Jacob Marshall

Jacob Marshall
Jacob Marshall.
6 Hyde Street , Denman.
(H) 02 65472360
(M) 0411689470
Email: Jacob.m97@outlook.com
About me:
My name is Jacob Marshall and I am 17 years of age. I am the youngest of four
children and reside in Denman with my Family. I hold a P1 license and have my
own transport. I am currently in year 11 of my schooling at Muswellbrook High
School. I believe I am a mature, capable student and I am looking forward to
using my education to begin a rewarding career.
I have a willingness to learn, I take any challenge set for me in full stride and
complete all tasks to the very best of my ability. Over the past 2 years I have
been voted into Muswellbrook High School SRC (School Representative Council)
and was voted as a Prefect at the beginning of year 11 and I am currently in the
running to become school captain. These roles have taught me maturity and
leadership qualities that I take into any situation. I have attained a Bronze
Medallion, Bronze Cross and an Instructors Certificate under Royal Australian
Lifesaving. This achievement gave me the ability to obtain a Resuscitation
Certificate and spinal board qualifications. I have constantly demonstrated a
commitment to safety during my studies of metals and engineering and
industrial technologies timber . I believe these above mentioned strengths along
with my willingness to learn, would make me a valuable member to any team.
Jacob Marshall
Job history:
For the past four years I have held a part time job at the Denman Chinese
Restaurant and Gerards Place Denman. I began as a waiter and subsequently
progressed to the kitchen as an assistant to the chef in both restaraurants, which
involved learning how to cook a wide range of dishes. During this time, I have
gained the necessary skills to train other staff members, developed the ability to
communicate effectively with the public and develop good relations with my
fellow workers.
Education and Training:
Year 10 school certificate (Muswellbrook High School)
12 units of subjects
 Math
 English
 Senior science
 Metals and Engineering (T-VET 200 Hours)
 Industrial Technologies Timber
Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross
Instructors Certificate (Royal Australian Lifesaving)
Resuscitation Certificate
Spinal Board qualification
Undertaken work placement for Metals and engineering and Primary industries.
Also I have undertaken a small motors course with statements of attainment.
Achievements and Highlights:
Voted by my peers and teachers to become an SRC member for three years.
Elected as Prefect in year 11.
Receiving several attendance awards along with various merit awards from school.
Certificates for excellence in English, Metals and Engineering and Timber.
Completed and attained my certification from Royal Lifesaving Australia.
Winning 2013 rugby league Grand Final as Captain and voted Man Of The Match.
Jacob Marshall
Hobbies and Interests:
Outdoor activities.
Agricultural work.
General home project (making dog kennels , bird feeders etc.)
 Mrs Leanne Duck Year 11 Advisor Muswellbrook High School
 Miss Rachel Murphy Muswellbrook High school Welfare teacher.