Unit 1 Key Terms - Dover Union Free School District

U.S. History & Government
Unit 1 Key Terms
For extra credit, use the following definition to create flash cards. Write the term on the front and the definition on
the back.
1. Mercantilism- Economic system in which Britain used the colonies to increase wealth. Colonies sent
raw goods to Britain -> British sent finished products to the colonies. Opposed by many colonist because
it limited their ability to trade freely with other nations.
2. Triangular Trade- Three port trade -Europe, Africa, America- in which raw goods from the colonies
were eventually exchanged for slaves.
3. Middle Passage –The stage of the triangular trade in which millions of slaves from Africa were taken to
the North America.
4. "Salutary Neglect" - Period of limited interference from Britain in colonial affairs. Allowed the colonies
to practice self-government.
5. Mayflower Compact 1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. Contract signed by the
Pilgrims that established government for the Plymouth colony. Example of consent of the governed.
6. The Virginia House of Burgesses 1619- The first representative lawmaking body in colonial America.
Example of self-government in the colonies.
7. New England Town Hall Meetings- Allowed citizens at the local level to govern themselves through
direct democracy.
8. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1639- First written constitution in U.S. history. Example of
self-government and a social contract in colonial America.
9. John Peter Zenger Trial- This trial set a precedent for freedom of the press in America.
10. Albany Plan of Union 1754- Written by Benjamin Franklin, this plan proposed a unified colonial
government. This set a president for future cooperation amongst the colonies.
11. Proclamation of 1763 -British law that prevented colonists from settling west of the Appalachian
12. Quartering Act 1765 - Required the colonials to provide food, lodging, and supplies for the British
troops in the colonies.
13. Stamp Act 1765- Taxed all published materials and legal documents. Perhaps the single most important
event leading to the American Revolution because it impacted everyone.
14. “No taxation without representation” -Phrase coined to express the colonist disapproval of British taxes
imposed on them without their consent.
15. Boston Massacre 1770- British soldiers are attacked by a mob and respond by killing five colonists.
This outraged the colonies and increased anti-British sentiment.
16. Sons of Liberty- A secret society of colonial men formed to protest British policies. They organized
boycotts, incited riots and harassed tax collectors. Leaders included Samuel Adams and Paul Revere.
17. Boston Tea Party 1773- Members of the Sons of Liberty disguised as Indians, boarded British ships and
threw the tea into Boston harbor to protest the Tea Act.
18. Common Sense- Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that persuaded many undecided colonists to support
American independence.
19. Declaration of Independence 1776- Declared the colonies to be an independent nation, listed grievances
against King George III, and stated a theory of government based on John Locks social contact and belief
in natural rights -“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”