Name________________________________ Ch 13 quiz What are

Ch 13 quiz
1. What are homologous structures? Give an example of a pair of homologous structures.
(1 point)
Homologous structures are features with different functions but are structurally similar due to
common ancestry. Example is the wing of a bat and the paw of a cat
2. Evolution acts on the __individual____________________ but affects the
__________population__________. (1 point)
3. Genetic drift resulting from a disaster that drastically reduces population size is called
(1 point)
A) natural selection.
B) gene flow.
C) the bottleneck effect.
D) nonrandom mating.
E) the founder effect.
4. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium can be used to test (1 point)
A) Likelihood of an offspring obtaining a trait from a parent
B) Evolution within a population
C) Amount of mutation in a population
D) If a population is shrinking or growing
5. We talked about three types of selection that can alter variation within a population. Which
type of selection selects for individuals at both extremes of a phenotypic range? (1 point)
A) Stabilizing
B) Directional
C) Diversifying
6. Explain frequency-dependent selection (2 points)
Frequency-dependent selection is a type of selection that maintains two or more phenotypic
forms in a population. If either form becomes more prevalent or common, natural selection
acts against that form.
7. What were two of the three key observations that Darwin made when coming up with his
theory of evolution? (1 point)
Traits vary in a population
Traits are inherited from parent to offspring
More offspring are produced than the environment can support
8. What are three ways genetic variation is produced? (2 point)
Genetic Drift
Gene Flow
Non-random mating
Natural Selection