07-01-13 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

National School IPM Working Group Joint Steering and Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes, Monday, July 1st at 11:30am CDT
Roll Call: , Carrie Foss, Dawn Gouge, Gregg Smith, Herb Bolton, Janet Hurley, Katie
Howard, Lynn Rose, Mariel Snyder, (Aaron Hobbs) rep: Ryan Phipps, Sherry Glick, Tim
Stock, Tom Green
Education Component, Lynn Rose IAQ consultant and on the Massachusetts Coalition:
please see attached power point. Lynn gave a presentation on the School IPM
Environmental Management System she has working on with Carol Westinghouse.
The presentation is on the work done through a grant that Lynn and Carol Westinghouse
have done. Carol posted all the information up on web. They also worked with Kathy
Murray and Lynn Braband to go over the project and figure out the best way to layout
information on the web. Lynn’s background comes from having adapted both municipal
environmental health and safety systems and those in schools, to the environmental
management system model. She worked under EPA funding for numerous years to adapt
these systems to schools and municipalities and now sees everything through this model.
This program took existing IPM tools and put them in the EMS framework. The
PowerPoint talks about what EMS is and how IPM fits into it as well as Lynn’s own
experience working on the operation side of schools. Lynn currently works in facilities,
writes contracts, develop programs, works with notification, does training, helps with
hiring and works closely with vendors. You can use this module to take what schools
already do and look at how their current practices, IPM and the Environmental
Management System can complement one another keeping in mind that every school will
be different
You can bench mark a school as to where they are and really focus on what aspects can
be added on and what components can be developed more to enhance the program.
Priorities can then be set based on these benchmarks. Due to time constraints, there was
not enough time to ask questions and facilitate discussion, please email Lynn with any
follow up questions, lrose@springfieldcityhall.com
IPM Speakers Bureau Policy: The Steering Committee must approve all additions to
the Speakers Bureau. Speakers may remove themselves from the list at any time. Fees, if
any, are set by the individual speaker.
This agenda item will be moved to the next call. Dawn will make an action item and
make edits to the language. Mariel will send changes out to group for further discussion.
Regional updates
North Central
Update on NC Regional grant objectives
The Advisory Committee has been formed and currently has 16 members who
have begun to review the recourse list available on a Google doc. Some committee
members are working on similar projects so there is an opportunity for collaboration.
Mariel will begin working on template for learning modules in upcoming weeks.
The IPM Practitioners Association in Illinois is currently working on a benefit
statement pertaining to reasons individuals should be interested in joining the
organization. A comprehensive contact list is also in the works to invite people to join the
organization during this developmental stage.
IPM Institute, Tom: The IPM Institute has an intern who is working on identifying IPM
apps. Anyone who knows of one or has developed one please email Tom. The Institute
will write a newsletter article on them and put section on website with links to those apps
to get them more widely used. The regional IPM centers have been discussing this.
Lynnae has a partial list and they have been working with George LaForest from the
southern IPM center in putting together a survey to capture information concerning these
types of apps.
Tom went to meeting in DC, Margaret Hulsen and Sherry Glick also attended, hosted by
National Education Association, organized by EPA, called School Health and Indoor
Environments Leadership Development Summit (SHEILDS). Day long workshop
focused on leadership training and collaborative activities to develop some outcomes in
the upcoming year. Tom will send out summary.
Survey results: Hosted three webinars for IPM centers and EPA on survey results.
Presented national results for all districts (27,000), with data from eight states that did
their own surveys. Survey results represented 25% of school districts in USA. We were
able to add 1,000 names to contact list for School IPM newsletter and can share the
contact list for your state. Mariel has sent out individual state survey results. If you did
not receive you updates, please let her know.
Carrie, Washington: Getting ready for Bobby Corrigan’s Rodent Academy and working
on grant proposals.
Deb, Colorado: Going to see Rodent Academy with Tim, Carrie and Ryan Davis.
Recently hired a couple of graduate students through an EPA grant to help interview
schools where we have implemented IPM in the past. Will be conducting individual
interviews of various people in schools, custodians, nurses and principals to try and
figure out their current involvement and how to get them more involvement in
environmental management system. Deb is willing to share questions. Also hired
graduate student to work with Carrie on IPM curriculum.
Tim, Oregon: Will be attending Rodent Academy. Coordinator trainings were held in
June in Eugene.
Dawn, Arizona: There were no funds to work with schools directly so this summer we
partnered with Arizona Museum of Natural History and held outreach events including a
Prehistoric Preschool focused on bugs and IPM, a Going Buggy grade school which is a
four day event for the kids to really know the nuts and bolts about IPM and a Going
Buggy night camp where the kids will monitor roach activity and other nocturnal bug
movement. The tangible goal is to aim for these activities to produce a STEM module for
different age groups for teaching basics of IPM. We have also been grant writing.
Janet, Texas: Had school IPM coalition meeting in Louisiana, New Orleans. Mark Lang,
Fudd, Thomas Cook and Ken McPherson all attended. There were about 40 people and a
lot of charter schools. How to write an IPM program, plan and policy were discussed. On
Tuesday two schools come back for help on actually writing their program which was
beyond what Louisiana asked for. They also visited some schools.
*Let the record reflect that Sherry Glick and Katie Howard left the call as the group
began to discuss the RFA grants.