Name: Hour: ______ Teddy Roosevelt: The Modern President

Name: ________________________________________
Hour: __________
Teddy Roosevelt: The Modern President
I) Roosevelt’s Rise
A) Served three terms in the ___________________________________
B) New York City __________________________
C) Assistant __________________________________________
1) Started a volunteer cavalry and fought in the battle at _________________________ in
D) _____________________________ of New York
E) _________________________________________________________________
II) The Modern Presidency
A) Became president in ______________
B) _____________________________ – 42 years old
C) _______________________
1) Influence news media
2) Shape legislation
D) _______________________
1) Described the progressive reforms
III) 1902 Coal Strike
A) 140,000 coal miners in PA went on strike
1) 20% raise
2) 9 hour work day
3) Right to organize a union
B) Mine operators refused to negotiate
C) Coal supplies ran low
D) Roosevelt’s decision
1) Settle the strike
2) __________________________ the mines
E) Results
1) _________% pay hike
2) ________ hour day
3) Cannot strike for _________ years
4) Whenever a strike threatens public safety, the federal government can step in
IV) Trustbusting
A) Trusts
1) ___________________________________________________________________________
2) Many trusts used unfair business practices
(a) “good” trusts _______________________________________
(b) “bad” trusts ________________________________________
B) Roosevelt filed 44 lawsuits under the _____________________________________
1) Was able to break up some of the trusts
V) Railroad Regulation
A) 1887 – Interstate Commerce Act
1) Prohibited __________________________________ from dividing business in certain
areas then sharing the profits
B) 1903 – Elkins Act
1) Illegal for railroad officials/shippers to give or receive _________________________
2) Rates could not be changed ___________________________ letting the public know
C) 1906 – The Hepburn Act
1) Limited the distribution of free railroad passes (______________________)
2) Gave the ICC power to set ____________________________________________________
VI) Protecting Health
A) ___________________________ by Upton Sinclair
1) Identified unsanitary conditions in meat packing plants
2) 1906 – _____________________________________
(a) Strict cleanliness for meatpackers
(b) Created the program of federal meat inspection
(c) _________________________________________
(i) Stopped the sale of contaminated foods or medicines
(ii) Called for truth in labeling
(a) Popular children’s medicine often contained opium, cocaine, or alcohol
(iii) This act did not ban harmful products outright, but allowed consumers to be
VII) Conservation & Natural Resources
A) Federal government paid little attention to the nation’s _____________________________
B) ________________________________
1) Cut down forests and plowed up prairies
C) ________________________________
1) Allowed cattle to overgraze
D) ________________________________
1) Cluttered the land with spoil dumps
E) ________________________________
1) Didn’t replace the trees they cut down
VIII) ______________________________________
A) Naturalist / Writer
B) Persuaded the president to set aside _____________________ acres of forest reserves
C) Roosevelt also set aside 1.5 million acres of water – power sites and 80 million acres of land
to be explored for mineral and water resources
IX) __________________________________________
A) A professional conservationist
B) Head of the ________________________________
C) Conserve forest and grazing lands
D) Keep large tracts of federal land exempt from private sale
X) Conservation
A) Some wilderness areas would be preserved while others would be developed for the
common good
B) National Reclamation Act of 1902 (________________________________)
1) funded irrigation to states in the Midwest
XI) Roosevelt and Civil Rights
A) Wasn’t a supporter of civil rights
B) Did support individual African Americans
1) Appointed an African American as head of a South Carolina custom house
2) Did not bow to the demands to dismiss a black postmistress in Mississippi
3) Invited Booker T. Washington to the White House
1) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
2) Formed in 1909
3) Aimed for equality among the races
Works Cited
A) "Theodore Roosevelt Collection." 1998.
1) Harvard College Library. 4 Dec 2006
2) < /roosevelt.html. >.