
Name: _____________________________________________
Class period: _____
Please type the answers on this page. If you have difficulty, type them on a separate sheet.
There is a short vocabulary list at the end.
In preparing for our archaeological dig, it was necessary to assume the first three steps of the
scientific method in this way:
1. Observation
We “observed a “tell” in the field behind the building.
2. Question
Does this site have any historical significance?
3. Research
The background of the area was researched and we learned that it
was a good idea to look for signs of historical significance.
4. Experiment
We then designed an experiment by setting up and carrying out an
archaeological excavation.
Permissions – tell what permissions were needed and how they were obtained.
Explain the parts of the site set-up:
a. Datum point – what did we use?
b. Unit square
i. What is it?
ii. How was it set up and what tools were used for the set-up?
a. What tools did you use? Don’t forget to explain the “notebook” you used,
whether or not you were a writer.
b. What is the first part excavated called and why?
c. How deep does it usually go?
d. What are sidewalls and why are they important?
e. What should your unit look like when the first layer is excavated?
f. After the first layer was removed, how did you dig to make sure that any
artifacts lying below the surface would not be damaged?
Finding artifacts
a. When you found an artifact, what steps were followed? Be specific.
5. Analysis
What did we find? What does it mean?
Name: _____________________________________________
Class period: _____
Finding artifacts (continued)
a. Make a list of and describe the artifacts found by each group.
b. Suspend reality (pretend!) while you answer the following questions.
 From what part of the world do you think they came?
 So that must be where we were when we were digging. With that in
mind, try to come up with a scenario that explains what was found.
6. Report: This sheet will serve as your report.
tell – An artificial hill resulting from centuries of human occupation at that spot
significance – importance
datum point – a point that will never move