Be able to: Utilize 2C, 2G, 2W, 2R and ME to determine the

Be able to:
1) Utilize 2C, 2G, 2W, 2R and ME to determine the characteristics and requirements of
living organisms.
2) Utilize the concept of taxonomy by structure changes to analyze how organisms are
similar and dissimilar.
3) Utilize the Cell Theory concept - all living organisms are made of one or more cells
and new life is created from living organisms to synthesize responses.
4) Provide examples of homeostasis and examples of what is not maintaining
5) Determine that genes are passed on via DNA
6) Distinguish and give examples of fungi vs plant and evaluate how fungi and plant
differ (decomposer vs producer; spore vs cones or gametes; no roots, stems, leaves
vs roots, stems, leaves)
7) Analyze a picture scenario demonstrating two different phenotypes of the same
species to evaluate a question and synthesize a response about a change in the
species population.
8) Analyze organism structures and provide a purpose for the evolution of the
structures. Examples: chlorophyll in cyanobacteria; protozoan (flagella, cilia, or
pseudopod); fungi (spores); plants (roots, stems, leaves, seeds); fish (gills),
amphibians (soft shell eggs), reptiles (lungs), Aves (hollow bones); Mammals
(mammary glands)
9) Apply the characteristics that distinguishes producer, consumer, and decomposer
10) Determine possible cause of leading to extinction
11) Analysis of the definition of extinction, as it applies to individuals within a species,
and pictures that represent the structure of organisms, along with a text scenario to
synthesize a response that demonstrates DOK about extinction.
12) Analyze the definition of artificial selection to synthesize a response that
demonstrates DOK about artificial selection.
13) Analyze the apply the characteristics of bacteria to determine how bacteria mutate
in a short time.
14) Analyze the definition of variation within the same species, such as different color
of eyes in homo sapiens, to determine a response that demonstrated DOK about
phenotypes in the same species.
15) Relate evolution to populations
16) determine the environment of archaea bacteria
17) Utilize “King Philip has Class and Orders the Family Genes from Sears” to order
taxonomy from general to most specific
18) Analyze the special characteristics of euglena to demonstrate DOK of plant-animal
like Protista.
19) Calculate total magnification
20) Determine reasons viruses are not living and how viruses may use replication to
harm host cells
21) Determine the 3 shapes of bacteria use both increased DOK voc. and general shapes
22) Demonstrate DOK of how bacteria use binary fission to reproduce
23) Distinguish between the characteristics of bacteria and virus
24) Use test taking skills to demonstrate DOK of conjunction as upper level vocabulary
for asexual reproduction using binary fission
25) Distinguish between the cell count and characteristics of prokaryotes and
26) Utilize a dichotomous key in picture form to determine the identity of an organism