Arithmetic Progression-AP Teachers orientation

Arithmetic Progression-AP
Teachers orientation1.INTRODUCTIONIn nature we observe that many things follow a
certain pattern such as the petals of a sunflower,the
holes of a honey comb, the grains on a maize etc.
1)In a savings scheme, the amout becomes 5/4
times of itself after every 3 years.The maturity
amounst (in Rs)
of an investment of Rs 8000 after 3, 6, 9 and 12
years will be, respectively: 10,000, 12500, 15625,
2)The number of unit squares in squares with side
1, 2, 3,…….units are respectively
1sq., 2sq, 3sq, ……..
3)Shakila put Rs.100 into her daughter`s money box
when she was one year old and increased the
amount by Rs 50 every year.The amount of money
in the box on the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ……. Birthday were
100, 150, 200 ,250………….respectively.
In the above examples we observe some pattern. In
this chapter we discuss one of these pattern in
which succeeding terms are obtained by adding a
fixed number to the preceding term. We will see
how to find their nth term and the sum of
consecutive term and use this knowledge in solving
some daily life problems.
Consider the list of numbers.
1)1 , 2, 3, 4, …….
3)-3,-2,-1 ,0………………
Each of the number in the list is called a term. In all
the list above , we see that successive terms are
obtained by adding a fixed number to the preceding
term .such list of number is said to form an
Arithmetic Progression(A.P)
Arithmetic ProgressionAn Arithmetic Progression is a list of number in
which each term is obtained by adding a fixed
number to the preceding term except the first term.
This fixed number is called the common difference
of the AP. It can be positive, negative or zero.
Let us denote the first term of an A.P by a1, second
term by a2………. Nth term by an and the common
difference by d .Then the AP becomes
So a2-a1=a3-a2=…………an-an-1=d
Some more examples of AP are –
a)The height (in cm) of some students of a school
standing in a queue in the morning assembly are
b)the balance money (in Rs) after paying 5 % of the
total loan of Rs 1000every month is
C)T he cash prizes (in Rs) given by a school to the
toppers of classes 1 to 12 are respectively
3. GENERAL FORM OF AN APWe see thata, a+d ,a+2d,a+3d………………………..represent an
arithmetic progression where where a is the first
term and d the common difference.This is called
The general form of an AP .
In above example (a) to (c) there are only a finite
number of terms .Such an AP is called a finite AP.
The AP in example 1 to 4 in this section are not
finite AP and so they are called infinite Airthmetic
Progression. Such AP do not have a last term.
To know about an AP , we will need to know both
1st term and the common difference d. For
instance the first term a is 6 and the common
difference d is 3 then the AP is
IF A=6 D=-3
Similarly when
a=-7 , d=-2 AP is -7, -9 ,-11,-13,…………….
AP is 1 , 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…………….
a is the first term ,it can be easily be written.In an
AP every succeeding term is obtained by adding d to
the preceding term .So d found by subtracting any
term from its succeeding term i.e the term which
immediately follows. It should be same for an AP.
Eg for the list of numbers6 ,9 , 12, 15……………
So common difference d is 3 .We should subtract.
kth term from the (k+1)th term even if the (k +1) th
term is smaller.
4.nth term of an APLet us consider a situation Reena applied for a job
and got selected . She has been offered the job with
a starting monthly salary of Rs 8000 with an annual
increment of Rs500. What would be her salary for
fifth year.
For 2nd year her salary would be Rs (8000 +
For 3rd year her salary would be Rs
=Rs[8000+(3-1)*500]=Rs 9000
Salary for the 4th year =Rs (9000 + 500)=Rs 9500
Salary for the 5th year= Rs[8000+(5-1)500]
We are getting a list of number
8000, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000……….
These numbers are in AP.
Salary for the 15th year=Salary for the 14th year +Rs
=first salary +(15-1)*annual increment
Let a1 ,a2,a3,………… be an AP Whose 1st term is
a1,and the common difference d.
Then the second term a2 =a+d=a+(2-1)d
The three term a3=a2+d=(a+d)+d=a+2d=a+(3-1)d
The fourth term a4=a+(4-1)d
So the nth term an of an AP with 1st term a and
common difference d is given by an=a+(n-1)d.
An is called the general term of the AP. If there are
m terms in the AP ,then am represent the last term
which is some times also denoted by L.
5.Sum of 1st n terms of an APA problem was given to Gauss when he was just
10 year old. He was asked to find the sum of the
integer from 1 to 100. He replied that the sum is
Rewrite in reverse orderS=100+99+……………..+3+2+1
Adding 1 and 2
We will use same technique to find the sum of the
1st n term of an AP.
TERMS OF AN APa,a+d,a+2d,………………
the nth term is a+(n-1)d.let s denote the sum of the
1st n term of the AP.
Rewrite in reverse order S=[a+(n-1)]+[a+(n-2)d)+……………+a+d +a
Adding 1 and 2
2s ={a+a+(n-1)d]+[a+(n-2)d+a+d]+……..[2a+(n1)d+[2a+(n-1)d] = n times
2s=[2a+(n-1)d]+[2a+(n-1)d]+…. [2a+(n-1)d]+[2a+(n1)d] = n times
2s=n[2a+(n-1)d] since there are n terms
S= n/2[2a+(n-1)d]
Sum of first n terms of an AP is given by
S= n/2[2a+(n-1)d]
S= n/2[a+a+(n-1)d]
S= n/2[a+an]
If there are only n terms in an AP,then an=l ,the last
term .
We see that S= n/2[a+l]
This form of the result is useful when the 1st and
last term of an AP are given and the d is not given.
So, the sum of 1st n positive integer is given by
Student orientation
In our every day life , we find that many things
follow a certain pattern . In this chapter ,we are
particularly interested in a pattern in which the
succeeding term are obtained by adding a fixed
number to the preceding terms . We shall also
derive formula for finding their nth term and the
sum of 1st n consecutive terms . We shall use this
knowledge in solving our some daily life problems.
Important points1)Let us consider the following lists of numbers
( 1)1,2,3,4…………..
( 2)2,2,2,2,2………….
( 3)4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2…………
Each of the no. in any list is called a terms.
(2) An arithmetic progression is a list of which
each term is obtained by adding a fixed no. to the
preceding term except the fixed term .
This fixed no. is called the common difference of the
AP Let it can be +ve, -ve the –ve or 0.
We usually denote the 1st term by a and the
common difference by d.
3)General term of an AP –the general form of an AP
is a, a+d,a+2d,a+3d……………where a is the 1st term
and d is the common difference.
4)Finite AP-An AP consisting of only a finite no.of
terms is called a finite AP. Such an AP has
essentially a last term .eg-1,2,3,4,5,6,7…………..10 is
a finite AP .
5)Infinite AP –An AP in which the no. of terms is un
limited (infinite)or in which each term is followed by
another term is called an infinite AP.such an AP has
no last term eg 1,2,3,4,5………………is an infinite AP.
6)If a and d of an AP are known ,then that AP can
be completed written i.e all the terms of an AP may
be listed easily.
7)To know about an AP , we will need to know boththe first term a and the common difference d.If the
first term a is 6 and the d is 3, then the AP is
IF A=6 D=-3
Similarly when
a=-7 , d=-2 AP is -7, -9 ,-11,-13,…………….
AP is 1 , 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…………….
a is the first term ,it can be easily be written in an
AP, every succeeding term is obtained by adding to
d to the preceding term. So d found by subtracting
any term from its succeeding term i.e the term
which immediately follows it should be same for an
Eg for the list of numbers:
6 ,9 , 12, 15……………
so common difference d is 3 .We should subtract
Kth term from the (K+1)th term even if the (K +1) th
term is smaller.
8)nth term of an AP.-Let a1 ,a2,a3,………… be an AP
Whose 1st term is a1,and the common difference is
Then the second term a2 =a+d=a+(2-1)d
The three term a3=a2+d=(a+d)+d=a+2d=a+(3-1)d
The fourth term a4=a+(4-1)d
So the nth term an of an AP with 1st term a and
common difference is given by an=a+(n-1)d.
An is called the general term of the AP. If there are
m terms in the AP ,then am represents the last term
which is some times also denoted by L.
9)Sum of first n terms of an APTerms of an AP is given bya,a+d,a+2d,………………
The nth term is[ a+(n-1)d].Let s denote the sum of
the 1st n terms of the AP.
Rewrite in reverse orderS=[a+(n-1)]+[a+(n-2)d)+……………+a+d +a
Adding 1 and 2
2s ={a+a+(n-1)d]+[a+(n-2)d+a+d]+……..[2a+(n1)d+[2a+(n-1)d] = n times
2s=[2a+(n-1)d]+[2a+(n-1)d]+ [2a+(n-1)d]+[2a+(n1)d] = n times
2s=n[2a+(n-1)d] sinu there are n term
S= n/2[2a+(n-1)d]
Sum of first n terms of an AP is given by
S= n/2[2a+(n-1)d]
S= n/2[a+a+(n-1)d]
S= n/2[a+an]
If there are only n term in an AP,then an=L,the last
term .We see that S= n/2[a+L]
This form of the result is useful when the 1st and
last term of an AP are given and the d is not given.
So, the sum of 1st n positive integer is given by
Sn=n/2(1+n)=n(n+1)/2 .
IMPORTANT FORMULA /POINTS1. An arithmetic progression AP is a list of no. in
which each term is obtained by adding a fixed
no. to the preceding terms, except the 1st
term.The fixed no. d is called the common
The general form of an AP is a, a+d, a+2d, a+3d…
2. A given list of no. a1,a2,a3,……… an AP if the
difference a2-a1,a3-a2,a4-a3………….give the
same value i.e if a(k +1)-ak is the same for
different value of k.
3. In an AP with 1st term a and common
difference d, the nth term (or the general
term)is given by an=a+(n-1)d
4. The sum of 1st n term is given by s=n/2[2a+(n1)d]
5. If L is the last term of the finite AP, say the nth
term , then the sum of all terms of the AP is
given by s=n/2(a+L)
6. If a,b,c,are in AP then b=a+c/2 and b is called
the airthmetic mean of a and c.
Concept – 1. Introduction-
In our every day life , we find that many things
follow a certain pattern . in this chapter ,we are
particularly interested in a pattern in which the
succeeding term are obtained by adding a fixed
number to the preceding terms . we shall also
derive formula for finding their nth term and
the sum of 1st n consecutive term . we shall use
this knowledge in solving our daily life
Important pointLet us consider the following lists of numbers
( 1)1,2,3,4…………..
( 2)2,2,2,2,2………….
( 3)4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2…………
Each of the no. in any list is called a term.
(2) Definition- An arthmetic progression is a list of which each term is obtained by adding a fixed
no. to the preceding term except the first term .
This fixed no. is called the common difference of the
AP. lt can be the –ve +ve or 0.
We usally denote the 1st term by a and the common
difference by d.
3)General form of an AP –the general form of an AP
is a, a+d,a+2d,a+3d……………where a is the 1st term
and d is the common difference.
4)Finite AP-An AP consisting of finite no.of terms is
called a finite AP. Such an AP has essential a last
term .ex-1,2,3,4,5,6,7…………..10 is a finite AP .
5)Infinite AP –An AP in which the no. of term is un
limited (infinite)or in which each term is followed by
another term is called an infinite AP.such an AP has
no last term eg 1,2,3,4,5………………is an infinite AP.
Ex- -7,-9,-11,-13……..
6)If a and d of an AP are known ,then that AP can
be completed written .eg1) a=o
The AP is 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2,…….
Eg 2) a=2
the AP is 2,2,2,2,2………….
Eg 3) a=6
d=3 ,the AP is 6,9,12,15……….
7) Let a1 ,a2,a3,………… be an AP Whose 1st term is
a1,and the common difference is d.
Then the second term a2 =a+d=a+(2-1)d
The three term a3=a2+d=(a+d)+d=a+2d=a+(3-1)d
The fourth term a4=a+(4-1)d
So the nth term an of an AP with 1st term a and the
common difference d is given by an=a+(n-1)d.
Ex-AP=2,7,12…………..We want to find the 10th term
= 47
n=10 an =a+(n-1)d= a10=2+(10-1)5
AP=21,18,15……………Q Which term is -81?
-81=an=a+(n-1)d = 21+(n-1)(-3)
Or -81-21=-3n+3
-105 = -3n
35th term is -81
8)sum of the first n terms of an AP
the nth term is {a+(n-1)d}.Let s denote the sum of
the 1st n term of the AP.
S=a+a+d+a+2d+……………+[a+(n-2)d.] +[a+(n-1)d]…1
Rewrite in reverse under
S=[a+(n-1)]+[a+(n-2)d)+……………+a+d +a
Adding 1 and 2
2s ={a+a+(n-1)d]+[a+(n-2)d+a+d]+……..[2a+(n1)d+[2a+(n-1)d] = n times
2s=[2a+(n-1)d]+[2a+(n-1)d]+ [2a+(n-1)d]+[2a+(n1)d] …….n times
2s=n[2a+(n-1)d] since there are n terms.
S= n/2[2a+(n-1)d]
Sum of first n terms of an AP is given by
S= n/2[2a+(n-1)d]
S= n/2[a+a+(n-1)d]
S= n/2[a+an]
If there are only n term in an AP,then an=l ,the last
term .
We see that S= n/2[a+L]
Eg-1) a=100,
d = 50, n=21
Find the sum of the first 21 terms of an AP
S= 21/2[2*100+(21-1)50]=21/2*2100=12600
Remark- the nth term of an AP is the difference of
the sum of the first n term and the sum to first (n1)terms of it i.e an=sn-sn-1
Eg 2)Find the sum of the first 22 terms of the AP:
8, 3, -2, ………
a=8, d=3-8=-5 n=22
= -979
Sum of 1st 22 terms of the AP is -979
a= 10
a20 =10+19*d. we need to find d.
Or, 1050= 140 + 91d
91d=1050-140= 910
a20=10+19*10= 10+ 190= 200.
Eg-4) sum of the 1st n positive integers
last term = n
common difference (d)=1
Sn=n/2(2+n-1)= n/2(n+1)= n(n+1)/2
9) Formula
1. An arithmetic progression (AP) is a list of
number in which each term is obtained by adding a
fixed number d to the preceding term, except the
first term. The fixed no. d is called the common
difference. The general form of an AP is
2. A given list of no. a1,a2,a3…………is an AP ,if the
difference a2-a1,a3-a2,a4-a3…………..,give the same
value i.e if a(k+1)- ak is the same for different value
of k.
3. In an AP with the first term a and the common
difference d , the nth term is given by
an = a + (n-1)d
4. The sum of the first n terms of an AP is given by
S = n/2[2a + (n-1)d]
5. If L is the last term of the finite AP,say the nth
term , then sum of all terms of the AP is given by
S = n/2(a + L)