Monday Math: Complete worksheet. Study multiplication facts

Homework Assignments for the Week of January 4, 2016
Math: Complete worksheet. Study multiplication facts.
Reading: Read the Scholastics News article “So Long, Soda?” What is your point of view on
soda? Give two reasons to support.
Writing: Complete the journal response for January 4. Use at least two vocabulary words
learned in your paragraph.
Vocabulary: Find the definitions, at least 2 synonyms, and write sentences for woe and
Vocabulary list: woe, triumph, outcome, distant, mystify, swift, doze, locate, brilliant,
Math: Complete the homework pages for lesson 5.4 (pages 285 and 286). Study
multiplication facts.
Reading: Read “Are Roller Coasters Safe?” What is your opinion about the safety of roller
coasters? Give two reasons to support your opinion.
Writing: Complete the journal response for January 5. Use at least two vocabulary words
learned in your paragraph.
Vocabulary: Find the definitions, at least 2 synonyms, and write sentences for outcome and
Math: Complete the homework pages for lesson 5.5 (pages 291 and 292). Study for
chapter 5 test on Friday.
Reading: Read “Should School Be Year-Round?” What is your opinion? Give two reasons to
support your opinion.
Writing: Complete the journal response for January 6. Use at least two vocabulary words
learned in your paragraph.
Vocabulary: Find the definitions, at least 2 synonyms, and write sentences for mystify and
Math: Complete the chapter 5 review (pages 295 to 298). Study for chapter 5 test
Social Studies: Write at least three facts you learned about China’s geography.
Writing: Complete the journal response for January 7. Use at least two vocabulary words
learned in your paragraph.
Vocabulary: Find the definitions, at least 2 synonyms, and write sentences for doze and
Math: Solve the Problem of the Night. Study division facts of 2.
Science: Reread textbook pages F64 to F68. Answer the Think and Write questions on page
Writing: Complete the journal response for January 8. Use at least two vocabulary words
learned in your paragraph.
Vocabulary: Find the definitions, at least 2 synonyms, and write sentences for brilliant, and
ambition. Study for vocabulary quiz on Monday.
Problem of the Night (January 8)
At Luke’s school party, the children make teams of 5 to
play a game. If there are 20 boys and 15 girls, how many
teams are there?