organizational structure of all india radio &doordarshan

Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) i
s t h e p u b l i c s e r v i c e broadcaster in the country, with Akashwani (All
India Radio) and Doordarshan asits two constituents. It came into existence on
mandatet o o r g a ni z e a n d co n d uc t pu b l i c b r o a d ca s ti n g s e r v i c es t o
i nf o r m, e d u ca te a n d entertain the public and to ensure a balanced
television.P r a s a r B h a r a t i B o a r d f u n c t i o n s a t t h e a p e x l e v e l
e n s u r i n g f o r m u l a t i o n a n d implementation of policies of the
organization and fulfillment of the mandate interms of the Prasar
Bharati Act, 1990. The Executive Member functions as theC h i ef
E x e c ut i v e Of f i cer ( CE O ) o f t h e C o r po r a ti o n , s ub j e ct t o t he
c o ntr o l a n ds u per v i s i o n o f t he B o a r d. T he C E O , t h e M e mb er
( F i na n c e )
t he
M e mb er ( Pe r s o nn e l ) p er f o r m t hei r f u n c ti o ns f r o m t h e Pr a s a r B
h a r a t i he a d q ua r te r s a t Parliament Street, New Delhi.All important policy
matters relating to finance, administration and personnel ares u bm i t te d t o
t h e CE O a n d t he B o a r d t hr o ug h t h e M e mb er (F i n a n c e ) a n d
t h e Member (Personnel) as required, for the purpose of advice,
implementation of proposals and decisions thereon. Officers from
different streams working in thePrasar Bharati Secretariat assist the CEO,
the Member (Finance) and the Member (Personnel) in integrating actions,
asw e l l a s l o o k a f t e r t h e b u d g e t , a c c o u n t s a n d g e n e r a l f i n
a n c i a l m a t t e r s o f t h e Corporation.Prasar Bharati also has a unified
vigilance set up at the headquarters, headed by aChief Vigilance Officer. Prasar
Bharati Marketing offices located at Mumbai, NewDelhi, Kolkata, Chennai,
Bangalore and Hyderabad look after marketing activitiesof both All India
Radio and Doordarshan.To facilitate decision making, the Policy & Executive
asM a na g e m en t Co mm i t te e ) c ha i r e d b y t h e CE O , ha s be en c o ns t
i t ut e d f o r b o t h Doordarshan and AIR.
The Directors General heads the Directorate General of All India Radio
and theDirectorate General of Doordarshan. They function in close
association with theMember (Finance), the Member (Personnel) and the CEO,
in carrying out the day-to-day affairs of AIR and Doordarshan. Both in AIR
and Doordarshan, there are broadly four different wings responsible
for distinct activities viz. Programme, News, Engineering and
Administration & Finance.
AIR (All India Radio)
All India Radio (AIR) is a national service planned, developed and operated
by theMinistry of Information & Broadcasting under the Government of
India. Sound broadcasting started in India in 1927 with the proliferation of
private radio clubs.T h e o p er a t i o ns o f A l l I n di a R a di o be g a n f o r ma l l y
i n 19 36 , a s a g o v er nm e nt organization, with clear objectives to inform,
educate and entertain the masses.When India attained Independence in 1947,
AIR had a network of six stations anda complement of 18 transmitters. The
coverage was 2.5% of the area and just 11%of the population. Rapid expansion
of the network took place post Independence.AIR today has a network of 223
broadcasting centres with 143 medium frequency(MW), 54 high frequency (SW)
and 161 FM transmitters. The coverage is 91.42%of the area, serving 99.13%
of the people in the largest democracy of the world.AIR covers 24
Languages and 146 dialects in home services. In External services,it covers 27
languages.A l l I nd i a R a d i o co m es u nd e r t h e M i ni s tr y o f I nf o r ma ti o
n a n d B r o a d ca s t i ng Government of India. A secretary and four joint
secretaries who are supposed to dothe following jobs assist the minister of
information and broadcasting:
•Financial Advisor and
•FilmIn order to help the joint secretaries in the execution of above jobs, there
aredeputy secretary and under secretaries also.Radio stations come in all
sizes and generally are classifies as being either small,medium or large
market outlets. The size of the community that a station servesu s u a l l y
r ef l e cts t he s i ze o f i ts s t a f f . F o r ex a m pl e, t he s t a t i o n i n a to w n
o f f i v e thousand residents may have six to eight fulltime employees in the
Medium markets are set up in more densely populated areas and in this
type of station; there are twelve to twenty employees. Mostly, overlapping of
occur i n t h e l a r g e r s t a t i o n s , p o s i t i o n s a r e u s u a l l y l i m i
t e d t o s p e c i f i c a r e a s o f responsibility. Large stations may employ
as many as sixty to hundred people andas few as twenty depending on the
nature of their format.In All India Radio, Director General is the head of the
thereforei t i s a s e n s i t i v e p o s t r e q u i r i n g a w i d e c u l t u r a l b a c
k g r o u n d , i n i t i a t i v e , t a c t , administrative abilities, sound judgment of
matters and people, a deep commitmentto broadcasting and qualities of
leadership of a high order.Occasionally, Indian Administration Service
Officers are assigned an additionaltask of Director General of All India
Radio and since independence; there have been around 15 IAS officers who
have performed the task of Director General of AIR.There are Additional Director
General and Deputy Director Generals also who helpthe Director General is
assisted by Director of Programmes. A Director whose rank is equivalent to
Deputy Director General heads news Division. The Director isassisted by
Chief News Editor, News Editor, Joint Director, etc. others employedin the
news department of the radio station are the News Readers,
Announcers,Translators and others.T h e E n g i ne er i n g D i v i s i o n o f A IR i s
l o o ke d a f t er b y E n g i ne er - i n- C hi e f a nd i s assisted by Chief Engineer
AIR i s u n d er t h e c o n tr o l o f S ta ti o n D i r ec to r w ho
i s a s s i s t e d by A s s i s ta n t S ta ti o n Directors and Programme Executives.B.G.
Verghese Committee has also proposed an organizational structure for
AIR,which has the following posts of General Managers:1 . G M L e g a l
Services2 . G M
I n f o r m a t i o n T he co m mi tt ee a l s o pr o po s ed a C en t r a l N ew s R o
o m c o ns i s t i ng o f a G e ner a l M a na g e r , E di to r , F o r ei g n E d i to r , E d i
t o r M o n i to r i ng . T hi s co mm i t te e h a s a l s o proposed the creation of
the posts of Station Manager, Accounts and PersonnelOfficer,
Programme Officer, Extension Officer, etc.
Gujarati, DD Kashir, DD Malayalam, DD North East, DD Oriya,
DD Podhigai(Tamil), DD Punjabi, DD Sahyadri (Marathi), DD Saptagiri
(Telugu)CHECK YOUR PROGRESSQ1. How many regional channels does the
Doordarshan have? List some of them.
Organizational Structure of Doordarshan
The Director General, Doordarshan is responsible for the overall administration
of the Doordarshan network which consists of 60 Doordarshan Kendras /
ProductionCentres, 126 Doordarshan Maintenance Centres, 194 High
Transmitters,8 3 0 L o w P o w e r T r a n s m i t t e r s a n d 3 7 9 v e r y L o w
P o w e r T r a n s m i t t e r s a s o n 31.12.2004. Doordarshan is presently
operating 26 channels.
D o o r d a r s h a n i s d i vi d e d i n t o f o u r w i n gs :
Programme, News, Engineering,A d mi ni s tr a ti o n
F i na n ce,
P r o g r a mm e Wi ng d ea l s w i t h a l l a s p e cts r el a t i ng t o programme
conception, production and procurement at the national, regional,
andl o c a l l e v e l . N e w s W i n g p u t s o u t n e w s b u l l e t i n s a n
d o t h e r c u r r e n t a f f a i r s programmes at the national and regional
level. Engineering Wing deals with all thehardware requirements of the entire
thes t u d i o s , t r a n s m i t t e r s e t c . A d m i n i s t r a t i o n & F i n a n
c e W i n g d e a l s w i t h t h e administrative and financial aspects
including general administration, personnelmanagement, budget and
plan coordination.In most of the ways, the organizational structures of
Doordarshan and All IndiaRadio are more or less the same. But Doordarshan
these days are growing bigger interms of number of sections, subsections and
staff of various kinds.
T h e o ve r a l l h e a d o f a l l t h e d e p a r t m e n t s i n D o o r d a r s h a n i s t h e
D i r e c t o r General.
The rank of the Director General of Doordarshan is equivalent to that of t h e
D i r e c to r G e n er a l o f A l l I n di a R a d i o , w h i l e ea r l i e r i t w a s no t the
c a s e.
I n D o o r da r s ha n, th e D i r e c to r G e ner a l h ea ds t h e D ep a r t me n t o f
P r o g r a mm e a n d Administration. His main job is to supervise, guide, govern
and control the entirefunctioning of the department. He is assisted by:
•Additional Director General and Deputy Director General (Development)
•Deputy Director General (News and Current Affairs)
•Deputy Director General (Communication & film)
•Deputy Director General (Production & Transmission)
•Director (Finance & Personnel Control)
The Additional Director General looks after News and Current Affairs,
ProgrammePolicy, Programme Coordination, Planning, Public Relations,
etc. The rank of Additional Director General is equivalent to that of Joint
Secretary, Govt. of India.He is assisted by Controller of Programme
(Policy), Controller of Programme(Coordination), Controller of Programme
(Development), Public Relations Officer,etc.The Deputy Director General
sequencew i s e d ev el o pm e nt o f t h e pr o g r a mm e a n d i s s u p po r t e d b y D i r e c
t o r , A u di e nc eR es e a r c h, Co nt r o l l er o f Pr o g r a mm e (D ev el o pm e nt
) a n d D e pu ty Co n t r o l l er o f Programme.T h e D e p u t y D i r e c t o r G
e n e r a l ( N e w s & C u r r e n t A f f a i r s ) l o o k s a f t e r t h e adminis
trative part of current newsgathering, news selection, news processing,
andnews evaluation and news presentation. Chief Editor News, Chief Producer
Newsand News Editor support him. The Deputy Director General
&F i l m ) mo n i to r s t h e e n ti r e co m mu n i ca ti o n p r o c es s o f t h e o r g a
n i za ti o n. H e i s assisted by Controller of Programme (Communication) and
Deputy Controller of Programme (films).The Deputy Director General
(Production & Transmission) looks after the entireactivities of
Production and transmission and is supported by Deputy
Director A d m i n i s tr a ti o n i n t he di s c h a r g e o f h i s v a s t d ut i es . T h e
D i r e c to r (F i na n ce & P e r s o n a l C o n t r o l ) , g u i d e s , g o v e r n s a n d
controls the financial activities and personnel works and
i n t h e d i s c h a r g e o f h i s v a s t d u t i e s . D e p u t y D i r e c t o r Admi
nistration and Senior Analyst support him.The Department of Engineering is
headed by Engineer-in-Chief who is answerableto the Director General. The
Engineer- in-Chief is responsible for the growth andmaintenance of all the
engineering and technical activities. In the discharge of hisenormous duties, he
is assisted by Chief Engineer (Project and Budget) and Chief Engineer
(Maintenance and INSAT).The Chief Engineer (Project & Budget)
supervises and prepares various projectsand budgets and is supported by
Coordinationwith ISRO), Director Engineering (Teletext), Director Engin
eering (Purchase),Director Engineering (Progress and Budget), Director
Engineering (Estimates & NLF) and Director Engineering (Transmitter Design).
I n a d di ti o n t o t h a t t he r e i s a l a r g e n um b er o f s t a f f i n
D o o r d a r s ha n w h i c h a r e directly associated with pre-production,
production and postproduction. These staff members are•Programme Producer
•Programme Executive
•Video Engineer
•Vision Control Operator
•Lighting Engineer
•Vision Mixer
•Studio Engineers
•Make-up Supervisors
•Script Designer
•Programme Assistant
•Production Assistant
•Audio Control Manager
•Mic Boom Operator
•Script Writer, etc.