Program Erasmus

Tuesday: 17th March 2015
11.00: Opening ceremony
11.20: My Way: a success story with Erasmus
Joanna Ochałek
11.40: Plenary talk 1
RAFI - Excellence in HMI and electronics
Lothar Seybold
12.40: Lunch
13.40: Regular session 1
Fault Detection and diagnosis in building energy management systems
Christophe Aubrun
Basic concepts and information about Eco-sur system
Paweł Bigos, Paweł Szymczycha, Łukasz Gretka
Twin-Rotor aerodynamic system robust predictive fault-tolerant control
Piotr Witczak
Fault tolerant control: processor in loop testing
Mariusz Buciakowski
15.00: Regular session 2
Model predictive control for max-plus-linear systems
Paweł Majdzik
Wind turbine sensor fault diagnosis with robust observers
Joanna Ochałek
Robust control for a multi-tank systems
Michał de Rozprza Faygel
16.00: End of working day
Wednesday: 18th March 2015
11.00: Regular session 3
Neural network-based Robust MPC for a non-linear system
Marcel Luzar
Model predictive control for the flotation two-tank system
Konrad Mazur
Robust predictive control for nonlinear magnetic suspension system
Zbigniew Kański
Stability and Stabilization of a class of spatially interconnected uncertain systems
Bartłomiej Sulikowski
12.20: Regular session 4
Implementation of the intelligent computation in microwave intrusion detection sensors for
detecting interference within the first Fresnel zone
Daniel Fechner
Glogow and the factors influencing the choice of investment
Izabella Cech
Construction and effectiveness analysis of selected control methods
for an unmanned helicopter simulator
Daniel Zegar
13.20: Coffee break
14.00: Plenary talk 2
Integrated product development of control and diagnosis functionalities
Ralf Stetter
15.00: Closing ceremony and Farewell party