4-H Science Day Quiz Bowl Study Guide Which substance is man

Science Day
Quiz Bowl
Study Guide
1. Which substance is man-made?
A. Wood
B. Oxygen
C. Copper
D. Plastic
2. Which shows an example of how the Earth’s surface has been changed by fast moving water?
A. Earthquake
B. Canyon
C. Volcano
D. Freshwater Lake
3. What Causes Most Earthquakes
A. The Earth’s rotation
B. The wind direction
C. The pull of the earth’s gravity
D. The movement of the plates on Earth’s crust
4. Why is a fish to be light on the top and dark on the bottom?
A. Answer: the coloring serves as a form of camouflage to protect it from predators.
5. When water is heated in an open pan it becomes this state of matter?
A. Answer: a gas
6. What natural phenomenon overflows with molten lava when they erupt?
A. Answer: Volcanoes
7. True or false: An extinct volcano is one that erupts once every 100 years?
A. Answer: False
8. Muddy Areas are usually found at the mouths of large rivers. These areas are caused by?
A. Decayed vegetable matter
B. Underwater volcanoes
C. Soil erosion upstream
D. Mountain building
9. When a volcano no longer erupts, the magma inside the vent cools and forms this?
A. Answer: Solid Igneous Rock
10. What is the abyssal plain?
A. Answer: the flattest part of the ocean floor
11. True or False: Earthquakes occur under water?
A. Answer: True
12. What force of nature causes a constant change of desert landscapes?
A. Windstorms
13. A moving portion of Earth’s crust and upper mantle is called a ?
A. Fault
B. Fold
C. Plate
D. Ridge
14. Your teacher asks you to bring on an item to class that shows evidence of erosion which of the following would
be the Best to bring?
A. A piece of lava from a volcano
B. A crystal from the inside of a geode
C. A piece of slate from a quarry
D. A round rock from a stream bed
15. Which is washed away the easiest by erosion?
A. Topsoil
B. Subsoil
C. Bedrock
D. Magma
16. True or False: Strong Winds are the most common cause of mudflows?
A. False
17. Water inside a rock crevice can split it apart when the temperature drops because?
A. Cold Water Dissolves Rock
B. Water Expands When it Freezes
C. Water Causes the Growth of Plant Routes
D. The Cold Causes the Rock to Become Brittle
18. In many places, sand is being pumped from the sea floor onto the beaches. Why is there a need to put sand on
A. The sand on the beaches wear out
B. Waves cause the erosion of the sand
C. Too much sand is piled on sand dunes
D. Old, dirty sand has to be replaced
19. White Tail Deer live on the Cumberland Island National Seashore, what would make the deer population
A. People moving off the island
B. Planting new trees to replace those cleared for building
C. Building ponds in some of the clearings
D. Introducing grey wolves to the island
20. True or False: An animal that can only eat plants is called an omnivore?
A. False
21. The number of predators in a community depends on what factor?
A. The number of prey
B. The amount of sunlight
C. The amount of landfall
D. The number of decomposers
22. Which characteristic is not an example of protective adaptations?
A. Presence of an exoskeleton on a lobster?
B. Camouflage of the walking stick insect
C. Presence of the long running legs in an ostrich
D. The well-developed circulatory system of a sparrow
23. True or false: Decomposers such as mushrooms eat only old leaves that have fallen off of trees
A. False
24. A producer is a living thing that makes its own food from sunlight which of the following is a producer?
A. Human
B. Bee
C. Cow
D. Corn Plant
25. A hermit crab lives in a shell abandoned by another animal and one powerful claw. The claw and the shell are
alike because they both:
A. Grow
B. Provide Shelter
C. Help in Gathering Food
D. Provide Protection form Enemies
26. The “wipperpoorwill” is a bird that is colored so that it is very difficult to see when it is perched on a tree limb.
Which term describes this kind of adaptation?
A. Aggressive
B. Selective
C. Protective
D. Inventive
27. The role of the producer in any community is to
A. Produce space
B. Produce Nutrients
C. Produce Carbon Dioxide
D. Produce Food
28. People are omnivorous, which means that they eat both plants and animals. Which of the following animals is
also omnivorous?
A. Bears
B. Monarch Butterflies
C. Lions
D. Elephants
29. True or false: This is an example of a correct food chain?
Leaf Grass Hopper-> Frog-> Snake
A. Answer: True
30. If crickets eat grass, and birds eat cricket name the correct food chain sequence?
A. Answer: grass-> crickets-> bird
Jessie’s 3rd grade class uses a peach as a model of a cell, which of the following would represent the cell wall?
A. The Peach Pit
B. The Peach Skin
C. The Peach Stem
D. The Peach Juice
32. True or False: New bacteria comes from other bacteria?
A. Answer: True
33. True or false: Both birds and insects lay eggs?
A. Answer: true
34. How are dandelion seeds different from apple seeds?
A. Dandelion seeds produce new plants
B. Dandelion seeds are not produced from flowers
C. Dandelion seeds are light enough to be carried by the wind
D. Dandelion seeds do not need water, rain and soil to reproduce
35. Which of the following is not a mammal?
A. A Cow
B. A Dog
C. A Duck
D. A Zebra
36. Which pair of kingdoms has members that can make their own food?
A. Plants and Animals
B. Fungi and Protists
C. Protists and Plants
D. Monerans and Fungi
37. Which animal has more legs a tick or a grasshopper?
A. A tick
38. How many legs does the house fly have?
A. 6
39. Which is not a characteristic of organisms in the animal kingdom?
A. They use sunlight to produce their own food
B. They are made up of many different cells
C. They have the ability to move
D. They have cell membranes
40. A paramecium is a one celled animal. Which of the following must be true about the paramecium?
A. It’s one cell does everything it needs to live
B. It can only live inside of other things
C. It is the smallest living thing
D. It causes dangerous diseases
41. Which item would conduct electricity?
A. A glass cup
B. A chickens feather
C. A plastic straw
D. A metal fork
42. True or False: If Joe and Jill made a volcano using baking soda and vinegar. When they put them together the
volcano foamed and bubbled. This is an example of a physical change?
A. False it is a Chemical Change
43. What term refers to the flow of electrical charges?
A. Current
44. What name applies to the following materials because of their electrical properties? Plastic, Rubber, Glass, and
A. Insulators
45. Dana put a cup of orange juice in the freezer to make it into a popsicle, this is an example of what type of
A. Physical
46. If Jeremy rubs a balloon against his hair and then places it on the wall it will stick because of which of the
A. Static Electricity
B. Magnetism
C. Heat Energy
D. Power
47. Michelle’s dad wired new lights for her playroom, when he thought everything was connected correctly he
turned on the switch and nothing happened what could have caused this problem?
A. There were to many lights placed on one circuit
B. More batteries were needed to be connected to the circuit
C. He made a mistake that caused an open circuit
D. The circuit should have been wired parallel
48. Iron is most likely to rust when it is?
A. Damp
B. Dry
C. Painted
D. Covered with Glass
49. This type of coting can be used around electrical cords in order to stop the electricity from shocking you?
A. Plastic
50. Plastic, Wood, and iron are all made of?
A. Energy
B. Plant or animal cells
C. Carbon molecules
D. atoms
51. One way the North Atlantic Ocean is different from the South Pacific Ocean is that the North Atlantic has
A. a greater average depth.
B. a higher average pressure.
C. a larger average concentration of salt.
D. a lower average temperature.
52. Which microorganism is helpful in making foods like yogurt and pickles?
A. Bacteria
B. fungus
C. parasite
D. virus
53. Which of these animals is an invertebrate?
A. fly
B. frog
C. rabbit
D. shark
54. During a cooking demonstration, a chef dissolves 100 grams of sugar by stirring it into 1000 grams of hot water. How
much will the sugar and water solution weigh after the sugar is dissolved?
A. 1900 grams
B. 1000 grams
C. 1100 grams
D. 2000 grams
55. Which surface feature was made by a destructive process?
A. mountain
B. river delta
C. sand dune
D. river valley
56. Which of these can most likely be determined by studying seismic waves?
A. The location of the earthquake’s epicenter
B. The dates when future earthquakes will happen
C. If a tsunami will be produced by the earthquake
D. If a future earthquake will happen at the same location
57. What is the first element of the periodic table?
58. True or False: Na is the element symbol for Salt
59. Which rock breaks up the fastest?
A. rock deep underground
B. rock with small crystals
C. rock with fossils
D. rock that is easy to scratch
60. A scratch test measures which property of a mineral?
A. color
B. luster
C. hardness
D. texture
61. Soil is a mix of materials. Which is NOT a part of soil in nature?
A. dead plants
B. dead animals
C. rock pieces
D. plastic pieces
62. When atoms rearrange to make a new product it is a ___
A: Chemical Change
63. Which of these is true in regards to atoms?
A. All atoms are alike
B. Atoms are made of molecules
C. All matter is made of atoms
64. Which phase of matter is defined as tightly packed molecules?
A. Solid
65. Which phase of matter is defined as loosely packed molecules?
A. Liquid
66. Some students were studying properties of water. One student placed a cup containing 80 mL of water in a freezer.
Another student placed an identical cup containing 40 mL of water in a different freezer. Which of the following will be
the same for both cups of water?
A .The temperature at which the water freezes
B .The mass of the frozen water
C. The time it takes the water to freeze
D. The volume of the frozen water
67. True or False: A magnifying glass is better for looking at leaf cells than a microscope
68. Which characteristic is true of only mammals?
A. they look like their parents
B. they have a backbone
C. they nurse their young
D. they live on land
69. Which is an example of a feature on earth caused by wind?
A. sand dunes
B. limestone caverns
C. mountains
D. oceans
70. If a Golden Retriever and a Pit Bull had Puppies what is true about the characteristics of the puppies?
A. they would be brown
B. they would take genes from both dogs
C. they would be male
71. A lamp lighting a room is an example of what kind of electricity?
72. Luke put a cup of orange juice in the freezer and turned it into a popsicle this is an example of which of the following
A. Gas to Solid
B. Liquid to Gas
C. Liquid to Solid
D. Solid to Liquid
73. What is the study of weather called?
74. What is the definition of weathering?
The breaking down of rocks
75. Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?
The Sun
76. What is the correct name for water that falls to the ground from clouds?
78. What is the correct term for rising water vapor meeting colder air and turning back into water droplets?
A. evaporation
B. condensation
C. hydration
79. What is the only thing in nature that can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas?
80. How much water does the average North American use in a day?
25-30 gallons
81. Rocks are broken down into three main groups igneous, metamorphic and _____?
82. There are 3 types of rocks, Metamorphic, Sedimentary and this type?
83. Which action will result in a product with new chemical properties?
A. shredding a newspaper
B. breaking a mirror
C. cutting wood
D. popping popcorn
84. Which of the following represents a chemical reaction?
A. a sugar cube dissolving in water
B. ice cubes forming in a freezer
C. ice cream melting in a bowl
D. a cake baking in an oven
85. Which animal is classified as an omnivore?
A. red fox
B. deer
C. black bear
D. rabbit
86. Peach trees have sweet-smelling blossoms and produce rich fruit. What is the main purpose of
the flowers of a peach tree?
A. to attract bees for pollination
B. to create flower arrangements
C. to protect the tree from disease
D. to feed migratory birds
87. Which of the following converts electrical energy into motion?
A. light switch
B. electric stove
C. light bulb
D. electric fan
88. What element do all living things contain?
89. Which single-celled microorganism is helpful in making foods like yogurt and pickles?
A. bacteria
B. fungus
C. parasite
D. virus
90. Which part of a plant cell changes energy from sunlight into food?
A. chloroplast
B. cytoplasm
C. membrane
D. nucleus
91. True or False: All bacteria is bad?
92. Which of these items will conduct electricity?
A. metal pin
B. plastic bag
C. rubber ball
D. wood block
93. True or False: Tthe temperature has to be below freezing in order for it to hail outside?
94. Which surface feature was made by a destructive process?
A. mountain
B. river delta
C. sand dune
D. river valley
95. Which of the following questions is testable in a scientific investigation?
A. are dogs better than cats
B. are dogs happy when they walk
C. are cats more active at night or during the day
96. All birds have one common factor, what is this factor?
They all have webbed feet
97. What is energy from the sun called?
Solar Energy
98. True or False: A rock is a non-living thing.
99. List the 5 steps of the scientific method in order?
1. Make Observations
2. Do Some Research
3. Form a Hypothesis
4. Test Your Hypothesis
5. Draw Conclusions
100. What is the second step of the scientific method?