Andy Shane and the Queen of Egypt

Youth Book Club Kit Questions
Andy Shane and the Queen of Egypt
by Jennifer Richard Jacobson
1. Did you like the book? Why or why not? Would you like to read other books in this
series about Andy Shane?
2. What happened in our story?
3. Who are the characters in the story? Please describe them.
4. Do you think the characters seem real? Why or why not? Do any parts of the characters
remind you of anyone that you know?
5. What was different about Dolores that day at school?
6. What does Andy do with ideas? What do you do with ideas?
7. Have you ever worked in a group or with a partner at school or on a project? What
might be some good things about working with others? What could be some bad things
about working with others?
8. Who wrote Andy Shane and the Queen of Egypt?
9. How did Andy feel when he had to speak in front of the classroom? How do you feel
when you speak in front of a classroom or a group of people?
10. What happened at the ballgame? Has anything like that ever happened to you?
11. What do you think about Andy’s decision about the African country report? What would
you have done and why?