Newsletter 27th February 2015

St Nicholas Catholic Primary School
Orthes Street. Liverpool. L3 5XF Tel: 0151 709 5532
Friday 27th February 2015 is filled with up-to-date information about our school.
Attendance and
Pupil of the Week
Special Congratulations to our Pupils of the Term!
F1- Ava
Yr 1- Lena
Yr 3- Alex
Yr 5- Rayan
Attendance 91%
Punctuality 99%
F2- Tallulah
Yr 2- Jamela
Yr 4- Sanar
Yr 6 - Omar
Attendance 93%
Punctuality 89%
This Week’s News
Year 1
Attendance 91%
Punctuality 96%
Grosvenor Museum Trip
On Monday March Year 4 will be visiting the Grosvenor Museum in Chester. Please ensure that you have returned your child’s consent
slip or your child will not be allowed to attend.
World Book Day
On Thursday 5th March we will celebrate World Book Day. Our theme for this year is ‘Where’s Wally’ and children will be allowed to come
into school dressed as this character. There will also be a quiz for parents to enjoy with their children. Parents of children in Years 1,2 &3 are
invited in from 9.30-10.30am. Parents of children in Years 4,5 & 6 are invited in from 2-3pm.
Central Library Trip
Years 2 &3 will visit the Library on Thursday 5th March for a storytelling session with author Sally Tonge. Years 4, 5 & 6 will visit on Friday
6th March for a session with a performance poet. As always, please ensure you have returned your consent slip to school or your child will not
be allowed to attend
Red Nose Day
On Friday 13th March, we are supporting Comic Relief by dressing in our dancing clothes and having a boogie! A ‘Wake Up Shake Up’
session will be held on the Friday morning at 9.15. All parents are welcome to come and join in! We ask for a donation of £1 per child to
wear their own clothes and all money raised will be donated to Comic Relief. Red Noses will be on sale from Monday 2nd March - £1 per nose!
Year 2
Attendance 94%
Punctuality 94%
Year 3
Attendance 93%
Punctuality 93%
Year 4
Attendance 100%
Punctuality 93%
Year 5
Attendance 99%
Punctuality 93%
Attendance 88%
Punctuality 90%
Punctuality and Attendance
marked red are below the
accepted level set by the
Local Authority
We welcome children onto
the premises from 8.45am
each morning.
Children arriving after
8.55 are late. Our School
aim is 96%.
Please telephone the school
office if your child is going to
be off school each day –
0151 709 5532
News flying in from Bluebirds
Wednesday 4th March we are going on a trip to the Teddy Bear Hospital.
For World Book Day we will be reading all our favourite stories. On Friday 6th March you can bring a special book from home to share at story time.
Nursery places still available – tell all your friend about us! 15 hours free to parents in receipt of certain benefits- see website (paid sessions are also available to parents)
Behaviour Policy
We have recently had several instances of children using inappropriate language to other pupils. This has also included two incidents where racist language has been used. I would
urge all parents to talk to their child about only using ‘kind’ words and of not using words that they don’t know the meaning of. We want all the children to feel happy coming to
school and will fully implement our behaviour policy to ensure that we continue to be a welcoming, diverse community that celebrates the individuality of each pupil and includes
everybody equally.
End of Day Procedures
Children in Years 4 and below MUST be collected from school by an adult. Children in Years 5 & 6 will be allowed to walk home from school alone ONLY if we have received
your prior written consent