Part 2 Draft Lower Oxley Creek North Neighbourhood Plan (Word

Lower Oxley Creek North
Draft Neighbourhood Plan
Part 2
In this section:
Executive summary
Summary of Proposed Amendments to Brisbane City Plan 2014
Proposed Amendments to Brisbane City Plan 2014
Part 1 About the planning scheme
Part 2 State planning provisions
Part 3 Strategic framework
Part 4 Priority Infrastructure Plan
Planning assumptions
Part 5 Tables of assessment
Part 6 Zones
Part 7 Neighbourhood plans
Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code
Executive Summary
The draft Lower Oxley Creek North Neighbourhood Plan (draft LOCNNP) and supporting
amendments provide finer grained planning at a local level, will guide future development and
coordinate land use and infrastructure.
The plan area includes parts of Willawong, Acacia Ridge, Archerfield and Durack. The draft LOCNNP
provides for the transition of this predominantly greenfield area to industry, providing for employment
and economic activity, whilst protecting and enhancing the area’s natural values in a number of green
space and open space areas.
Draft Lower Oxley Creek North Neighbourhood Plan boundary
The draft LOCNNP boundary is outlined in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Draft Lower Oxley Creek North Neighbourhood Plan boundary
Page v
Proposed precincts
The draft LOCNNP includes two precincts, as shown in Figure 2 and described below:
NP-001: Willawong renewable energy precinct
This precinct includes the northern portion of the former Willawong landfill, and includes an
existing gas extraction facility. It is intended that development:
includes limited activities including renewable energy facilities, such as gas extraction
facilities and solar farms;
does not compromise any remediation activities associated with the former Willawong
landfill and hazardous waste facility or operation of an existing gas extraction facility; and
addresses constraints associated with the former Willawong landfill and hazardous waste
facility, including instability and contamination.
NP-002: Limited development precinct
This precinct includes the southern portion of the former Willawong landfill that is unsuitable
for development due to the hazardous nature of the area and contamination associated with
the former Willawong hazardous waste facility. It is intended that:
development avoids any land disturbing works due to risk from exposure to contaminated
material; and
this area is not accessible to the public.
Figure 2: Draft Lower Oxley Creek North Neighbourhood Plan precincts
Page vi
Key planning outcomes
The draft LOCNNP provides for:
an industrial extension to the south-west industrial gateway. Low impact industry and medium
impact industry uses are encouraged in areas that are not affected by high risk flooding or
significant environmental values, in particular:
logistics and distribution
the protection and enhancement of regionally important environmental corridors including
Blunder Creek, Oxley Creek and Archerfield wetlands;
a new neighbourhood centre and local park at the junction of Sherbrooke Road and King
Avenue/Learoyd Road to service the needs of local businesses and workers; and
the safety of people and property from the impacts of hazards including flooding and landfills.
Proposed zoning changes
The following areas are proposed to be rezoned:
See Figure 3 below for areas of proposed zoning change (outlined in red).
Page vii
Figure 3: Areas of proposed zoning change
Page viii
The Lower Oxley Creek North (LOCN) neighbourhood plan area is currently occupied by a mix of rural
residential properties, businesses such as landscape suppliers and boarding kennels, industrial
activities such as waste management and recycling facilities, and transport and logistics operations.
The area also features waterways and wetlands associated with Oxley and Blunder Creeks and
Archerfield Wetlands. Currently home to around 200 residents and 500 employees, the area is
predominantly greenfield with the potential to accommodate industrial development, while protecting
and enhancing the area’s natural assets.
The vision for LOCN in 2031 is to:
Create an attractive place for business and employment, accommodating a diverse range of
industrial businesses that effectively contribute to the greater Brisbane economy, forming a
natural extension to the south-west industrial gateway
Encourage a diverse range of businesses that take advantage of access to efficient transport
networks – regional and city routes, air and rail freight, local roads, and pedestrian and cycle
Provide clarity for the community and development industry with respect to the intent for
future development
Accommodate industrial businesses that are developed and operate in a manner that
minimises risks and hazards to new and existing businesses, surrounding sensitive uses and
Deliver a resilient, robust and well-protected system of habitat areas, connected by ecological
corridors including Oxley Creek, Blunder Creek and Archerfield Wetlands, using these assets
to create a sustainable open space system
Integrate and coordinate land use planning and infrastructure planning
The draft Lower Oxley Creek North Neighbourhood Plan Brisbane City Plan 2014 Amendment
Package (the amendment package), sets out the statutory amendments intended for Brisbane City
Plan 2014 (the planning scheme) in order to achieve the preferred land use planning vision for the
The amendment package forms a major amendment to the planning scheme and has been prepared
in accordance with Statutory Guideline 04/14: Making and amending local planning instruments.
Summary of Proposed Amendments to Brisbane City Plan 2014
The amendment package contains a range of amendments being:
Neighbourhood plan: the new LOCN neighbourhood plan code, associated maps and
figures, new tables of assessment, and zoning changes within LOCN.
Supporting amendments: changes to the planning scheme to reflect findings of local
investigations and background studies. These amendments include changes to the strategic
framework, overlays and Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP); and
Consequential amendments: include consequential changes to numbering, crossreferences and headings.
The amendment package proposes amendments to the following parts of the planning scheme:
Part 1 About the planning scheme
Part 3 Strategic framework
Part 4 Priority Infrastructure Plan
Planning assumptions
Priority infrastructure area
Desired standards of service
Plans for trunk infrastructure
Part 5 Tables of assessment
Page 1
Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan levels of assessment
Part 7 Neighbourhood plans
Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code
Western gateway neighbourhood plan code
Willawong neighbourhood plan code
Part 8 Overlays
Significant landscape tree overlay code
Schedule 2 Mapping
Strategic framework maps
 Sub-regional context strategic framework map
 Brisbane CityShape 2031 land use strategic framework map
 Brisbane greenspace system strategic framework map
 Brisbane transport strategic framework map
Zone maps
 Zoning map (43 and 47)
Neighbourhood plan maps
 Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan map
 Western gateway neighbourhood plan map
 Willawong neighbourhood plan map
Overlay maps
 Bicycle network overlay map (43)
 Biodiversity areas overlay map (43)
 Road hierarchy overlay map (43)
 Significant landscape trees overlay map (43)
 Streetscape hierarchy overlay map (43 and 47)
 Transport air quality corridor overlay map (43)
 Wetlands overlay map (43)
Schedule 3 Priority Infrastructure Plan mapping and support material
Infrastructure corridor plans
Priority Infrastructure Plan maps (A1, A2. A4, A7, D2 and F2)
Schedule of works (SoW) for future trunk infrastructure
 Sewerage network SoW (S1)
 Stormwater network SoW (SW1)
 Transport network (local road network) SoW (R1)
 Transport network (pathways network) SoW (APT1)
 Transport network (public transport (bus stops) network) SoW (APT3)
 Community purposes network (public parks network) SoW (CP1)
Plans for trunk infrastructure (PFTI) maps
 Water supply network PFTI maps (WS271-272, 291-292 and 311-312)
 Sewerage network PFTI maps (S271-272, 291-292 and 311-312)
 Stormwater network PFTI maps (SW271-272, 291-292 and 311-312)
 Transport network (local road network) PFTI maps (R271-272, 291-292 and 311-312)
 Transport network (pathways and public transport (ferry terminals and bus stops)
networks) PFTI maps (APT271-272, 291-292 and 311-312)
 Community purposes network (public parks and land for community facilities
networks) PFTI maps (CP271-272, 291-292 and 311-312)
Predicted existing and future resident population
Predicted existing and future private residential dwelling supply
Predicted existing and future employment
Predicted existing and future non-residential floor space
Schedule 6 Planning scheme policies (PSP)
Structure planning planning scheme policy
Appendix 2 Table of amendments
The amendment package does not propose amendments to the following parts of the planning
Citation and commencement
Part 2 State planning provisions
Part 6 Zones
Part 9 Development codes
Page 2
Part 10 Other plans
Schedule 1 Definitions
Schedule 4 Notations required under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009
Schedule 5 Land designated for community infrastructure
Appendix 1 Index and glossary of abbreviations and acronyms
Page 3
Proposed Amendments to Brisbane City Plan 2014
Part 1 About the planning scheme
Amendments required to this section of the planning scheme are primarily ‘consequential
amendments’ due to the inclusion of the new LOCN neighbourhood plan area.
Table 1 – Proposed amendments to Part 1 About the planning scheme
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
Table 1.2.2—Neighbourhood plans
precincts and sub-precincts
Delete NPP-001: Willawong rural,
NPP-002: Remediation and NPP-004:
Recycling industry
Willawong neighbourhood plan
Renumber remaining Paradise wetland
investigation precinct to NPP-001
Table 1.2.2—Neighbourhood plans
precincts and sub-precincts
Insert ‘Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan’, ‘NPP-001:
Willawong renewable energy precinct’
and ‘NPP-002: Limited development
precinct’ alphabetically
Part 2 State planning provisions
No amendments are required to this section of the planning scheme.
Part 3 Strategic framework
Amendments required to this section of the planning scheme are primarily ‘supporting amendments’
to accurately reflect the intent for the area in Brisbane’s overall strategic direction.
Table 2 – Proposed amendments to Part 3 Strategic framework
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change Specific outcomes and land
use strategies
Delete ‘supports the use of recycled
water from the nearby Western
Recycled Water Pipeline and’
Insert ‘and Blunder Creek’ after ‘Oxley
South-west industrial gateway
L14.3 Specific outcomes and land
use strategies
South-west industrial gateway
Page 4
Part 4 Priority Infrastructure Plan
Amendments required to this section of the planning scheme are primarily ‘supporting amendments’
due to the inclusion of the new LOCN neighbourhood plan area. Amendments reflect the future
residential and non-residential growth for LOCN based on the proposed land use, the future trunk
infrastructure requirements for the neighbourhood plan and the inclusion of LOCN within the Priority
Infrastructure Area (PIA). The proposed amendments are described in Table 3 and are included in
Appendix A of this document.
Table 3 – Proposed amendments to Part 4 Priority Infrastructure Plan
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
Table—Assumed scale of
development for residential and nonresidential zones
Insert the assumed scale of
development (planned density) for the
IN2 Industry (General industry B) zone
precinct associated with the Lower
Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan
Text and
Table—Predicted existing and
future resident population
Amend predicted existing and future
resident population numbers to reflect
the predicted existing and future
resident population for the Lower Oxley
Creek north neighbourhood plan
Table—Predicted existing and
future private residential dwelling
Amend predicted existing and future
private residential dwelling supply
numbers to reflect the predicted
existing and future private residential
dwelling supply for the Lower Oxley
Creek north neighbourhood plan
Table—Predicted existing and
future employment
Amend predicted existing and future
non-residential employees numbers to
reflect the predicted existing and future
non-residential employees for the
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan
Table—Predicted existing and
future non-residential floor space
Amend predicted existing and future
non-residential floor space numbers to
reflect the predicted existing and future
non-residential floor space for the
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan
Table—Planned Infrastructure
Demand Rate
Insert the infrastructure demand rates
for the IN2 Industry (General industry
B) zone precinct associated with the
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan
Text and
Page 5
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
Section 4.3.16—Projected demand
summary by network (Maps A4 and
Replace maps with amended Map
A4—Service Catchments – Sewerage
Network and Map A7—Service
Catchments – Community Purposes
Network in Appendix A—Proposed
amendments to Part 4 and Schedule 3
– mapping and support material
Amendments reflect the inclusion of
the Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan (and adjoining
land holdings) within the PIA
Table—Water supply network
assumed demand summary
Amend cumulative demand (Equivalent
Tenement) (ET) numbers to reflect the
water supply network assumed
demand associated with the Lower
Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan
Table—Sewerage network
assumed demand summary
Amend cumulative demand (ET)
numbers to reflect the sewerage
network assumed demand associated
with the Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan
Table—Stormwater network
assumed demand summary
Amend cumulative demand (ET)
numbers to reflect the stormwater
network assumed demand associated
with the Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan
Table—Transport network
(roads network) assumed demand
Amend cumulative demand (ET)
numbers to reflect the transport
network (roads network) assumed
demand associated with the Lower
Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan
Table—Transport network
(pathways and public transport (bus
stops and ferry terminals) networks)
assumed demand summary
Amend cumulative demand (ET)
numbers to reflect the transport
network (pathways and public
transport) assumed demand
associated with the Lower Oxley Creek
north neighbourhood plan
Table—Community purposes
(public parks network) assumed
demand summary
Amend cumulative demand (ET)
numbers to reflect the public parks
network assumed demand associated
with the Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan
Table—Community purposes
(land for community facilities network)
assumed demand summary
Amend cumulative demand (ET)
numbers to reflect the land for
community facilities network assumed
demand associated with the Lower
Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan
Page 6
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
Section 4.4.3—Priority infrastructure
area map (Map A1)
Replace map with amended Map A1—
Priority Infrastructure Area in Appendix
A—Proposed amendments to Part 4
and Schedule 3 – mapping and
support material
Amendments reflect the inclusion of
the Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan (and a number of
adjoining properties also located
outside the PIA and within the
Doolandella neighbourhood plan area
and the Western gateway
neighbourhood plan area) within the
Section 4.5.4—Stormwater network
(Map D2)
Replace map with amended Map D2—
Stormwater Network DSS Conveyance
Standards in Appendix A—Proposed
amendments to Part 4 and Schedule 3
– mapping and support material
Amendments relate to the inclusion of
Lower Oxley Creek north within DSS
conveyance standard A area to reflect
the increased growth potential of
neighbourhood plan area
Sections—Public parks network
and—Land for community
facilities network (Map F2)
Replace map with amended Map F2—
Community Purposes Network DSS
Areas in Appendix A—Proposed
amendments to Part 4 and Schedule 3
– mapping and support material
Amendments relate to the inclusion of
Lower Oxley Creek north within the
General Urban DSS category. This
reflects the inclusion of Lower Oxley
Creek north neighbourhood plan within
the PIA
Table—Schedule of works for
future trunk infrastructure (Tables S1,
SW1, R1, APT1, APT3 and CP1)
Update the Table S1, Table SW1,
Table R1, Table APT1 and Table CP1
hyperlinks to reflect new, modified and
new trunk infrastructure in the
schedule of works
Trunk infrastructure amendments
proposed to the schedule of works are
located in Appendix A—Proposed
amendments to Part 4 and Schedule 3
– mapping and support material
(includes text and
amendments to
excel spread
Page 7
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
Table—Plans for trunk
infrastructure networks (PFTI maps)
Replace maps with the following
amended maps in Appendix A—
Proposed amendments to Part 4 and
Schedule 3 – mapping and support
WS271, WS272, WS291,
WS292, WS311, WS312;
S271, S272, S291, S292,
S311, S312;
SW271,SW272, SW291,
SW292, SW311, SW312;
R271, R272, R291, R292,
R311, R312, R331;
APT271, APT272, APT291,
APT292, APT311, APT312;
CP271, CP272, CP291,
CP292, CP311, CP312.
Amendments reflect the increased
future residential and non-residential
growth for the Lower Oxley Creek
north neighbourhood plan and the
revised PIA boundary
Planning assumptions
Planning assumptions table changes, associated with the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood
plan, have been prepared in accordance with the template used for Brisbane City Plan 2014 and are
shown in Appendix A.
Part 5 Tables of assessment
Amendments required to this section alter the standard levels of assessment in the planning scheme
to facilitate desirable development in LOCN, and to trigger the LOCN neighbourhood plan code.
‘Consequential amendments’ are also required to the list of neighbourhood plans in the planning
scheme and associated references and numbering.
Table 4 – Proposed amendments to Part 5 Tables of assessment
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
Table 5.9.1—Neighbourhood plan level
of assessment changes
Insert a row for ‘Lower Oxley Creek
north neighbourhood plan’ as follows:
5.9 Levels of assessment—
Neighbourhood plan
MCU: Change
ROL: No Change
Building work: No change
Operational work: Change
Insert new Tables 5.9.38.A, B, C and D
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan Tables of
Assessment as detailed below
Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan levels of assessment
Table 5.9.38.A—Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan: material change of use
Page 8
Level of assessment
Assessment criteria
If in the neighbourhood plan area
MCU, if assessable
development where not listed in
this table
No change
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
If in the General industry B zone precinct of the Industry zone
Animal keeping
Code assessment
Transport depot
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Animal keeping code
Industry zone code
Prescribed secondary code
Code assessment
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Industry code
Industry zone code
Prescribed secondary code
If in the Willawong renewable energy precinct (NPP-001)
Caretaker's accommodation
Impact assessment
Renewable energy facility
Code assessment
Utility installation
The planning scheme
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Caretaker's accommodation
Special purpose zone code
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Industry code
Special purpose zone code
Prescribed secondary code
Code assessment
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Industry code
Special purpose zone code
Prescribed secondary code
Page 9
Level of assessment
Assessment criteria
If in the Limited development precinct (NPP-002)
Impact assessment
Caretaker's accommodation
The planning scheme
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Caretaker's accommodation
Special purpose zone code
Code assessment
Utility installation
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Industry code
Special purpose zone code
Prescribed secondary code
Table 5.9.38.B—Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan: reconfiguring a lot
Level of assessment
Assessment criteria
ROL, if assessable
No change
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Table 5.9.38.C—Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan: building work
Level of assessment
Assessment criteria
Building work, if
assessable development
No change
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Table 5.9.38.D—Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan: operational work
Level of assessment
Assessment criteria
Operational work, if
assessable development
where not listed in this
No change
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
If filling or excavation
Code assessment
Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Operational work code
Filling and excavation code
Prescribed secondary code
Part 6 Zones
No amendments are required to this section of the planning scheme. However, amendments have
been made to the Zone maps in Schedule 2.
Page 10
Part 7 Neighbourhood plans
Amendments are required to this part of the planning scheme to include the LOCN neighbourhood
plan code and to amend provisions of intersecting Western gateway and Willawong neighbourhood
plans as required.
Page 11
Table 5 – Proposed amendments to Part 7 Neighbourhood plans
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
Table 7.1.1—Neighbourhood plan
Insert ‘Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan’ and associated
editor’s note and neighbourhood plan
details alphabetically
7.2 Neighbourhood plan codes
Insert Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code
Text and figure Western gateway
neighbourhood plan code
Delete ‘(g) Further residential
development east of Blunder Road in
close proximity to the Inala Waste
Water Treatment Plant is not
compatible while it is in operation’
Amend eastern boundary of the
Western gateway neighbourhood plan
area to exclude the area now located
in the Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan area
Delete ‘(2) Land within the Willawong
neighbourhood plan area is identified
on the NPM-023.4 Willawong
neighbourhood plan map and includes
the following precincts:
Text Purpose
(7) (g) Western gateway
neighbourhood plan code
Figure a-Western gateway Willawong neighbourhood
plan code Application
(2) (a), (b), (c), (d)
(a) Willawong rural precinct (Willawong
neighbourhood plan/NPP-001);
(b) Paradise wetland investigation
precinct (Willawong neighbourhood
(c) Remediation precinct (Willawong
neighbourhood plan/NPP-003);
(d) Recycling industry precinct
(Willawong neighbourhood plan/NPP004).’
Replace text with ‘(2) Land within the
Willawong neighbourhood plan area is
identified on the NPM-023.4 Willawong
neighbourhood plan map and includes
the following precinct:
(a) Paradise wetland investigation
precinct (Willawong neighbourhood
Renumber remaining Paradise wetland
investigation precinct to NPP-001 Willawong neighbourhood
plan code Purpose
(3) (a)
Delete ‘(a) Development protects and
enhances the regionally significant
ecosystems and environmental values
which will improve the health and
quality of the local waterways of
Blunder Creek and Oxley Creek.’
Replace text with ‘(a) Development
protects and enhances the regionally
Page 12
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
significant ecosystems and
environmental values which will
improve the health and quality of the
local waterways of Oxley Creek.’ Willawong neighbourhood
plan code Purpose
(3) (b) Willawong neighbourhood
plan code Purpose
(3) (d) Willawong neighbourhood
plan code Purpose
(3) (i)
Delete ‘(b) The remediation of waste
disposal areas and subsequent
transformation into an extensive open
space system, including 3 wetlands.’
and renumber subsequent points
Delete ‘(d) The neighbourhood plan
area has the potential to become a
sporting focus for southern Brisbane.
Proposals for new facilities
demonstrate the environmental values
of the neighbourhood plan area will not
be compromised.’ and renumber
subsequent points accordingly
Delete ‘(i) Land subject to development
constraints, character or environmental
values specified in Figure a in this
neighbourhood plan code or shown on
an overlay map is protected from
inappropriate development in order to
maintain its character, natural and
ecological significance.’
Replace text with ‘(i) Land subject to
development constraints, character or
environmental values shown on an
overlay map is protected from
inappropriate development in order to
maintain its character, natural and
ecological significance.’ Willawong neighbourhood
plan code Application
(4) (a), (b), (c), (d)
Delete ‘(4) Willawong rural precinct
(Willawong neighbourhood plan/NPP001) overall outcomes are:
(a) This precinct maintains for the
general broad hectare rural character
within the neighbourhood plan area.
(b) Development preserves the rural
character of the precinct and
accommodates a range of rural and
agricultural activities on lots of
generally 4ha to 10ha that are carefully
managed to minimise impacts on the
waterway corridors.
(c) Development allows for the
continuation of the Council Animal
Pound which provides an important
service to the southern parts of
(d) The further intensification of waste
incineration operations on the Ace
Waste site which is likely to be
Page 13
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
precluded by a number of factors,
including the desired broad hectare
rural character of the precinct and the
future development of surrounding
areas.’ and renumber subsequent
points accordingly.’ Willawong neighbourhood
plan code Application
(6) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f)
(7) (a), (b), (c)
Delete ‘(6) Remediation precinct
(Willawong neighbourhood plan/NPP003) overall outcomes are:
(a) A considerable proportion of open
space in the remediation area will not
be accessible to the public. Public
access may, in time, be allowed to
parts of the open space areas where
there is no risk to the health of the
community and the remediated
landforms are stable and able to be
cost-effectively maintained. Public
access will be provided for passive
recreational opportunities.
(b) The hardfill site in the northern part
of the remediation area may be
developed as sporting fields in the
future, subject to adequate compaction
and settling of the fill material and the
ongoing remedial and pollution control
needs of the site.
(c) Sport and recreation facilities may
also be developed on the least
contaminated land in the eastern part
of the remediation area (along
Gooderham Road), following adequate
remediation of that area.
(d) Sport and recreation facility sites
within the remediation area may be
required to incorporate adequate
screening in recognition of their
proximity to the low impact industries.
(e) The north-eastern part of the
precinct will be landscaped to provide
a visual buffer between Willawong
transfer station and the Willawong rural
precinct (Willawong neighbourhood
(f) Development must demonstrate that
the effectiveness of the remediation
works will not be compromised.
(7) Recycling industry precinct
(Willawong neighbourhood plan/NPP004) overall outcomes are:
(a) Development for recycling
industries must demonstrate synergies
with the Willawong Transfer Station
and associated waste streams.
Development must also demonstrate
low impacts for any sensitive uses and
Page 14
Proposed Amendment
Type of Change
use best-practice technologies.
(b) Development must provide
mounding of at least three metres high
and a vegetated buffer.
(c) Uses considered consistent with the
outcomes sought include the sale of
recovered materials to the public.’ Willawong neighbourhood
plan code
Delete Figure a - Constraints
Figure a - Constraints
Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code
Insert the following code and associated figures under 7.2.12 5 – Lower Oxley Creek north
neighbourhood plan code. Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code Application
This code applies to assessing a material change of use, reconfiguring a lot, operational work
or building work in the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan area if:
(a) assessable development where this code is an applicable code identified in the assessment
criteria column of a table of assessment for a neighbourhood plan (section 5.9); or
(b) impact assessable development.
Land in the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan area is identified on the NPM-012.5
Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan map and includes the following precincts:
(a) Willawong renewable energy precinct (Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan/NPP001);
(b) Limited development precinct (Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan/NPP-002).
When using this code, reference should be made to section 1.5, section 5.3.2 and section
Note—This neighbourhood plan includes a table of assessment with level of assessment variations to those in sections 5.5,
5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and/or 5.10. Refer to Table 5.9.38.A, Table 5.9.38.B, Table 5.9.38.C and Table 5.9.38.D. Purpose
The purpose of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code is to provide finer
grained planning at a local level for the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan area.
The purpose of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code will be achieved
through overall outcomes including overall outcomes for each precinct of the neighbourhood
plan area.
The overall outcomes for the neighbourhood plan area are:
(c) Implement the policy direction set in the Strategic framework in order to achieve the desired
vision for Lower Oxley Creek north, in particular:
Theme 1: Brisbane’s globally competitive economy, Element 1.2 – Brisbane’s
industrial economy and Element 1.3 – Brisbane’s population serving economy;
Theme 2: Brisbane's outstanding lifestyle and Element 2.3 – Brisbane's healthy
and safe communities;
Theme 3: Brisbane's clean and green leading environmental performance,
Element 3.2 – Brisbane's environmental quality and sustainable design, and
Element 3.1 – Brisbane's environmental values;
(iv) Theme 4: Brisbane's highly effective transport and infrastructure, Element 4.1—
Brisbane’s transport infrastructure networks, Element 4.2—Brisbane's other
infrastructure networks, and Element 4.3—Brisbane's coordinated infrastructure
planning and delivery;
Page 15
Theme 5: Brisbane’s CityShape and Element 5.2 – Brisbane’s Major Industry
Areas, and Element 5.6 Brisbane's Greenspace System.
Lower Oxley Creek north forms an extension to the south-west industrial gateway
predominantly for low impact industry and medium impact industry uses, in particular
transport, logistics and distribution, and manufacturing.
A new neighbourhood centre is developed in accordance with the Centre or mixed use
code on one of the four corners at the junction of Sherbrooke Road and Learoyd Road/King
Avenue to support local businesses and employees. The centre includes a supermarket
and small-scale retail and commercial tenancies and is co-located with a local park.
Sensitive uses, such as residential uses, child care centre and educational establishment
are not accommodated in the centre as such uses are incompatible with the preferred
industry activities in the surrounding area.
Lower Oxley Creek north may include other non-industrial business uses such as animal
keeping or a retail plant nursery in the short-medium term, where they do not compromise
the long term use of the land for industrial purposes.
Development protects the safety of people and property and the environment from the
impacts of sub-surface landfill emissions, including landfill gas, contaminated groundwater
or leachate.
Editor’s note—Where filling or excavation is conducted on land previously occupied by a notifiable activity or on land
listed on the Environmental Management Register or the Contaminated Land Register, the relevant State Government
department should be contacted for advice and guidelines.
(h) Development does not compromise any remediation activities associated with the former
Willawong landfill and hazardous waste facility or operation of an existing gas extraction
(i) Natural assets are protected and enhanced to contribute to the improved health of the
Oxley Creek catchment, in particular Oxley Creek, Blunder Creek and Archerfield Wetlands.
(j) Development that includes land with environmental values as identified in Figure b protects,
restores and transfers Habitat areas and ecological corridors (public) to the Council for
public ownership.
(k) Cultural heritage values associated with the Oxley Creek catchment, in particular Oxley
Creek, Blunder Creek and Archerfield Wetlands, are protected and enhanced.
Note—Assessment of cultural heritage significance related to potentially significant or identified Aboriginal places, sites
or landscapes should be referred to the relevant State agency responsible for the administration of the Aboriginal
Cultural Heritage Act 2003 for further advice.
(l) An accessible network of green spaces focused on environment and waterway corridors, in
particular Oxley Creek, Blunder Creek and Archerfield Wetlands, is provided throughout the
area. These green spaces contain valuable bushland areas and public parks, offer a wide
range of recreational opportunities, and are accessible via pedestrian and cycle routes in
sensitively designed locations.
(m) Development maintains and improves the efficiency, safety and capacity of the transport
network, including Beatty Road, Inala Avenue, King Avenue, Bowhill Road, Burman Road,
Ritchie Road, Camden Road, Gooderham Road, Learoyd Road and Sherbrooke Road.
(n) Development protects and preserves the future transport network and does not prejudice or
inhibit the delivery of transport network upgrades.
(o) Higher frequency public transport is accommodated through an improved transport network
along Learoyd Road and King Avenue, and Sherbrooke Road and Gooderham Road.
Willawong renewable energy precinct (Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan/NPP-001)
overall outcomes are:
(p) Development for renewable energy facilities, such as a gas extraction facility and solar
farm, is accommodated.
(q) Development addresses constraints associated with the former Willawong landfill and
hazardous waste facility including ground instability and contamination.
Limited development precinct (Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan/NPP-002) overall
outcomes are:
(r) Further development does not occur due to the hazardous nature of the site and
contamination associated with the former Willawong hazardous waste facility.
(s) Land disturbing works do not occur due to risk from exposure to contaminated material or
potential landfill gas migration risk.
(t) The precinct remains inaccessible to the public.
Page 16 Assessment criteria
The following table identifies assessment criteria for assessable development. A—Criteria for assessable development
Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
does not expose people to unacceptable
levels of risk to health, safety and wellbeing,
from sub-surface landfill emissions, including
landfill gas, contaminated groundwater or
is designed and constructed to minimise and
mitigate risks to health, safety and wellbeing,
from sub-surface landfill emissions, including
landfill gas, contaminated groundwater or
No acceptable outcome is prescribed.
Note—Compliance with this performance outcome can be
demonstrated by the submission of the following reports
prepared by qualified experts and certified by a Registered
Professional Engineer of Queensland: Hazard Analysis
Assessment Report and Geotechnical Assessment Report.
Editor's note—Third party advice may be sought from State
Government agencies regarding State Government registers
and the assessment of any hazard analysis report.
Access to Burman Road and Gooderham Road
Development gains access from roads that form
part of the future transport network.
Note—The Future transport network is identified in the Road
hierarchy overlay map (OM-018.2).
Development does not provide access to sections
of Burman Road and Gooderham Road identified
in Figure a as not forming part of the future
transport network.
If in the Habitat areas and ecological corridors (public) on Figure b
Development must protect and enhance
biodiversity and landscape values as mapped in
Figure b and provide public access along the
public corridor that is safe from hazards and
achieves Council's asset standards.
Habitat areas and ecological corridors (public)
identified in Figure b are:
transferred to the Council for public
rehabilitated and stabilised in accordance
with an approved rehabilitation plan.
Note— A rehabilitation plan will demonstrate achievement of
this outcome. Rehabilitation is to be:
completed within 1 year of the operational works
approval being granted;
maintained for a minimum of 3 years, removing
rubbish and weeds, replacing damaged and dead
vegetation and managing erosion.
Page 17
Where Centre activities in an area identified as a Neighbourhood centre in Figure b
Development is only for one single, consolidated
neighbourhood centre at the junction of
Sherbrooke Road and King Avenue/Learoyd
Road, and is arranged and designed in
accordance with a structure plan that:
provides active frontages to streets and the
co-located park;
provides safe and efficient access and
parking located to the rear of centre activities;
addresses internal circulation of heavy
vehicles within the site and the impacts of
heavy vehicle ingress and egress on the
surrounding road network;
includes a significant corner site.
Development provides a single, consolidated
neighbourhood centre, located on one of the
corners at the junction of Sherbrooke Road and
King Avenue/Learoyd Road identified in Figure b.
Development includes the mix of centre activities
necessary to create a fully functioning centre,
while ensuring the mix of uses is balanced so as
provide commercial services and shops in
small-scale tenancies that support local
businesses and employees;
not adversely impact on the continued
operation of surrounding industrial uses;
ensure a scale and intensity that reflects the
intended function and character of the
neighbourhood centre.
The neighbourhood centre has a maximum
combined gross floor area of 6,000m2, does not
include any sensitive uses and does not exceed:
for a food and drink outlet and shopping
centre - 2,500m2;
for an office - 3,500m2.
The single consolidated centre is co-located with
a local informal use park that:
is of sufficient size to support the recreational
needs of the future workforce in the
neighbourhood plan area;
is integrated with the centre and hardstand
areas to provide a cohesive and legible
development outcome;
is designed and located to ensure direct
surveillance from the centre and public street;
includes a range of embellishments to meet
the needs of the future workforce in the
neighbourhood plan area.
The neighbourhood centre co-locates a local
informal use park on the site that:
is in accordance with the design principles in
Figure c;
is a minimum size of 5,000m2;
has a minimum street frontage of 50m to
either Sherbrooke Road or King
Avenue/Learoyd Road;
is suitably located to provide convenient user
parking, including adequate parking for trucks
along the adjacent kerb space;
is embellished with picnic shelters,
taps/bubblers, bins, seating and lighting.
Development is in accordance with the design
principles in Figure c.
Note— A structure plan prepared in accordance with the
Structure planning planning scheme policy can assist in
demonstrating achievement of this acceptable outcome.
Development within the neighbourhood centre for
a shop (supermarket) has a maximum tenancy
size of 800m2 gross floor area.
Page 18
Figure a–Burman Road and Gooderham Road future transport network arrangements
Page 19
Figure b–Lower Oxley Creek north
Page 20
Figure c—Design principles for the neighbourhood centre (layout and location indicative only)
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