SOSA 2015 - Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
MTP Theme: Key Technologies
In this project, we seek to enable reference architecture models, and analysis and
synthesis tools, as a basis for specification of both cloud-based and on-premise
manufacturing services. These reference models are intended to drive necessary
standards development for composable, smart manufacturing systems to become
reality. Our results will reduce risk to software providers and users, and promote
standards adoption by providing tools based on the reference models to guide the
development and validate implementations of such standards.
Service-Oriented Architectures for Smart Manufacturing
Nenad Ivezic - NIST (USA)
Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
Initiative Title:
Service-Oriented Architectures for Smart Manufacturing
1.1 R&D Objectives
Please provide here a list of the R&D Objectives of your MTP Initiative.
1.2 Overview of the Initiative
Cloud computing, coupled with on-premise solutions, will revolutionize manufacturing by
enabling an eco-system of composable (easy-to-assemble-and-reassemble) manufacturing
services that will accelerate new product development, gain efficiencies in production and
supply chain management, and allow use of data analytics to optimize manufacturing
activities. However, to achieve such composable manufacturing services, there is the need
for a shared basis to specify service requirements and capabilities that allow representation,
registration, discovery, and composition of these services. In this project, we seek to enable
reference architecture models, and analysis and synthesis tools, as a basis for specification
of both cloud-based and on-premise manufacturing services. These reference models are
intended to drive necessary standards development for composable, smart manufacturing
systems to become reality. Our results will reduce risk to software providers and users, and
promote standards adoption by providing tools based on the reference models to guide the
development and validate implementations of such standards.
NIST activities in novel, model-based approaches for architecting, design, and analysis of
Smart Manufacturing Systems include
Development of Service Oriented Architectures to include cloud-, on-premise, and
hybrid service-oriented systems, including scalable mechanisms for representation
and discovery of manufacturing services.
Composability Analysis of manufacturing services for rapidly changing
manufacturing requirements and enterprise environments, including development
of experimental platform for composition of semantically represented
manufacturing software and physical services;
Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
Life Cycle Management of Reference Models to allow bottom-up and top-down,
efficient development, evolution, and management of manufacturing enterprise
reference models; and
Open cloud architecture for composable smart manufacturing systems
Smart Manufacturing Scenarios and Use Case definitions in multiple
manufacturing sectors, enabling requirements analysis and validation specification
for the new model-based approaches.
Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
As we develop our research plans, we seek to collaborate with other national and
international organizations that share common vision. We would especially welcome
involvement by manufacturers to partner and who could supply information to build use
1.3 Planned Work, Resources and Timing
To be updated.
1.4 Planned Participating Regions, Projects involved and Partners
Bremen Institute of Industrial Technology (BIBA), which has on-going interests
in the Factory of the Future projects
INNOVA S.p.A, European R&D SME based in Rome, Italy, which is completing
the FP7 COMPOSE project
Plans to approach
IBM Israel
Fraunhofer Germany
1.5 Contact Information
Nenad Ivezic - NIST (USA),