DOC - Delta Heritage Airpark

Delta Heritage Air Park
Delta Heritage Air Park Operating Committee (DapCom)
Date: October 2, 2014
Call to Order: by Chair, Trevor Skillen
Call to Order: 19:30
Members and Guests Attending:
Trevor Skillen, Tom Boulanger, Gerard Van Dijk, Cyril Henderson, Ron Zeleschuk, Ginny Ivanicki,
Bob Sisler, Peggy Gordon, Les Mitchell
Corrections or Additions to Minutes: Nil
Correspondence: Cammidge House sent a letter thanking us for participation. Kevin Maher, in the
Stearman, did a few smoke passes for them. Bob Sisler was representing Delta on the ground.
The movie people were to do some re-shooting of ‘50 Shades of Grey’ but then changed their decision.
Note from Aviation Council re Awards: Winner of the Mary Swain Memorial award is Rachel Lichti. She
is an avid flyer and her aspiration is to be a bush pilot. There were about 20 applications. Each
applicant is scored on a number of points which are tallied. The award should continue for another
10 years.
Metro Vancouver Parks/Management Committee: The next Management committee meeting is on
the 29th of October. There will be a preliminary meeting on the 8th to review the renewal of the
agreement and about any modifications for the next five years and any changes we might want on
the agreement. We can perhaps ask for another option to renew for 10 years instead of five. We
may propose that we may want to build more permanent structures. Trevor, Tom, Bob and Marcel
from Parks will meet on the 8th.
Budget, Revenues and Expenses: Tom brought an RAA cheque for $413. , proceeds from the FlyIn, for the coffee fund. Trevor will keep it until Gerald is back in attendance.
Rents up to date: $99,754. which is dispersed as follows: $65,000. DAPCOM, $5,000. RAA,
$30,000 Metro. Metro pays for re-grading the parking lot once a year, the Porta Potty, and other
park expenses out of their share.
Embree Heritage House Project: Marcel advised Trevor that they are looking for engineering
drawings for submerged cables. They are examining the feasibility of building a septic system
where the trailer sits or tying in to city plumbing. They should have a report done in three weeks,
then approach Delta for a building permit and go to RP. End of October is the aim for having the
building permit in hand. $85,000 is the expected half of the interior finishing costs.
Buildings/Hangars: Kyle is out here for the next three or four days and Trevor has mentioned that
there are some deficiencies that Ron will point out in a walk around. They worked on the barn doors
and they are easier to move. The Aerobatic hanger mods are done. The empty hangar at the end of
the coffee shop building will have a wall repaired. It would be better to repair both walls and the
roof, in order to get a larger airplane in the hangar.
The windowsill in the bathroom is rotting. Trevor will mention it to Kyle.
Runway, Grounds, Tie Downs: The pads in front of the hangars, leading to the taxiways, are due to
be paved next year within the budget and again in 2017 and 2019. We will come up with a new plan
to be discussed on the 8th. Trevor would like to ask the tenants how bad each of their pads are and
suggest that we will provide the materials and the mixer if they would like to do their own pads.
Gerard has a mixer. Gerard will walk the line tomorrow and see how many pads are really badly
breaking up. Possible costs are $1000. per pad for materials and labor and another expense will be
removing old materials. We have material and money for patchwork at this point.
The coffee shop roof is almost done - should be wrapped up by Monday.
Gravel was laid down where the taxiway joins the fuel pumps. Gerard will pick out some of the bigger
rocks. He will also ask Tim to come down and take a look at it.
Flight Operations: Ray should put in a NOTAM saying that there are cones on the runway, reducing
the width of the runway. It could be a minimum of two weeks and perhaps a month - as long as it
takes for the new grass to grow in. Bruce can do it, perhaps, as Ray is away.
Tom hasn’t sent the reminder message to tenants regarding good airmanship but he will do it now.
Fuel Management: Trevor had a priming issue with the pumps while filling up. Gerald says that both
pumps aren’t working right now. He was able to get Tank #1 re-primed and operating, but it had a
problem again. Western Oil will send someone out next week. It’s possible there is water in Tank #1
so they will test the tank. The other issue with Tank #2 is that he can’t remove a tight fitting in order
to re-prime the pump but will get the new size socket for that. Gerard is going to ask them to
configure the pumps independently to each tank. Gerard is trying to get them out here to take out
the pipe.
Our gas is supposed to go up to $1.90. Boundary Bay is currently $1.89.
Avgas: Trevor spoke to Chevron but they won’t sell Mogas for aviation purposes. A smaller company,
‘4 Refuel’, will send a quote.
Environment Protection and Enhancement: The poplar roots are coming up where they shouldn’t.
Bob is setting up a meeting with a tree service on how to deal with this. There is an insurance claim
for Canadian Air Parts about the driveway damage. Before the trees wee cut, roots were growing
up in the pipes. The insurance report will come in the next few weeks.
Coffee Shop Operation: Bob has $50. from pop can recycle. Gerald is away this month so no report.
October 12
November 9
December 14
Events Calendar: Bob will be helping out with Remembrance Day - he will be getting the tents. John
will be providing an itemized list for Trevor regarding the details of organizing the event so a new
organizer will know what the job entails.
It was agreed to have the Ray Colley memorial on October 25th. Bob will see if Ray had a favourite
cake to serve at the memorial. We will have soup and sandwiches. A lunch event would be suitable,
around 1:00 pm
For a lasting memory, Les suggests putting in a tree beside the garage, possibly replacing some of the
bushes. We could put lights on it at Christmas. Les will get pricing on a tree that would grow to a
maximum of twenty feet. We could possibly plant it before the memorial. Bob will check with the
people taking care of the hedgerow about possible tree types that would be suitable.
Motion to adjourn:
Trevor Skillen
Seconded: Tom Boulanger
Adjourned: 20:30