CSW - Teignmouth Art Society

(Wednesday afternoon workshops 2.00 - 4.00 at TAAG)
*Not necessary to pre-book. Just turn up!
Wednesday 17th September (TAAG not available)
‘Sketchbooking’ on Back Beach at Joyce Boyne’s beach hut (ferry landing
near lifeboat station): Joyce & Felicity Hughes
Making your own sketchbook; collecting items from the beach and hut.
Materials to bring: Watercolour or cartridge paper, pencils, watercolours,
Wednesday 1st October
Framing to sell your work: Jo Palmer
Jo from the ‘Framing Lot’ will give a talk about how to mount and frame work to
help improve your sales!
Wednesday 15th October
Fun with self drying clay: Barbara Chavasse
There will be a small cost for the self drying clay that Barbara will provide.
Materials to bring: Lolly sticks and apron or old shirt.
Wednesday 29th October
Exploring drawing in different media: Jane Branch
Materials to bring: Sketchbooks, variety of pencils and pens.
Wednesday 12th November
Laying the foundations in oil painting: Elaine Best
Elaine will show us how she begins an oil painting, so we can work alongside
Materials to bring: A canvas/canvas board (with a light wash of colour using oil & diluted white
spirit; at least 3 tubes of oil paint – red, blue & yellow; Windsor & Newton Liquin original; a couple
of pallet knives, brushes if required; palette; low odour white spirit; pencil sketch or drawing;
apron or old shirt; couple of old rags & kitchen roll.
Wednesday 26th November
Christmas Festivities: Felicity Hughes
Felicity will provide some Christmas related art activity – or bring your own to do!
Wednesday 21st January
Maureen Fayle – Liven up your acrylic painting!
Bring a ready painted under colour on heavy paper, card, board or canvas and either
acrylic or oil paint (with low odour white spirit). Also, bring a photo or sketch to work
Wednesday 4th February
Jenny Day - Colouring the landscape
Jenny takes the composition of many of her landscapes from photos. The colours she
then uses evolve on the palette, and are built up according to how they sit and resonate
with each other. Much of her own use of colour has felt intuitive, but she is hoping to
explore the use of colour and colour mixing for landscape compositions, in both an
intuitive and theoretical way.
Please bring along a range of paints (watercolour or acrylics are best for drying)
brushes, and paper, board or canvas. If you prefer to bring a range of coloured paper to
cut out and use on an appropriate surface that will be fine too. Colour wheels would be
helpful; Jenny will bring a few. She will also bring along her own range of colours and
demonstrate how she mixes and uses them.
Wednesday 18th February
Ann Ward – Fun with Mixed media
Bring along whatever paint medium you prefer to use, either water colour, gouache or
acrylic inks( not ordinary acrylics as they don’t work so well.) Ann uses soft pastels to
finish with. Supports can be W/C paper, mount board or strong cartridge paper. Mount
board and paper can be sized with gesso which can also make an interesting surface.
Bring plenty of newspaper to dribble on and kitchen or toilet paper.
Wednesday 4th March
Mike Wall – Various Techniques in watercolours
Come along and have fun experimenting and playing with watercolour techniques! Bring
your heaviest weight watercolour paper that you have and any watercolour pencils,
paints, brushes and a picture/sketch to work from.
Wednesday 18th March
Clare Jenkinson – Flower Power
Clare will explore painting flowers in a loose, energetic style using oils.
Materials: - canvas, charcoal /pencil/ soft pastels for drawing
old saucer / palette / turps or substitute / large brush for washes
oil paints, pallete / knife or brushes for painting
If you would prefer to use acrylics, bring these instead.
Wednesday 1st April
Des Maxwell Clark - Impressions in Watercolour
Des is best known for his intricate, detailed and realistic watercolours of waterscapes
and landscapes. Each of his paintings can take weeks to complete.
However this session is all about how to create dramatic and effective watercolours
using a very limited amount of equipment and time. Des will demonstrate some of the
following techniques and show some finished examples of:
-colour washes including Turner's use of colour for skies
You will have the opportunity to experiment with these techniques using your own choice
of colours and might even produce a masterpiece by combining several of these
What you need to bring:
ESSENTIAL : A flat wooden drawing board (not too big!) that you can prop up on blocks
to create a gentle slope; a selection of watercolour brushes – I suggest 1 very large soft
brush for washes ( a make-up brush works quite well!), a medium size brush with a nice
point (size 10 is ideal) and a flat brush size 3 or bigger. Also a very small but stiff haired
oil or acrylic brush with a fine tip. A large pot for water. Preferably 2 flat white plates to
mix your washes. A few colour TUBES – I suggest a brown such as raw umber or sepia,
a dark blue such as Indanthrene blue, cadmium orange, cerulean blue, cadmium red
and cadmium yellow. I will provide some tubes of paint so don't worry if you can't get
these. Also any other colours you like except green, white or black!
Note – You can use paint from pans, but it will take forever to get enough for the washes
you will use!
Paper – any watercolour paper provided it's reasonably heavy – ideally 300lb, but 200lb
is fine. We'll be working with relatively small sheets eg 18cm x 18cm so it won't curl up
too much if it's rather light. You can use Rough, Not or Smooth paper and see the
different results. Again I will bring some along for general usage.
OPTIONAL: A box of Kleenex (not for crying over your result) and some kitchen roll. A
finer, pointed brush such as a No4. A ruler and pencil (2B) and a putty rubber. Masking
Please also bring any photographs of water, hills, cliffs and views that you would like to
use in your work. The idea is to produce an impression of a scene so exact copying of
any picture is not the intention. You can also try entirely imaginative creations.
(There will be a small charge for the use of materials for this session.)
The cost per session for members is £2 and for non-members £3 towards
TAAG hire costs
For further information contact Pat Bray 01626 864246