SAMPLE LETTER Please remember to personalize the letter Office

Please remember to personalize the letter
Office of Environmental Information
(Mail Code: 28221T)
Docket #EPA-HQ-ORD-2013-0189
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20460
Dear Acting Administrator Perciasepe,
First Paragraph: [Insert personal information here]
I thank the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its thorough scientific assessment of the Bristol
Bay watershed. The revised Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment provides an outstanding and highly
credible scientific assessment of the impacts that large-scale metallic sulfide mining would have on the
region. It is now clear that the proposed Pebble Mine, if allowed, would irreparably damage one of the
greatest and most productive salmon ecosystems on earth.
Bristol Bay’s intact ecosystem supports sustainable, wild runs of all five species of Pacific salmon. Of
particular importance, this highly productive watershed supplies nearly 50 percent of the global supply
of sockeye salmon. Returning salmon also nourish the entire ecosystem which in turn supports thriving
wildlife populations, commercial and recreational fisheries, subsistence based communities and the
regional economy.
The proposed Pebble Mine poses unacceptable risks to the entire Bristol Bay ecosystem. EPA finds that
even if no catastrophic event occurs, up to 90 miles of streams and up to 4800 acres of wetlands would
be destroyed just by the Pebble footprint alone. In addition, more streams will be altered which will
impact water levels in miles of streams, a factor that could severely degrade additional habitat
important for salmon spawning and rearing. Losses of streams and wetlands also indirectly impacts
downstream habitat which will very likely significantly decrease fish production.
[Insert Information here: Why do you care about Bristol Bay and Wild Salmon]
While I appreciate the work EPA has done, it has more work to do. The revised Bristol Bay Watershed
Assessment provides ample scientific information to support a Clean Water Act section 404(c) action. It
is clear that the State of Alaska will not intervene to protect Bristol Bay. We urge EPA to stop the Pebble
Mine and prohibit the discharge of mining waste into Bristol Bay’s pristine salmon ecosystem. In this
case, the risk is too high.
Your Name