioners and ESE-funded programs and sites in
each region) complete the MAPT Math and Reading Score Reports trainings (as re-named and
with new marketing strategies), with follow-up with respect to application in the program and in
the classroom.
 Develop materials related to helping programs use informal assessments; revise the existing PD
 Review new materials developed with Assessment Working Group on analyzing test results and
sharing scores with students; and determine what PD might be developed from these.
 Update assessment information on the SABES webpage annually and quarterly if changes have
been made by ACLS to any assessment information. Notify ACLS of changes before they are
uploaded to website.
For both Curriculum and Assessment Work Areas:
1. Develop a way to document activities or deliverables that need renegotiated time frames (e.g.,
cases in which activities are not offered in the quarter for which they were slated in a region).
2. Include the Assessment Working Group (for Assessment) and request feedback from the
Director’s Council in the work plan planning process to ensure needs of the field are met.
3. Plan monthly conference calls with the ACLS Assessment Specialist and the SABES CACs in
order to discuss the status of activities and deliverables and/or any program work or TIP work
related to curriculum and assessment. Depending on the agenda, half the meeting can be
devoted to curriculum, and half to assessment. The meeting can take place sometime after the
CAC meeting.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
In FY 2014, ALCS intends to continue working with the Boston Regional Center and external consultants
to develop the Writing priority. The Boston Regional Center will assume statewide leadership in SABES
for training and technical assistance in writing for ABE teachers who teach writing at any level; and it will
help such teachers to meet professional standards in writing and move from provisional to proficient, and,
for some, on to mastery level of performance.
Writing Curriculum Framework Learning Standards and Benchmarks
 Provide input and guidance, along with ACLS Liaisons, to the Writing Consultants as they
complete the Writing Curriculum Frameworks standards and benchmarks.
 Provide feedback to the ACLS Liaisons on the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult
Education, with an assessment of and whether or not it is sufficiently incorporated into the
consultants’ version of the Curriculum Framework standards and benchmarks.
Writing Professional Standards for Teachers
 Provide input and guidance, along with ACLS Liaisons, to the Consultants as they develop a draft
of the Writing Professional Standards. SABES and ACLS will jointly identify target programs and
key staff to review the draft. The Professional Standards will be completed in FY2014, to the
extent possible
Work with the Writing Advisory Committee
 Determine the best use of the Writing Advisory Committee’s time, and continue to oversee them.
Seek their input on developing a sequence of professional development for the Writing Curriculum
Framework standards as well the training needed to help teachers meet the Writing Professional
Standards. This includes the change in pedagogy needed for meeting the increased rigor of the
College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education, particularly at the lower proficiency
class levels. It might also involve ways to build in a sequence of pedagogy-focused PD for
teachers with relatively less experience in teaching writing.
 Discuss with the National Writing Project how work with the NWP could be increased in terms of
input to development of professional standards and a sequence of PD to support the field in
meeting the professional standards.
 With input from the Writing Advisory Committee, research and draft a list of the best, high quality
professional development opportunities (national or local) that have already been created to meet
Writing needs indicated in the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education.
Training activities may either be online, blended, or face-to-face. When evaluating courses, use
the following criteria, listed in order of priority:
o alignment with the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education;
o high quality;
o incorporation of current research; and
o provision at low or no cost.
Given these criteria, online courses from the SABES DL inventory and other sources may be
included, where appropriate.
Create a list of potential providers at the expert and/or national level who could present
professional development based on these criteria.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
Using the anticipated draft plan for Writing professional development based on the Curriculum
Framework Standards as well as the draft of Writing Professional Content Standards, consult with
the Advisory Committee and Writing consultants in order to begin the design of:
an incremental credentialing program, and
a research-based, comprehensive professional development program to support
cohorts of teachers, over multiple years, to move from “provisional,” to “proficient,” to
“mastery” in Writing.
Wherever possible, use data to inform PD recommendations.
Writing Professional Development
The SABES Writing Coordinator will present, in each of the 5 regions, the training that was
developed with National Writing Project colleagues in spring 2013. Project the target audience and
number of participants and programs in each region.
With the Writing Consultants taking the lead, and with input from the ACLS Liaisons, develop
training that introduces the field to new CF standards/benchmarks. Offer this training in each
region. Determine whether the consultants are able to present with the SABES Writing Coordinator
in at least in one region. The target audience will be all levels of ABE teachers of writing. Project
the number of participants and programs in each region.
Present the revised Hungry to Write training in all regions. Project the target audience and
number of participants and programs in each region.
Determine what may be developed for ABE program directors to support them in understanding
the increased rigor needed in ABE classes devoted to writing, and about developing curriculum
devoted to writing.
 Advise the Curriculum and Assessment Coordinators (CACs) on how to best support programs in
developing/revising ABE curriculum that is aligned with Writing standards and benchmarks in the
College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education. Ensure that all CACs understand
and can communicate to programs the need for increased rigor in ABE writing, and specifically
what that may involve for programs in developing curriculum (e.g., content/skills; pedagogy).
 Make adaptations to the Hungry to Write training based on feedback and on the above points.
 Offer any additional suggestions deemed appropriate.
 Investigate the potential for collaboration with the Greater Boston Readiness Center, an initiative of
the Executive Office of Education. Information on Readiness Centers is found at the following link:
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
In FY 2014, the work in the Reading area will be scaled back to focus more on the other content areas.
The priority in Reading for FY 2014 will be to extend SABES support to the STAR initiative by designating
a STAR Coordinator, subject to ACLS approval (@ 600 hours/year). The consultant will support STAR
programs as specified by ACLS in a forthcoming document that will become part of the work plan.
Additionally, ALCS intends to continue working with the Southeast Regional Center, including the
incumbent Reading Specialist, and external consultants to implement the rest of the Reading work plan.
The work will be guided by the ACLS-SABES Reading Team, comprised of ACLS Liaisons, SABES
Reading Coordinators, Reading Consultants when available, and the ACLS Professional Development
Specialist. The work plan will include monthly check-in meetings of about 90 minutes for the Reading
Team. The Team will provide a venue for ACLS to provide ongoing direction and feedback for the work,
such as guidance in the allocation of resources or recommendations for professional development
providers. Southeast SABES will be asked to assume responsibility for developing a detailed agenda for
the monthly check-ins and for sending that agenda with related reports to ACLS one week before each
meeting. The RSC will also be asked to identify and implement next steps, and take notes from the
monthly call.
General Comments:
 In consultation with ACLS, clearly delineate the responsibilities that the Regional Support Center,
the Writing Consultant and ACLS Liaisons will each assume in order to complete the Reading
Professional Content Standards.
 Research and develop a draft list of the best, high quality professional development opportunities
(national or local) that have already been created to meet Reading needs indicated in the College
and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education. Training activities may either be online,
blended, or face-to-face. When evaluating courses, use the following criteria, listed in order of
alignment with the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education;
high quality;
incorporation of current research; and
provision at low or no cost.
Given these criteria, online courses from the SABES Distance Learning inventory and other sources
may be included, where appropriate.
Create a draft list of potential providers at the expert and/or national level who could present
professional development based on these criteria. SABES staff members will develop a list of
additional criteria specific to Reading for determining the most appropriate PD. The ACLS
Reading Liaisons will review these and provide feedback to SABES. (Examples of suggested
topics include analyzing text according to the standards, differentiated instruction for literacy
instruction, and how to select the appropriate level of texts.) ACLS and SABES will then
collaborate on selection of PD providers.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
Reading Professional Development Activities:
 SABES staff will present the training, Overview of the Revised Reading Strand in all five regions.
The target population will be all levels of teachers as well as any teacher who has not yet
attended the training. Plan to offer this training in ways that are most likely to have impact. For
example, recruit teams from the same program, offer program-based trainings, ensure follow-up
and application of new learning, or seek to engage the Program Director for ongoing support,
among other options.
 Work with ACLS Liaisons to develop a Diagnostic Assessment of Reading (DAR) training, or
determine whether new DAR training is needed. Investigate the possibility of using of new expert
presenters. Report to ACLS the number of programs and ABE staff members that have already
been trained in use of the DAR.
o Alternatively, this could be an assessment activity that the CACs engage in, rather than a
reading activity. One option is to use the current DAR training as a base and have CACs
develop the training. Ensure that any training reflects the content and skills stipulated in
the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education as well as in
STAR/Evidence-Based Reading Instruction.
 The SABES Reading Coordinator will participate in the MAPT for Reading Score Report trainings
and be trained to present the professional development.
 The Alphabetics training given in March 2013 will be presented in fall 2013 to a targeted number
regions, programs and participants to be determined by SABES.
 Investigate the potential for collaboration with the Southeastern Massachusetts Readiness Center,
an initiative of the Executive Office of Education. Information on Readiness Centers is found at the
following link:
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
In FY 2014, ALCS intends to continue working with the West Regional Support Center and TERC to
develop the Mathematics priority. SABES West will assume statewide leadership in SABES for training
and technical assistance designed to increase the mathematical proficiency and math-specific
pedagogical skills of ABE teachers who teach math at any level, to assist such teachers to meet
professional standards in mathematics/numeracy and move from provisional to proficiency, and, for
some, on to mastery.
The work will be guided by an ACLS-TERC-SABES-Field committee comprised of ACLS staff, TERC
consultants, the SABES West Regional Director and staff, and possibly two or three ABE math teachers
and/or ABE directors.
The guiding question for this work is:
“What would it take to ensure that adult learners enrolled in Massachusetts ABE
programs receive high quality math instruction?”
It will be grounded in the literature on adult numeracy such as, for example:
 College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education, OVAE, April 2013
 Building on Foundations for Success: Guidelines for Improving Adult Mathematics Instruction, OVAE,
 The Components of Numeracy, NCSALL, 2006;
 Changing the Way We Teach Math: A Manual for Teaching Math to Adults, Kate Nonesuch,
Malaspina University-College, Duncan, B.C., 2006;
 What Community College Developmental Mathematics Understand About Mathematics, Math
AMATYC Educator, 2010;
 Thinking beyond Numbers: Learning Numeracy for the Future Workplace, National Centre for
Vocational Education Research on behalf of the Australian Government; funded by the Adult Literacy
National Project by the Australian Government through the Department of Education, Science and
Training, 2007;
 Other resources, including TERC’s FY2012 final report, Recommendations for the Massachusetts
ABE Mathematics/Numeracy Initiative.
Major Activities Envisioned for SABES in FY 2014:
 Contract with the Math Research Study Circle developer to have the study circle materials and
activities tailored for, and delivered to, three new audiences: (1) SABES staff, (2) ABE Directors,
and (3) ABE teachers. Collaborate with the Central SABES/ACLS Educational Leadership team to
implement the activity for Directors.
 Collaborate with TERC and the Central SABES/ACLS Educational Leadership team in the
development and delivery of a follow-up training for administrators (follow-up to the study circle),
focused on the MA ABE Mathematics/Numeracy Curriculum Framework benchmarks and the
Mathematics standards in the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
 Ensure that some negotiated percentage of practitioners and programs in each region (identify a
specific number, based on the number of practitioners and ESE-funded programs and sites in each
region) complete the MAPT Math Score Reports trainings (as re-named and with new marketing
strategies), with follow-up with respect to application in the program and in the classroom. Market,
promote and follow-up on these trainings to connect them with the Central SABES/ACLS
Educational Leadership Team’s work to help ABE Program Directors understand the importance
of using student data to inform instruction, for organizational learning, and for continuous
improvement focused on student learning and achievement.
 Consult as may be requested with the ACLS Educator Policy Team and/or the Central MA
SABES/ACLS Educational Leadership team as to whether and how math-specific information may
need to be incorporated into a new rubric for evaluating teachers and incorporating classroom
observations into staff evaluation, in areas such as subject matter knowledge, unit design, wellstructured lessons, analysis of assessments to draw conclusions and adjust practice, instructional
practices, and meeting diverse student needs.
 Collaborate with the Central SABES/ACLS Educational Leadership team around assisting ABE
Directors in the development and ongoing evaluation of a mathematics curriculum that meets the
requirements outlined in the FY 2013 Massachusetts Guidelines for Effective Adult Basic Education
for Community Adult Learning Centers and Adult Basic Education Programs in Correctional
Institutions and other criteria that may be identified, such as OVAE’s College and Career Standards
for Adult Education.
 Collaborate/consult with the SABES/ACLS Educational Leadership team by bringing a math
perspective and content to SABES work on continuous improvement planning, including effective
use of student assessment and other data and linking professional development to student
achievement and program improvement goals.
 Continue to provide the ABE field with one or more math content specialists within the SABES
 Actively participate in Math Team meetings with ACLS and its contractor.
 Support the work of the Math Team in (a) the design of an incremental credentialing program and
(b) a research-based, comprehensive professional development program to support cohorts of
teachers, over multiple years, to move from “provisional,” to “proficient,” to “mastery” in
mathematics. Collaborate with TERC and the ACLS Educator Policy team in this development.
 Evaluate the math trainings identified in the DL PD inventory; develop an annotated list of DL PD to
post to the web, and a report to ACLS on trainings not recommended, and why.
 Continue to offer existing trainings based on ongoing, documented assessment of the field’s needs.
 Seek to engage in all math trainings new participants who have not previously been involved in
math training. Seek to offer math trainings in ways most likely to have impact (e.g., train teams
from the same program, offer trainings at programs, ensure follow-up and application of new
learning; seek to engage the program director for ongoing support; collaborate with ACLS and
TERC to develop classroom observation tools for directors, etc.).
 Work with TERC and ACLS to develop a core mathematics/numeracy professional curriculum
development (scope and sequence).
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
 Investigate the potential for collaboration with the Berkshire Readiness Center and the Pioneer
Valley Readiness Center, an initiative of the Executive Office of Education. Information on
Readiness Centers is found at the following link:
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
In FY 2014, ALCS intends to continue working with the Central and Northeast Regional Centers and one
or more external consultants to develop the ESOL priority. The Central and Northeast Regional Centers
will assume statewide leadership in SABES for training and technical assistance in ESOL for teachers
who teach ESOL at any level, to assist such teachers to meet professional standards in ESOL and move
from provisional to proficiency, and, for some, on to mastery.
Both SABES Central and Northeast asked to allocate sufficient resources to contract with a national-level
consultant identified by ACLS to deliver the following activities:
Finalize questions to elicit feedback from the field regarding the draft ESOL Professional
Standards. (SABES and ACLS jointly identify some target programs and key staff to review the
Analyze feedback and determine changes that need to be made to the draft ESOL Professional
Standards (in consultation with ACLS.)
Continue development of the ESOL Professional Standards based on analysis of feedback from
the field regarding the ESOL Professional Standards.
Design (1) an incremental credentialing program and (2) a research-based, comprehensive
professional development program to support cohorts of teachers, over multiple years, to move
from “provisional,” to “proficient,” to “mastery” in ESOL. Consult with the ACLS ESOL Liaison and
the ACLS Educator Policy Team in this development.
Develop two new ESOL trainings based on ELL-U online courses: Principles of Second
Language Teaching: Planning, Implementing, and Managing Instruction; and the Role of Culture
in Teaching Adult ELLs; delivery is anticipated in FY2015.
Major Activities Envisioned for SABES in FY 2014:
Offer new ESOL trainings in the five regions based on the development (in FY 13) of two new
ESOL Foundations courses using ELL-U as the DL portion of the trainings: Second Language
Acquisition, Teaching Emergent Readers and Using Formative Assessments. To the extent
possible, all ESOL offerings make some explicit connections to the ABE Curriculum. Frameworks
for ESOL, use of the ESOL Framework benchmarks developing curriculum, using informal
assessments and developing and using lesson plans.
Ensure that all Curriculum and Assessment Coordinators complete the five ELL-U on line
courses: Principles of Second Language Acquisition; Teaching Adult English Language Learners
(ELLs) who are Emergent Readers; Assessment in Adult ELL Programs; Principles of Second
Language Teaching: Planning, Implementing, and Managing Instruction; and The Role of Culture
in Teaching Adult ELLs.
Investigate the potential for collaboration with the Northeast Regional Readiness Center and
Central Massachusetts Readiness Center. Readiness Centers are initiatives of the Executive
Office of Education; and information on them is found at the following link:
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
In FY 2014, ALCS intends to continue working with the Northeast and Southeast Regional Centers and
external consultants to develop the College and Career Readiness/Advising (CCR-A) priority. The work
will be guided by an ACLS-SABES committee comprised of ACLS CCR-A Liaisons and appropriate
SABES staff.
Purpose: to expand the capacity of all ABE programs to support students’ pursuit of and need for further
education, training, and/or employment with clear career pathways that lead to family-sustaining wages;
to provide ABE staff with the tools and skills to help students in understanding all relevant next step
options and in defining and achieving goals for future educational attainment and careers.
ACLS’s Goals for the Field and SABES’ Focus for FY 2014:
 Support programs in implementing Education and Career Plans for all students, and help
programs to understand the alignment of the Education and Career Plans, the student goalsetting process, and SMARTT goal data entry requirements.
 Help programs create a culture of college and career readiness through program services,
activities, and curricula:
o Use appropriate, available tools (e.g., Integrating Career Awareness into the ABE/ESOL
Classroom, Labor Market Information workshop) as needed and where applicable to
accomplish the above goal.
o Focus activities around this goal and where necessary highlight which tools are most
appropriate for which populations and/or specialty areas or programs (e.g., ABE, ESOL,
Adult Career Pathways).
Major Activities Envisioned for SABES in FY 2014:
 ACLS and SABES will maintain regular communication with regard to the CCR initiative.
 SABES will meet at least quarterly with ACLS CCR staff to review workshops, modules, and
materials to be used with the ABE field.
 SABES will provide quarterly reports as needed on issues, challenges, and successes from the
Advisor Sharing Group meetings.
 SABES will stay up-to-date on all current labor market information and workforce development
initiatives to inform CCR workshops and trainings for the ABE field.
 SABES will continue to promote all relevant, effective trainings and workshops that are based on
research and that underscore the importance of CCR in the ABE field whether SABES-developed
or non-SABES developed professional development.
 Embed appropriate uses of data into workshops and trainings to support the focus of each
 Evaluate the effectiveness of all trainings and, in consultation with ACLS, adjust trainings
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
Professional Development Workshops and Trainings to be Developed and Implemented:
 The Art of Advising in three modules: Introduction to Advising in ABE; Education and Career
Planning in ABE; and Advising to Support Student Persistence – developed in FY13, piloted in
May and June 2013; development to be continued in FY2014 if needed based on feedback from
pilot sessions; to be offered in FY2014 statewide
 Advisor Sharing Group Meetings – to be continued in FY2014
 Labor Market Information sessions – to be offered again in FY2014 statewide
 Integrating College and Career Readiness in the ABE/ESOL Classroom (ICA) – parts of this
curriculum to be offered in other workshops in FY14; to be offered in some regions as a complete
workshop in FY2014
 Intro to Workforce Development Distance Learning workshops – to be revised to include updated
workforce development information and offered in FY14.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
In FY 2014, ALCS intends to work with a single SABES Center to develop the Educational Leadership
priority. Central SABES will be asked to develop activities and products, in consultation with ACLS, that
help ABE program directors develop their personal capacity to provide educational leadership, informed
by the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education, and Massachusetts’ standards, to
lead change, and to create conditions in their programs that support teaching and learning at a higher
The work will be guided by an ACLS-SABES-Field committee comprised of ACLS staff, the Central
SABES Regional Director, and two or three program directors, possibly from Central SABES’
Program/Staff Development Facilitators group. In order to facilitate the participation of the program
directors, meetings will primarily be conducted via videoconference and conference call, with two to four
face-to-face meetings between July and June.
Grounded in the literature on High Poverty/High Performing schools 1 that identifies the development of a
shared vision and creation of a culture of success for all as the fundamental leadership characteristic
present in high performing schools, the guiding question for the work might be,
“What will it take to ensure that every adult student in Massachusetts attends school in a setting
with strong, on-site, collaborative educational leadership that engages all stakeholders within and
outside the program in a shared vision, a program philosophy and culture that supports high
expectations for all, and program conditions that support teaching and learning?”
What are the research-based characteristics of effective educational leadership that should guide the
professional development?
a clear vision, focus, and culture of success for all, with internal and external stakeholders
engaged in actualizing the vision
teaching and learning the top priority, with an emphasis on practices consistent with research
hiring and developing staff among the leader’s most critical responsibilities; regular staff
evaluations informed by classroom observations
fostering shared leadership and a collective sense of responsibility for school improvement
staff involvement in planning and learning together around instructional issues
an intensive focus on using data for organizational learning and for continuous improvement
focused on student learning and achievement
a laser-like focus on student achievement and a particular emphasis on improvement
high expectations for all; both students and staff
collaboration; a team approach to planning around instructional issues; regular and frequent
opportunities for collegial exchange
In addition to strong, on-site, collaborative educational leadership, what are the other research-based
“program conditions that support teaching and learning”?
Research literature on High Poverty/High Performing schools is summarized in the Educational Leadership section
of the FY 2013 Massachusetts Guidelines for Effective Adult Basic Education for Community Adult Learning Centers
and Adult Basic Education Programs in Correctional Institutions, pp. 74-84.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
curricula aligned to state standards and aligned vertically across grade levels; curricula
emphasizes the core skills of reading, writing, mathematics, and second language acquisition but
also addresses higher-order skills, critical thinking, research, and college readiness; there is a
systematic process for monitoring, evaluating, reviewing curriculum
effective instruction based on evidence and research; teaching assignments are aligned with
teacher preparation and mastery of the content
focus on teaching and learning
culture of high expectations
ongoing, diagnostic student assessment, using a range of assessments, aligned to state
standards and educational levels; formative assessments are embedded into daily classroom
practice, and the results are used to diagnose and guide the instruction of individual students
routine use of student assessment data for individual and organizational learning; student
assessment data is used to target and modify instruction, identify promising practices and needs
for change, identify, acknowledge, and celebrate strengths, focus attention and resources on
areas of need, gauge teaching effectiveness; and inform professional development
a strong focus on student achievement and a particular emphasis on improvement; collaborative
systems and protocols for evaluating the effectiveness of the program
adequate learning time for students, especially in reading and math
professional development focused on improving student achievement; professional development
and structures for collaboration are evaluated for their effect on raising student achievement.
structures and dedicated time for collaboration, collegial exchange, and teamwork
a culture of shared leadership and shared responsibility to help every student succeed and to
accomplish the school's goals
Focus for SABES Educational Leadership Work in FY 2014:
In FY 2014, Central SABES will be asked to develop activities and products, in consultation with ACLS,
that help ABE program directors develop their personal capacity to provide educational leadership,
informed by the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education and Massachusetts’
standards, to lead change, and to create conditions in their programs that support teaching and learning
at a higher level.
Major Activities Envisioned for SABES in FY 2014:
While some of the specific activities to fulfill this vision will be determined in upcoming meetings of the
ACLS-SABES-Field Educational Leadership committee, some have been determined already:
Facilitate Massachusetts’ involvement in the NAEPDC Leadership Academy, assuming sufficient
ACLS funding to support participants.
Work with ACLS to develop a core professional development curriculum (scope and sequence)
for Administrators.
Collaborate with the ACLS Educator Policy Team’s (EPT) work by aligning support for
Administrators with the EPT’s focus on teachers. Support the work with teachers on the content
areas by collaborating with Math, ESOL, Writing, and Reading Teams as requested by aligning
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
support for Administrators with the content teams’ plans for professional development for
Collaborate with the ACLS Educator Policy team’s work by aligning support for Administrators
with the EP team’s focus on teachers.
Collaborate with the ACLS Educator Policy team to develop one or more trainings for
Administrators in using a new rubric for evaluating teachers and incorporating classroom
observations into staff evaluation.
Assist Administrators with providing leadership around the development and ongoing evaluation
of a program-wide curriculum that meets the requirements outlined in the FY 2013 Massachusetts
Guidelines for Effective Adult Basic Education for Community Adult Learning Centers and Adult
Basic Education Programs in Correctional Institutions.
Collaborate with SABES West and TERC on piloting a study circle on adult numeracy research
with Administrators and a possible follow-up training for Administrators on the Mass ABE
Mathematics/Numeracy benchmarks and the Common Core State Standards.
Assist Administrators with engaging staff in continuous improvement planning, including effective
use of student assessment and other data and linking professional development to student
achievement and program improvement goals.
Continue the Development of the Administrators’ Handbook begun in FY 2013.
Investigate the potential for collaboration with the Central Massachusetts Readiness Center.
Readiness Centers are initiatives of the Executive Office of Education; and information on them is
found at the following link:
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
In FY 2014, ALCS intends to continue to work with the Central SABES Center to develop the Distance
Learning priority. The Distance Learning (DL) Coordinator will be asked to train and offer technical
assistance to ESE-funded distance learning programs, assist ACLS in planning statewide implementation
of DL, and communicate related program successes and challenges.
Purpose: To support Hubs and programs that have distance learning components in the delivery of
successful distance learning instruction to students,
 The SABES DL Coordinator will provide ongoing technical assistance to ESE-funded Distance
Learning Programs in the following ways:
o Provide technical support to programs through monthly webinars; plan agenda items and
facilitate the webinars.
o Provide technical support to individual programs with identified needs.
o Support DL programs in the Community Adult Learning Centers and Hubs with
implementation of their DL components. Assist programs in building DL supports for
o Support the Hubs in establishing systems for the statewide implementation of DL.
The SABES DL Coordinator will train ESE-funded DL Programs as stipulated below.
o With ACLS, plan and facilitate a September, 2013 initial training for new DL programs.
o With Project IDEAL, facilitate DL101 training for new DL programs and DL102 and 104
for existing programs.
o In September and October, coordinate the delivery of required DL curricula trainings:
 Skills Tutor,
 McGraw Hill GED online curricula,
 USA Learns, and
 Others as needed.
o Provide training on distance learning tools or platforms that are relevant to DL programs.
o Provide and/or coordinate training on SMARTT data entry for DL and Cognos reports.
o Develop and refine training for DL programs based on the identified needs of the DL
programs and Hubs.
o Plan the annual DL Summit in spring 2014 in collaboration with ACLS and Project IDEAL.
The DL coordinator will collaborate with the ACLS DL Liaison, Project IDEAL, and the SABES
Central Resource Center (CRC) to meet the following responsibilities:
o Attend the Project IDEAL conference in August (paid through Project IDEAL
o Include a written summary of work in the quarterly reports to ACLS.
o Advise ACLS on the development of effective Cognos reports for DL.
o Communicate to ACLS successes and challenges in DL programs in order to inform DL
o Notify ACLS if there are program issues that require an intervention from ACLS.
o Provide input to CRC on their research on the use of new online curricula and technology
products to support the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
 All new programs to distance learning will attend the DL kick-off and participate in DL 101.
 All distance learning programs will have access to technical assistance from the DL coordinator.
 All distance learning programs will have access to trainings in order to successfully implement
their distance learning components.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
Purpose: To provide training and technical assistance to practitioners in the use and application of
the SMARTT database and its companion Cognos reporting system.
Major Activities Envisioned for SABES in FY 2014:
 Review training materials (e.g. for SMARTT New User online) during the development stage.
 Provide the EOE SMARTT Project Manager any staffing assignment changes in writing.
 Meet with the EOE SMARTT Project Manager to discuss work plan priorities for FY14.
 Include an ABE Program Director in the work plan development process to ensure that the needs
of the field are met.
 Schedule a monthly meeting between the EOE SMARTT Project Manager and one designated
SABES Field Technologist to discuss the status of activities and deliverables
 Schedule monthly meetings with the EOE SMARTT Project Manager and all three Field
Technologists to review training, technical assistance and changes in SMARTT and Cognos
 Send a monthly report to the EOE SMARTT Project Manager that indicates the number of e-mail
TA requests received, the number of requests resolved by the SABES Field Technologists, and
the number that were sent to the SMARTT Team to resolve.
 Send out SMARTT FAQ broadcast on SMARTT list, as needed.
 Survey field practitioners for feedback on new online training process.
Professional Development to be Planned and Delivered
Develop and deliver training on data collection and/or other National Reporting System issues
and requirements.
Update the Introduction to Cognos Online,
Create and deliver Cognos Update: New Features to Cognos 10.2, synchronous Distance
Learning and Face to Face.
Provide via synchronous distance learning and face to face, in at least three regions, and more if
needed: SMARTT Update: Changes for a New Year.
Provide via synchronous distance learning and face to face, in at least three regions, and more if
needed: SMARTT Update: Program Planning.
Provide via synchronous distance learning, in at least three different time slots, and more if
needed: SMARTT/Cognos Update: Reviewing Mid-Year Data.
Provide via synchronous distance learning, in at least three different time slots, and more if
needed: SMARTT/Cognos Update: Ending the Fiscal Year.
NRS Requirements
Data Foundation and Structure
Make available to local programs on a continuous basis technical assistance and resources on
assessment, data collection, and follow-up procedures (e.g., site visits, contact persons for
training and technical assistance, manuals, and online resources) aligned with NRS Guidelines.
Briefly describe this technical assistance in periodic reports.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
Data Collection and Verification
Provide additional technical assistance to local programs with poor data, as needed. Consult
regularly with ACLS and/or the EOE SMARTT Project Manager to determine which programs
have data issues, as identified through data audits and other means, to identify issues and what
they need
Data Analysis and Reporting
Through regular contact with local programs on data analysis issues and reporting needs, identify
technical assistance needs. Consult regularly with the EOE SMARTT Project Manager to discuss
Staff Development
Ensure that all local staff have been provided training on assessment policy and procedures,
follow-up policies, goal-setting procedures, and other NRS requirements. Briefly describe such
trainings in periodic reports. Include when such trainings occurred, the duration of each one, and
participation, in terms of the number of programs and practitioners who attended and what
percent of all ESE-funded programs and participants that represents.
Ensure that appropriate staff in every program have been provided training on data collection
Ensure that at least two appropriate staff in every program have been trained on data entry into
Ensure that appropriate staff in every program have been provided training on how to produce
and/or interpret Cognos reports.
Ensure that training on conducting follow-up survey procedures has been provided to staff
involved in survey or matching, in every program.
Ensure that appropriate staff in every program funded to provide distance learning have been
trained in distance education policy and use of proxy hours.
Provide at least one additional training annually to programs on NRS issues or data analysis
issues. Briefly describe this training or trainings in periodic reports. Include each such training
occurred, the duration of each one, and participation, in terms of the number of programs and
practitioners who attended and what percent of all ESE-funded programs and participants that
represents. (This training should not be the same as the one described above in item number 1.)
Outline and implement a plan for continuous training (at least one training annually) on data
collection and NRS issues. Briefly describe these trainings in periodic reports. Include frequency,
duration, and content of trainings.
Outline and implement a plan for identifying and addressing the needs of local staff for training
related to NRS requirements. Include in periodic reports a description of the needs assessment
process, and how the results and evaluations of previous trainings inform the plan for future
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information
Make available to local programs ongoing technical support, such as collecting the data and
setting goals, to local programs to improve data matching and/or survey follow-up procedures.
Include in periodic reports a description of the support and how it was provided.
Outline and implement a plan for ongoing staff development on NRS and data use issues to
promote continuous improvement.
Outline and implement a plan for continuous training of local staff on NRS issues, data collection,
and data reporting through regularly scheduled training sessions or other resources.
Consult regularly with EOE SMARTT Project Manager to identify data problems as they occur
and to ensure that training is provided to programs to correct the problems. Include in periodic
narrative reports a brief description of data problems identified and training provided as a result.
Program & Staff Development RSCs for Adult Basic Education (SABES)
Continuation RFP – Fund Code 667/343 – FY2014
Part III – Required Program Information