Schedule of Weekly Devotions and Events Wednesdays: Our Lady

Schedule of Weekly Devotions and Events
Wednesdays: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions,
St. Michael Chaplet, and Rosary
6:00 p.m.
Altar Boy Practice (1st and 3rd Saturday)
Devotions to Our Lady (1st Saturday)
Catechumen Class
3:45 p.m.
4:40 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
Altar Boy Practice (learning the Latin Responses)
Benediction (1st Sunday)
Eucharistic Crusade (1st Sunday)
Blessing of Religious Articles (2nd Sunday)
Blessing of Expectant Mothers (upon request)
8:15 a.m.
After Mass
After Mass
After Mass
After Mass
St. Michael's Chapel
“This I’ll defend.”
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
October 13, 2013
Holy Communion
The faithful are reminded that all communicants must be Catholic, in the
state of grace, and fasting.
Dress and Decorum in Church
Out of respect for Our Divine Lord in the tabernacle, please try to keep
silence in the church as much as possible.
Also, out of respect for Our Lord and for the edification of our
neighbor, we ask all to appear in church modestly dressed. For example
slacks, shorts, sleeveless and low-cut dresses do not meet the norm of
Christian modesty for women and girls. Gentlemen also, no less than
ladies, are encouraged to be generous in expressing their respect for Our
Lord by dressing suitably for Holy Mass. Your cooperation is evidence
of your love for the Blessed Sacrament and your respect for the House
of God.
For sacramental emergencies during the week, the faithful may contact
Fr. Walters at Queen of Angels Church: (405) 752-0004.
Please call this same number to obtain the daily Mass schedule at Queen
of Angels. During the week, Fr. McBride can be reached at St. Mary's
Academy and College: (785) 437-2471.
Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments
Father Patrick McBride, SSPX
4701 McMillan Avenue
Bethany, OK 73008
(405) 603-5320
Twentieth-first Sunday after Pentecost
October 13, 2013
Schedule for the Coming Week
Sunday, October 13
21st Sunday after Pentecost
Low Mass
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, October 16
St. Hedwig
Rosary & Devotions
6:15 p.m.
Saturday, October 19
St. Peter of Alcantara
Low Mass
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 20
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
High Mass
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Twentieth-first Sunday after Pentecost
October 4, marked the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, namesake of the current pope,
and this year marks the twenty-seventh year since the dishonor of his legacy known
as the Congress of Assisi where John Paul II invited the false religions of the world
to offer false worship on the very place where St. Francis worked to rebuild the
Church. St. Francis, in contrast, invited the Muslim Sultan of his day not to offer
false worship with him but to seek his conversion. Rather than repudiating this
offense, two more times the Roman authorities repeated it, in 2002 and 2011.
Below is an excerpt from the declaration signed by Archbishop Lefebvre and
Bishop de Castro Mayer refusing to condone the Congress of Assisi.
“Indeed, it is clear that since the Second Vatican Council, the Pope and the Bishops
are making more and more of a clear departure from their predecessors. Everything
that had been put into place by the Church in past centuries to defend the Faith,
and everything that was done by the missionaries to spread it, even to the point of
martyrdom, henceforth is considered to be a fault which the Church must confess
and ask pardon for.
The attitude of the eleven popes who, from 1789 up until 1958, condemned the
liberal Revolution in official documents, is considered as “a lack of understanding
of the Christian spirit that inspired the Revolution.” Hence the complete about-face
of Rome, since the Second Vatican Council, which makes us repeat the words of
Our Lord to those who came to arrest Him: “This is your hour and the power of
darkness” (Luke XXII, 52-53).
Adopting the liberal religion of Protestantism and of the Revolution, the
naturalistic principles of J.J. Rousseau, the atheistic liberties of the Declaration of
the Rights of Man, the principle of human dignity no longer having any relation
with truth and moral dignity, the Roman authorities turn their backs on their
predecessors and break with the Catholic Church, and they put themselves at the
service of the destroyers of Christianity and of the universal Kingdom of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. . . .
This denial of the whole past of the Church by these two popes [Paul VI and John
Paul II] and the bishops who imitate them is an inconceivable impiety for those
who remain Catholic in fidelity to twenty centuries of the same Faith. . . .
We count on the grace of God and the support of the Virgin Most Faithful, all the
martyrs, all the popes right up to the Council, and all the holy Founders and
Foundresses of contemplative and missionary orders, to come to our aid in the
renewal of the Church through an integral fidelity to Tradition.”
Welcome to Visitors
St. Michael's wishes to welcome any visitors who are attending Mass this Sunday
and invites everyone to enjoy coffee and refreshments after Mass in the rectory
across the parking lot from the chapel.
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who contributed to make the rosary procession and
parish picnic such a success last weekend. The day was an excellent opportunity
to honor our Blessed Mother of the Rosary and to share the celebration as a
Low Mass
Due to many choir members travelling to Kansas City to attend the Angelus
Press conference, we will have a Low Mass this weekend. In addition, since
many families will be going to St. Mary’s for the Christ the King festival, there
will be a Low Mass on Sunday October 27.
Blessing of Religious Articles
Being the second Sunday of the month, Father will bless religious articles after
Mass today. Please bring any items to be blessed to the communion rail after
Children’s Catechism Resumes
The catechism classes for children resume today after Mass. The younger
children will meet in the choir practice room and the older children will meet in
the cry room. Please be considerate of the class being held in the cry room and
move outside the chapel or over to the rectory to visit after Mass.
Save the Date
November 1, is the Feast of All Saints and a holy day of obligation. There will
be Mass offered in St. Michael’s the evening of November 1 followed by our
annual All Saints party. More details and times will be forthcoming but you can
begin planning your saint costume now. Everyone will be asked to bring food
for a pot luck and candy to distribute to the children. There will be games and