November Newsletter 2014

St James’ CE Junior School
Autumn Term (2)
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you have enjoyed the half-term holidays as much as the children did! They are already busy
learning about their new topics and I have been very impressed with the work children have brought to show
me—especially the effort on improving handwriting which we are working hard on in class. As always, we have
many events planned, including the Family Maths Week starting on November 24th, Y3 Christmas
Performance on 16th December, as well as a drop-in session on e-safety on Tuesday 18th November at
9am, which I would recommend you attend if possible. We are also very excited about having our new Radio
Station installed in
December! Don’t forget, this Friday (14th Nov) children can wear blue clothes as part of the sponsored walk.
We asked parents and carers to complete a questionnaire at our recent Teaching and Learning
Conferences and we were extremely pleased with the results, which you can see on the back of this letter. Of
course, we are always keen to receive suggestions on how we could make our school even better, so if you want
to give us more detailed feedback, please come and speak to me or Mrs Rolfs.
Miss Brown
Class Assemblies
Our children work very hard in class and would love to show you what they have been learning about.
Families are very welcome to join us on a Wednesday in the junior school hall on the following dates:
Miss Brown
Wednesday 26th November - 4F
Wednesday 3rd December - 3C
Wednesday 17th December - Federation Christmas celebration at Ozzy Road Church (9.45am)
School Trips
Our trips are a fantastic opportunity for children to find out more about their school topics out in the wider world.
They are linked to our curriculum and provide memorable experiences that the children both learn from and
Year 3: Derby Theatre trip on Wednesday 10th/Thursday 11th December (to watch Hansel and Gretel)
Year 4: Trip to Think Tank on Wednesday 19th November
Experience Christmas at St Augustine’s Church on Wednesday 10th December
Year 5: National Space Centre Trip on Thursday 11th December
Clubs and Sports Events
We are delighted to offer a range of clubs and activities throughout the school year. They are updated on a
regular basis and are very popular!
Mondays: Y3 & Y4 basketball
Tuesdays: Y5 & Y6 athletics team; Homework club with Mrs Rawson
Thursdays: Y5 & Y6 girls football
Fridays: Y5 & Y6 dodgeball
Lunch club runs daily with Mrs Ford, Miss Samson has a very popular school choir and Ozzy Road Art and Craft
club takes place on a Wednesday.
Coming up: Winter Sports festival on Wednesday 2nd December for children with 100% attendance last year;
Thursday 27th November Girls Football festival at Derby University and Y4 &Y5 Futsal tournament on
Wednesday 10th December at Noel Baker School.
Part of the St James and Rosehill Federation
t: 01332 229229 e: