Methods Worksheet

public class Calculator{
// Write a method header for the method that will average three integers
// Write a method header for the method that will convert a Celsius temp
// to Fahrenheit.
// Write a method header to compute whether or not an integer is even
public class WordToolKit{
// Write a method header to draw a house
// Write a method header to print any phrase any number of times
// Write a method to reverse a word
// Write a letter to compute the last letter in a phrase
public class CallMethods{
// Create a Calculator and WordToolKit object to use
// Find the average of 1,2, and 3
// Convert 57 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit
// Compute whether or not the number 17 is even
// Draw a house
// Print “Hey There” 4 times
// Find the reverse of “Anna”
// Find the last letter of the phrase “Computer Science”