2011 Science Introduction - Atlantic County Special Services

An Introduction to the
Science Curriculum
Student IEPs form the base for all educational programs at Atlantic County
Special Services and so the format of this curriculum reflects the need for
teachers to integrate New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards when
creating IEPs and lesson plans. The New Jersey Core Curriculum Content
Standards for Science provide the foundation for this curriculum and the science
programs at Atlantic County Special Services. Specific cumulative progress
indicators (CPI’s) from each science strand were selected to create the set of
core skills that Atlantic County Special Services students will be taught through a
variety of classroom based, experimental and experiential programs. In most
cases, the selected CPI’s have been modified to accommodate our students’
learning needs and converted into objectives that can be used when creating
IEPs and lesson plans. Our decision to take the original core curriculum CPI’s
and break them down into smaller chunks of information was motivated by the
need to address the learning gaps and splinter skills many of our students have
that interfere with them developing the strong foundation needed for a deeper
understanding of concepts. Students come to Atlantic County Special Services
because of the multidisciplinary and multimodality approaches we use to
increase the positive outcomes from the teaching – learning exchange.
The Science Program at Atlantic County Special Services is built on the
belief that all students can and should possess the fundamental scientific
knowledge and skills necessary to become successful, literate and contributing
citizens in the technological world of the 21st century. We therefore expect, that to
the fullest extent possible, our students will demonstrate the understanding and
critical thinking skills necessary to apply scientific concepts in an increasingly
complex and changing world. Our science program strives to include topics from
the following areas: scientific practices, physical science, life science, and earth
science systems. The staff at Atlantic County Special Services recognizes the
need for all students to have a basic understanding of scientific concepts so they
can make informed decisions when faced with personal, civic, cultural and
economic problems. Therefore every effort is made to show students how
important the natural world is to their daily lives by infusing scientific principles
into lessons, highlighting its applications throughout their day, and calling
attention to adults who are using science to solve every day problems. Due to
our student’s unique, varied and multiple needs instruction at Atlantic County
Special Services is designed to build upon student strengths, minimize the
educational impact of weaknesses and readily connect classroom learning to
lived experiences. The necessary accommodations, modifications, and support
are provided to insure that all students, regardless of their abilities, have the
opportunity to develop science related skills. Activities and materials are adapted
to maximize active student participation in the learning and allow them to clearly
demonstrate the knowledge/skills they have acquired. Various lesson formats are
used including one to one, peer partners, small group, large group, field trips and
work sites to encourage curiosity, maximize learning potential and accommodate
student needs. The Atlantic County Special Services School District science
program is inquiry based and includes opportunities for students to listen,
observe, conduct experiments, collect data/evidence, and explore multiple
information sources so they can construct answers and develop solutions to
scientific problems. Science lessons can be highly structured, workplace based
or anything in between depending on student need and skill level. All lessons
begin with the student’s current level of functioning in mind and are designed to
be multi sensory and engaging in an effort to move the student closer to
proficiency. Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapists are a valuable asset
when students require adaptive equipment, materials and strategies to
participate fully and gain maximum benefit from instructional experiences.
Teachers use pictures and manipulatives when necessary to increase the level of
student understanding for concepts being taught. Students learn how to apply
various scientific concepts and strategies through hands – on discovery and
problem based learning experiences. Science lessons are designed to develop
fundamental knowledge and skills in all the Core Content areas while at the
same time fostering strong critical thinking skills. Activities and materials are
used that will promote a deep understanding of the scientific practices while also
developing the habits of mind that will create curious, open-minded, honest and
safe adults. Rather than practice skills through rote, repetitive exercises students
are given the opportunity to work together in cooperative groups where
knowledge, ideas, and strategies can be discussed, debated and applied to new
problems. Our school is set within a wild and natural area making it possible to
give students the opportunity throughout the school year to see and use scientific
principles in various settings and contexts thus deepening and expanding their
knowledge and skills.
Whenever possible science skills are developed and reinforced throughout
all content areas of instruction. Students are encouraged to be conscientious and
active partners in the teaching – learning exchange. Science lessons are
designed to be positive, enjoyable, and successful experiences for all students
management techniques are used extensively to enhance the learning
environment and increase levels of student motivation. Therapists and
counselors work closely with instructional staff to insure that all student learning
is connected and relevant to the development of proficiency in the New Jersey
Core Curriculum Content Standards.
In addition to the mandated Statewide Testing Program teachers at
Atlantic County Special Services conduct ongoing and varied evaluations of
student progress. Student growth is measured on a daily basis using both
formative and summative assessment techniques including many authentic
strategies. All assessment is designed to improve the teaching – learning
exchange and includes everything from daily observations and checklists to the
use of rubrics to evaluate projects, tests/exams designed to gauge mastery of
unit concepts and teacher interviews to evaluate what techniques students use
and how they apply those techniques in various situations. Teachers, therapists
and instructional support personnel provide the support and feedback necessary
to keep students engaged in lessons, positive about their abilities and moving
toward proficiency. Whenever necessary lessons are reviewed and/or modified to
address individual learning needs and promote mastery of a particular concept or
skill. The assessment techniques and expected outcomes are individualized
based on a student’s skill level, rate of learning, and long-term goals.
New Jersey Department of Education (2009). New Jersey Core
Curriculum Content Standards For Science.