Year 1 -

Year 1– Autumn Term 2015 – Mrs Edwards and Mrs Brooks
Pirates (Speed, Sound, Motion/Continents and Oceans (Science and
Technology/Place and Time)
As Scientists, we will make a list of a variety of things that
move and sort into groups according to how they move. We
will also distinguish between a push and a pull force.
As Musicians we will sing the ‘Go with the Flow’ song, ‘Sailing
the High Seas’ and go on a sound hunt.
In PE we will be creating gymnastic sequences using different
body shapes. We will track, intercept, stop and catch balls
and small equipment consistently.
As philosophers and studiers of religion we will identify what
matters most to us in relation to religious and spiritual
feelings, experiences and concepts.
As Values people and people who consider the world around
us we will use drama to explore life at sea including how
characters might be feeling.
As Computer Programmers we will be exploring how to create
computer programs using algorithms.
As Design Technologists we will be designing and making our
own boats!
As Geographers we will be making treasure maps showing key
physical features and learning about the four compass points.
We will also be looking at world maps and globes learning
about continents and oceans.
As Historians we will be finding out about famous pirates
from the past.
As Artists and Designers we will be making portholes and
drawing pictures as seen from a pirate boat.
Number and place value – count to
and across 100, count in 2s, 5s and
10s, identify 1 more and 1 less
than a given number, read and
write numbers 1-20 in numerals
and words.
Labels, Lists and Captions
Go around the school building and read labels
Make labels for the classroom- in a new room e.g. drawers, cupboards,
names on drawers
Label pirate ships
Read captions from magazines
Use photographs of desert islands and write captions.
Create class lists e.g. home dinners, school dinners, packed lunches;
those who go home with a parent, kids club or with a friend
Write a list to record a recent pirate treasure hoard e.g. 20 gold
nuggets, 3 diamond rings
Will be on
Tuesdays and
Fridays. Please
ensure your child
has a full PE kit
in school on
those days.
Addition and subtraction – read,
write and interpret mathematical
statements involving addition (+),
subtraction (-) and equals (=) signs.
Know number bonds and related
subtraction facts to 20 e.g. 8+2 =
10 so 10-8=2.
Fractions – recognise a half as two
equal parts of an object, shape or
Measurement – measure and begin
to record lengths and heights,
mass/weight, capacity and volume
and time (to the hour and half
past). Recognise and use language
related to dates, including days of
the week, months and years.
2D and 3D shapes.
Stories with Familiar Settings
Look at stories set at the seaside. Use drama to re-enact stories.
Make puppets of characters and retell stories
Sequence pictures, scenes and sentences to retell a story
Recounts / Dictionary
Write a recount based on a pirate party day
Make a dictionary of pirate words, ongoing throughout the theme.
Order pirate related words alphabetically e.g. scabbard, starboard,
Remember to
hear your
children read at
least three
times a week and
ensure that
their reading
record is signed
five times a
week. Reading
books will be
changed on
Tuesdays &
A new choice of
activities will be
sent home each
half term linked
to our topic.
Spirit of Christmas (Traditions and Customs around the World (Place and Time)
As Scientists, we will be learning about materials that are
chosen for specific uses on the basis of their properties.
As Musicians we will be learning, singing and performing songs
for our Christmas performance.
In PE we will be creating gymnastic sequences using different
body shapes. We will track, intercept, stop and catch balls
and small equipment consistently.
As philosophers and studiers of religion we will be looking at
festivals of Christmas from around the world.
As Values people we will consider the values of generosity
and compassion as well as love and kindness.
As Computer Programmers we will continue to explore how to
create computer programs using algorithms.
As Design Technologists we will be exploring suitable
materials for Santa’s outfit.
As Geographers we will be discovering different Christmas
traditions from around the world.
As Historians we will be taking a short break until next term.
As Artists and Designers we will be creating our own props
for our Christmas play.
Number and place value – count to
and across 100, count in 2s, 5s and
10s, identify 1 more and 1 less
than a given number, read and
write numbers 1-20 in numerals
and words.
Addition and subtraction – read,
write and interpret mathematical
statements involving addition (+),
subtraction (-) and equals (=) signs.
Know number bonds and related
subtraction facts to 20 e.g. 8+2 =
10 so 10-8=2.
Stories from a Range of Cultures
Listen to a range of stories from around the world, some based on
Christmas traditions and folklore. Search for clues on how pupils
know the stories are not from England e.g. the weather, names of
places, characters etc.
Use drama to retell stories
Sequence stories
Make puppets and masks to retell stories
Film the stories using iPads or video cameras
Create characters and settings. Draw pictures and label them with
WOW words to be used in a story.
Fractions – recognise a half as two
equal parts of an object, shape or
Measurement – measure and begin
to record lengths and heights,
mass/weight, capacity and volume
and time (to the hour and half
past). Recognise and use language
related to dates, including days of
the week, months and years.
Use drama or paired talk to rehearse their stories before writing
Design a front cover for their storybook, maybe using ICT to add
sounds and voices to the pictures to make them come to life
Create a class storybook - use papier mache to create a
traditional book with textured paper and gold leaf
Hold a story telling event where children sit on a special
storytelling chair and tell their stories to a group or record the
children telling their stories on film. This could be sent home as a
Follow instructions on how to make a theme-related object using
oral and written methods e.g. decoration. Lots of practical making
2D and 3D shapes.
and doing.
Sequence instructions
Write instructions on how to make a theme-related object
Explain to peers how to make one of their constructions
Write instructions on how to make something for peers to follow
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
In SPaG the children will continue to look at the use of full stops,
capital letters and finger spaces. They will also look at suffixes,
prefixes, question marks and exclamation marks.
Will be on
Tuesdays and
Fridays. Please
ensure your child
has a full PE kit
in school on
those days.
Remember to
hear your
children read at
least three
times a week and
ensure that
their reading
record is signed
five times a
week. Reading
books will be
changed on
Tuesdays &
A new choice of
activities will be
sent home each
half term linked
to our topic.