United Way Fast - United Way of Racine County

There is a lot to share about the work of United Way of Racine County. Keep your employees
informed by distributing the snippets of information below in a newsletter, intranet, email, etc.
To learn more about United Way and our programs, visit www.unitedwayracine.org.
About Racine County*
Racine County has a population of 195,041; 14% are over 65 years of age, 25% are under 18 years of
age, and 84% are white.
26% of Racine County residents are employed in the manufacturing industry.
The percent of local residents with a high school diploma and higher education has increased from 50
percent in 1970 to almost 90 percent in 2012 for Racine County as a whole.
Though Wisconsin ranks lower among most states in terms of “food hardship,” the number of Racine
County FoodShare recipients has more than quadrupled since 2000.
The infant mortality rate for African American mothers still remains about three times higher than mothers
of other racial or ethnic groups.
It costs more than $45,000 annually for a family of four in Racine County to meet basic living expenses,
yet two adults working full-time, minimum wage jobs only make about $30,000 per year.
One out of every three county residents is considered obese.
24% of Racine County residents are smokers.
11% of households in the county are below poverty level.
33% of Racine Unified third graders cannot read at grade level.
Violent and property crimes have decreased 26% in Racine County since 2001.
About United Way
There are 1,300 community-based United Ways across the country and each is separately incorporated
and independently governed by local volunteers.
United Way of Racine County has been improving lives and creating lasting change since 1922.
United Way focuses on education, income and health because they are the building blocks for a good life.
United Way funds approximately 50 programs and projects throughout Racine County.
United Way of Racine County is in the top 10% of national giving per capita and has more than 10,000
donors annually.
United Way’s highest campaign was $5.4 million raised in 2013.
United Way is local. 99% of all contributions raised in Racine County, stay in Racine County.
United Way is accountable. 83% of all United Way contributions are invested in programs that show
measurable success.
United Way is comprehensive. United Way is able to identify gaps and invest the dollars where they will
have the most impact.
United Way is volunteer-driven. More than 1,000 volunteers assist with the annual campaign, community
investment processes and Schools of Hope tutoring.
United Way is connected. United Way has the unique ability to bring together hundreds of community
partners to tackle community issues.
*Racine County statistics were compiled from the 2014 Community Indicators Report. View it online at
2000 Domanik Drive  Racine, Wisconsin 53404  Phone 262.898.2240 
Fax 262.898.2241
3 Born Learning Trails were installed in Racine County parks to provide parents and children with fun and
interactive early learning opportunities that will help boost children’s language and literacy skills.
6 Youth As Resources grants totaling $5,735 were awarded to fund youth-led community service projects
in Racine County such as the installation of a pier at the Waterford Senior Living Center pond by Girl
Scouts from Troop 5726.
405 children in western Racine County received free, age-appropriate books in the mail each month
through the United Way and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
96% of children participating in United Way-funded programs improved their academic performance as
shown by improved grades and classroom participation.
7,106 one-on-one Schools of Hope tutoring sessions were held to help young students become more
confident, capable readers.
8,950 elementary and middle school children participated in after school activities such as volunteerism,
leadership experiences and academic assistance that contribute to the development of skills, attitudes and
73% of Advancing Family Assets adults maintained employment and average hourly wages continue to
94% of Advancing Family Assets households developed and used monthly budgets to manage their
finances. In comparison, only 32% of households used a monthly budget nationally (Gallup poll, April
1,047 individuals received temporary shelter in Racine County through United Way-funded programs.
3,300+ calls for help from local residents were answered through United Way-funded 2-1-1 Information
and Referral Service Helpline. The number one request was for housing/utilities assistance.
$653,094 in tax credits was brought back to the community through United Way-funded Volunteer Income
Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Clients often spend these refunds locally for basic necessities such as
food and clothing, home and car repairs, or medical treatment.
830,898 pounds of food were distributed, free-of-charge, to local food pantries, emergency shelters,
community meal sites, and social service agencies. More than 68,000 people received emergency food
throughout Racine County.
70% of Advancing Family Assets families lived in safe, healthy home environments. Positive living
conditions can be related to successful academic and social development for children.
89% of Advancing Family Assets young children were on-track for healthy development (Based on
normed results of Ages and Stages Questionnaire screening of children from birth to age six.)
741 Racine County residents were connected with health and safety related services such as prescription,
mental health, and domestic violence assistance through the United Way-funded 2-1-1 Information and
Referral Helpline.
1,717 local individuals received counseling and mental health services to help them manage emotions and
function better in their daily lives.
4,006 individuals with no health insurance and of limited income received free or low-cost medical, dental
and prescription health care.
$200,000 was saved on prescription costs in Racine County by using the FamilyWize Prescription
Discount Card.
2000 Domanik Drive  Racine, Wisconsin 53404  Phone 262.898.2240 
Fax 262.898.2241