The Worktime Learning Session

Hertfordshire Care Partners – Work time learning session
Time required for the session: 1hr
Preparation time required: 30 minutes in the room prior to team arrival
Groups of 10 – 15 people
Background and Purpose
Social care in the UK and across Hertfordshire is an ever more demanding and
changing environment. Population demographics mean that people are living
longer and the “Baby boom” generation are now approaching the age where a
proportion of them will need social care and support. In order to rise to this
challenge we need to work more effectively as a team of partners in order to
maximise the use of resources and get the best for the people of Hertfordshire.
The session we are asking line managers to run with their teams is designed to
explain the values but, more importantly, to give teams the chance to explore
what they mean for them as a team. It is hoped that this approach will increase
the engagement and commitment to positive change within the overall
partnership of organisations.
 Place two flip charts at the front of the room.
 On flip chart 1 write “Welcome” on the first sheet
 On the 2nd sheet of the 1st flip chart write “Shared values” then
1. Working in partnership so that people do not see the joins
2. Delivering on our promises
3. Following our customer care standards
4. Working together for the benefit of the people of Hertfordshire
5. Respect for colleagues and carers in every interaction
 Place the A3 sheet on a table(s) where they will be able to write
 On flip chart 2 write “Car Park”
 Ensure you have copies of the customer care standards to hand
Running the session
Part 1 – 15 mins
Welcome everyone to the session and explain that the session is designed to
be an interactive event where everyone’s contribution is valued.
Emphasise the fact that. whilst the purpose of the session is to launch and
explain the 5 shared values involved in the Hertfordshire Care Partnership, we
understand that every department and section within the partnership
undertakes different work in the service of the community. Rather than
“telling” everyone how we want them to behave, it is important that we agree
the best way to work together.
Quickly review the purpose of the session using your own words to bring the
“Background and Purpose” section of these notes to life.
Reveal the 5 Shared values on your 2nd sheet.
Facilitate a brief discussion within the whole team as to what they understand
by each of the 5 values.
Why are they important to the people of Hertfordshire?
Why are they important to our colleagues and partners?
(Use the copies of the Customer Care Standards to facilitate the discussion
around point 3)
If at any stage in the session the meeting becomes “bogged down” on a topic
which is clearly important but not core to the discussion write it on the “Car
park” flip chart – key items can be revisited at the end of the event to assign
owners and next steps.
Part 2 – 30 mins
Get the group(s) positioned around the A3 sheet(s).
Write in one or 2 examples of where the team feel they do really well in the
delivery of one of the values. Be specific and get them to give examples!
Ask for honest thoughts on what causes service/values to be less well
When every one of the 5 values has been explored for “good” and “bad”
practice, move the conversation on to “so what?”. What are we going to
commit to as a team in order to bring the values to life? Try and make the
commitments real and specific rather than too loose and generic. For example,
a good commitment might be “We will focus on answering the telephone
within 3 rings and always answer in a happy tone. We will catch one another
doing it well”. A weak commitment might be “We will be “nice” to carers when
they call in”.
Part 3 – 15 mins
Review the “Car park” sheet and assign owners to any next steps or actions
Explain that the team’s commitments will now be sent to HCPA. Their new
lanyards will be sent to them soon after.
Thank the team for their support
What next?
Keep hold of the A3 sheet(s) as this will be used at a future review meeting and
you can refer back to it.
Fill in your commitments on the feedback form and send it to Alice
Alice will then send your lanyards / badges to you.
Many thanks!