

Sexual revolution:

Technology- pill made it easier for women not to get pregnant

Playboy- rationalizing the attitude of adolescent boys

Feminism- exposed the double standard of Victorian values: men were to indulge but women to be monogamous

Freud and psychoanalysis about the repression of sexuality

Coming of age in Samboa, Margarett Mead

Kinsey Report, 1948

1960 on the college scene in line with anti authoritarian

Herbert Marcuse, Eros and Civilization by liberating people to enjoy sex freely could tear down the structures of capitalism

Money shot: scene that costs the most money to produce and then the scene that will make the most money and more recently it means the male orgasm in pornography

Linda Williams, Screening Sex

-about the tension between the private and the public; concealment and revealing; begins during the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s

-sex as a single truth that one knows when one sees it is made false

-become more graphic and yet more heterogeneous and theoretically allusive

-construction of sex through discourse

-vol. 1 history of sexuality- sexuality as discursive form of entwined power knowledge and pleasure –challenged Freud’s repressive hypothesis- argued that by speaking sex we don’t necessarily liberate it and overcome its prohibitions

-sex is not just repressed or liberated it is incited and stimulated

-who does the speaking through which institutions and from which positions- power knowledge pleasure

-liberation and further disciplinary control

Georges Bataille- jouissance (orgasm or bliss)

-complex relationship between prohibition and transgression: tension between continuity and discontinuity rather than individual and society or nature and culture as does freud

-paradoxical like life which at the extreme is death

-good discussion of Mariam Hansen’s and Walter Benjamin’s innervation p.18

-playing at which is best seen in film (El rey de la patagonia) responses are shock arousal embarrassment and play

-imagination can play with the most explicit and concealed images and sound
