Earth Science agenda 9-14-15

Earth Science (9th grade agenda)
AGENDA- K. Raymond
September 14 – September 18
Monday September 14
 E-ticket
 Video clip
 Global weather discussion and notes
 Local weather discussion and notes
 Exit
Tuesday September 15
 Entrance Ticket
 Cloud Lab
 Discussion and clean up
Wednesday September 16
 Entrance Ticket
 Chinook Winds Video and reading
 Exit ticket
Thursday September 17
 Entrance Ticket
 Cloud seeding debate prep
-Schedule yourself to HIP if you
need to retake safety test
-Cloud booklet due (today)
-weather booklets due 9-21-15
-Cloud write up due Monday the
2 c. notes on ch. 20.1 due 9-17-15
-2 c notes on ch. 20.2 due 9-21-15
Friday September 18
Entrance ticket
Cloud seeding debate prep
ADDITIONAL INFO: Schedule yourself to HIP if you need to retake safety test and common
lab equipment quiz
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words
and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant
to grades 9-10 texts and topics
Benchmarks for Science Literacy
4B/H5 ( Grades: 9-12 ): Climatic conditions result from latitude, altitude, and from the position
of mountain ranges, oceans, and lakes. Dynamic processes such as cloud formation, ocean
currents, and atmospheric circulation patterns influence climates as well.
8C/H6 ( Grades: 9-12 ): The useful energy output of a device—that is, what energy is available
for further change—is always less than the energy input, with the difference usually appearing as
thermal energy. One goal in the design of such devices is to make them as efficient as possible—
that is, to maximize the useful output for a given input.
8C/H7 ( Grades: 9-12 ): During any transformation of energy, there is inevitably some
dissipation of energy into the environment. In this practical sense, energy gets "used up," even
though it is still around somewhere.
NSTA National Science Education Standards
D.1.9 ( Grades: 5-8 ): Clouds, formed by the condensation of water vapor, affect weather and
F.3.1 ( Grades: 5-8 ): Internal and external processes of the earth system cause natural hazards,
events that change or destroy human and wildlife habitats, damage property, and harm or kill
humans. Natural hazards include earthquakes, landslides, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, floods,
storms, and even possible impacts of asteroids.