Unit Vocabulary

Unit Vocabulary-Fiction
1. Nonlinear Plot- a plot becomes nonlinear through the use of
literary techniques
2. Literary Techniques- used to heighten interest, appeal to an
audience and effectively communicate a message
Example: Version One follow a traditional form and Version
Two take a more complex form
3. Irony- literary technique used to create meaning that seems to
contradict the literal meaning or events
4. Verbal irony- the use of words in which the intended meaning is
contrary to the literal meaning (I could care less.)
5. Situational irony- a literary technique for implying, through
character or plot that the actual situation is quite different from
that presented.
6. Dramatic irony- a dramatic device in which a character says or
does something that they do not fully grasp, but is understood by
the audience
7. Sarcasm- bitter form of irony, intended to taunt or hurt
8. Paradox- a seemingly contradictory statement that on closer
scrutiny reveals a deeper truth (life is but a dream)
9. Rhetorical purpose- author’s primary aim in a piece of writing.
The rhetorical purpose could be to narrate, to argue, to review, to
explain, or to examine
Theme- the central or universal idea of a piece of fiction or
the main idea of a nonfiction essay
Exit Ticket:
Analyze the character development and point
of view of version two.
How does it contribute to the author’s