Vocabulary Flip Books - Dordt College Homepages

Vocabulary Flip-Books:
Increasing student vocabulary is of paramount importance, since the words that we understand
Influence our very thoughts and our perception of the world around us. Many students come to
classrooms with vocabulary that is limited by their environment and experiences. As teachers, how can
we increase the number of words that they have at their disposal?
One way is to have the students create vocabulary flip books taking vocab words from the current unit.
Since this unit is focused on weather, students will be creating Flip Books with words such as:
Temperature, Wind, Humidity, Air Pressure, Weather, Warm Front, Cold Front, Precipitation,
Meteorology, Thermometer, Hurricane, Thunderstorm, and Tornado.
Materials: To create a Vocabulary Flip Book, students will need three pieces of construction paper
(favorite colors), one black marker/pen, and a scissors.
Directions: Students must fold each piece of paper in half vertically. On one half, the student should cut
five equal strips horizontally. On the front of each strip, students must write a vocabulary word. On the
inside of the paper, students must write the definition to that word, creating a Flip-book effect. (SEE