to Create a Presentation Manuscript

Presentation by Foreign Researchers at the 53rd Conference of the
Japanese Association of Special Education
At the 53rd Conference of the Japanese Association of Special Education (JASE), non-Japanese
researchers residing outside Japan may present their research results (poster sessions only) as
temporary members. Those who wish to give a presentation should make an application and submit
their manuscripts in accordance with the procedure described below.
1. Application to give a presentation and submit a manuscript
Fill out the Presentation Application Form and prepare your presentation manuscript in accordance
with the designated format. Submit your Presentation Application Form by e-mail or fax, and your
presentation manuscript by e-mail to: JASE 53rd Conference Preparatory Committee. After it has
been confirmed that your presentation meets our criteria, you will receive a notification regarding
your eligibility to give a presentation at the conference and the presentation date. Japanese or
English only should be used in the presentation manuscript and when giving the presentation. If an
interpreter is required for your presentation, you have to make the necessary arrangements.
Make sure you create your presentation manuscript in accordance with the format described below,
and submit it to the address below by the deadline.
2. Payment of conference participation fee
In order to be eligible to give a presentation at the conference, you need to pay a conference
participation fee as a temporary member at the venue during the conference. The payment must be
made by cash (yen). You will become a temporary member the moment you pay the conference
participation fee (temporary membership fee: 7,000 yen for the entire conference period; 4,000 yen
per day) and the presentation fee (the first author must pay 5,000 yen), then you will be entitled to
give a presentation. If you fail to pay the membership fee at the conference and the presentation fee
(first author only), you will not be able to give a presentation.
3. Where to submit your application form and presentation manuscript
Pro Active Ltd.
JASE 53rd Conference Preparatory Committee
Fax: +81-78-332-2506
Address: Bay Wing Kobe Building,10F, Edo-cho,85-1,Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo,650-0033
*If you have any questions, please contact the address above by e-mail or fax.
Presentation Application Form
As a non-Japanese researcher residing outside Japan and a temporary member of JASE, I would
like to make an application to give a presentation at the JASE 53rd Conference.
*Fill out all items below in English or Japanese.
Zhang wei
Your affiliation
Address of your
Job title
Ho no r if ic
P ho n e /Fa x
Na me of C o p resen ter
Furigana of C o p resen ter
Affiliation of Co p resen ter
Na me of C o p resen ter
Furigana of C o p resen ter
Affiliation of Co p resen ter
Guidelines for Non-Japanese Researchers Residing Outside Japan
(Temporary Members) to Create a Presentation Manuscript
[Note] Make sure you submit your manuscript and apply for temporary membership at the same
1. Presentation rules
Your presentation paper will be published as academic literature; therefore, we expect that you
examine the content of the manuscript in detail.
The presentation must have original content that has not been published by other academic
societies, and you should be in compliance with the JASE Code of Ethics. Your eligibility to
give a presentation based on the submitted manuscript will be determined by the conference
secretariat after checking your compliance with the Code of Ethics.
2. Notes regarding creating and submitting the manuscript to be included in the
collection of presentation papers
In principle, your manuscript should consist of the following sections: research objective,
method, result, discussion, and conclusion. Japanese or English should be used.
The manuscript should be created using Microsoft Word, and submitted as an e-mail attachment
along with your Presentation Application Form (Word file) to the Conference Preparatory
JASE 53rd Conference Preparatory Committee:
The documents must be submitted by May 7 (Thu), 2015. Manuscripts not following the
designated format and those submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
3. Manuscript format
See the following section “Layout of presentation manuscript” for details of manuscript layout.
For the title, subtitle, researcher name, affiliation and keywords, a black gothic font should be
used,and they should be center-aligned.
The title should be written on Lines 1 and 2 with a font size of 18 points.
The subtitle should be written on Line 3 with a font size of 9 points. If the manuscript does not
have a subtitle, leave Line 3 blank.
Write your name on Line 4. If it is a joint presentation, show the lead presenter by prefixing ○
infront of her/ his name.
Your affiliation should be written in parentheses on Line 5 below your name. If there are joint
names with the same affiliation, write the affiliation only once. If your affiliation is a university,
write your department or laboratory name as well. Graduate students should write their graduate
school name.
Keywords should be written on Line 6 (three words or less).
Line 7 should be left blank.
The body text should be written in black using Mincho font for Japanese and Century font for
English in a font size of 9 points. The body text should start from Line 8. Compose the entire
manuscript from its title to body text and references so that it fits on one page. A manuscript of
two or more pages will not be accepted. If you are writing in Japanese, the page composition
should be 27 characters × 52 lines × 2 columns. If you are writing in English, also use two
columns (see the example below).
Figures and charts should be inserted directly into the paper. Photographs may not be included.
4. Presentation format
Your presentation should be given in the format of a poster presentation. All poster
presentations in this conference should include two approaches: an oral presentation of the
poster content, and a free discussion. Only Japanese and/or English may be used. Interpreters
will not be provided.
Each presenter should give a presentation on only one topic. However, joint presenters (except
for the lead presenter) may give multiple presentations.
In principle, a collection of presentation papers created by compiling presentation manuscripts
will be used as a material for your poster presentation.
5. Layout of presentation manuscript
An example of a Japanese manuscript is shown below. If you are writing in English, use a similar
composition and format.
The manuscript should be a Microsoft Word file.
Top margin: 20 mm
9 points
Gothic, 18 points
7 lines
○KOCHI Ryoma
TOSA Kazutoyo
Keywords: Three words or less
(1 line left blank)
Left margin: 16 mm
27 characters
9 points
Right margin: 16 mm
9 points
TOSA Kazutoyo)
← 6 mm (2 characters)
Bottom margin: 20 mm
52 lines