Cascade Friesian Breeding contract 2014

Cascade Friesian Breeding contract 2014
This is a breeding contract for breeding season 2014 at Cascade Friesians for FPS/
FHANA registered stallion ASLUN. Season runs from April through August 2014 with a live foal
guarantee explained further in the contract. This contract is between Greg Rapattoni of
Cascade Friesians (Breeder) and mare owner _____________________________, on this date
Breeding fee is $600.00. A 200.00 booking fee will assure your spot and is included.
Booking fee is non refundable.
1. The full amount of 600.00 is due upon execution of this contract.
2. LIVE COVER = The breeder shall charge 15.00 per day for the mare’s care while at the
farm. Due when the mare is picked up from farm.
3. Artificial Insemination (A.I.) Mare owner is responsible for all vet fees that arise from
A.I. which includes collecting, shipping and returning any containers. THE SEMEN MUST GO TO
A LICENSED VET FOR THE MARE MENTIONED ONLY. Your vet will determine the best time to
dose your mare. There will be a 25.00 fee for me to get my stallion to and from the vet up to 10
4. If mare owner chooses Live Cover, all reasonable care will be taken to assure the
stallion and mare will remain ‘safe’ while at the farm. Mare owner is responsible for any
damages the mare causes while at the farm, including the spread of disease or parasites etc.
5. An initial EVA test is required before the mare comes to the farm so as not to spread
any diseases to other animals. Blood work takes 2 weeks to get results from your vet. Mare will
not be bred until results are documented and fees are paid.
6. If live cover or A.I. is not working after 2 attempts, CF requires an evaluation on the
mare through a uterine exam and culture.
7. After mare has been determined to have ovulated, an ultra sound is required after 14
to 16 days to determine pregnancy or non pregnancy so any problems or complications can be
addressed, and we can breed her back as necessary. Regular vet visits are recommended after
45 days to assure retained pregnancy.
8. Should there be a collection agency involved, or legal problems or arbitration that
arise, mare owner is responsible for any and all fees involved.
9. Live Foal Guarantee is a foal born standing and nursing on their own. Should the foal
die after birth before nursing, this contract will extend to the next season. A LICENSED VET
MUST PROVIDE PROOF OF DEATH. A live foal guarantee does not guarantee you a foal. This is a
standard in the industry. As a mare owner you need to do your part getting your mare
checked and bringing her back as necessary.
10. Proof of breeding to the stallion Aslun will be issued within 30 days after birth.
11. It is my goal as owner of Cascade Friesians to assure your mare gets pregnant and
remains safe the first try while in my care. However, animals are unpredictable as is mother
nature. Horse insurance is recommended but not required.
12. A separate boarding agreement will be given and signed before mare is to be left at
the farm.
Mares name to be bred ____________________________________
Breed---Markings ____________________________________
Registration number ___________________________________
Mare owner signed ____________________________________
dated ____________________________________
Emergency Contact numbers ____________________________________
Preferred vet