
Audition Scene Sides “Narnia”
LUCY/TUMNUS (Tumnus can be played by a girl)
LUCY: Oh dear, Mr Tumnus
LUCY (crossing downstage to TUMNUS). What’s the matter?(Tumnus cries so much he starts to blubber. Lucy
hands him her handkerchief. When he wrings it out great tears fall). Mr.Tumnus. Mr Tumnus. Aren’t you
well? Do stop. A great big Faun like you. What are you crying about?
TUMNUS. I’ve become a great BAD Faun.
LUCY: No, that’s impossible. You’re the nicest Faun I’ve ever met!
TUMNUS. I’m the worst Faun ever born. Me Mum will never forgive me. I’ve…I’ve…I’ve gone to work for
her, for the White Witch. (Frozen chorus shivers & cries)
LUCY. Who is she?
TOMNUS. She calls herself the Queen of Narnia, but she’s the one who keeps it always winter
LUCY. How awful! What work do you do for a woman like that?
TOMNUS (ashamed). I’m her kidnapper. I’m supposed to lure an innocent Daughter of Eve with hot
chocolate and songs, then turn her over to the White Witch.
LUCY. But you wouldn’t do that
TOMNUS. Don’t you understand? I am doing it! To you!
LUCY: Oh?!
LUCY: But you won’t actually do that, will you?
Audition Scene Sides “Narnia”
(Edmund is in the Witch’s courtyard looking at the frozen statues)
EDMUND: The queen has turned all these creatures into stone for being bad. They are the bad guys. She
certainly has a lot of enemies.
(Fenris the wolf, who has been very still, springs to life and startles Edmund)
FENRIS: You, too, could become her enemy if you’re not careful. Human Son of Adam, named Edmund,
Where are your sisters and brother? The queen’s orders were very clear. Don’t come here without them.
EDMUND: I couldn’t bring them. The Beavers convinced them that the White Witch was…well… how can I
say this…not very nice.
FENRIS: Oh really?! Then why are you here? You failed at your task.
EDMUND: Because I want some more Turkish Delight. And the White Witch promised to make me a
FENRIS: howls with laughter She did, did she?!
EDMUND: (in a huff) Who are you anyway, I need to speak to the Queen directly.
FENRIS: Fenris , captain of her majesty’s secret police. Wait here, while I see what the queen wants to do
with you.
DWARF (entering): She should turn him to stone with the others, he’s a nuisance.
Edmund strolls among the statues, tempted to touch them, imitating some of them. The Robin flies into the
courtyard. She is afraid, but is bravely searching for Edmund. The robin has a paper rolled up in her beak.
She drops in front of Edmund who reads it while she says it aloud.
EDMUND I recognize you. What are you doing here? For me?
ROBIN “Dear Edmund, We’re looking for you. We’re worried about you. Where are you? Send word back
with this robin, and we’ll find you. Your brother, Peter.”
EDMUND: My family is so meddling. I’m fine. Wait. If I tell them where I am, they’ll come fetch me, the
queen will be happy to have all four of us, and I’ll be crowned. Quick Edmund, find a pencil.
(WITCH screams off stage and storms in with Fenris and Dwarf, Maughan, and Witchy Henchmen, who are
trying to calm her down.)
MAUGHAN: You’re highness, try not to be too hasty. If you could just turn this one human boy to stone,
that could stop the prophecy from coming true.
FENRIS: Perhaps your majesty could interrogate the human boy further, find out what else he knows…
QUEEN: Quiet, imbeciles. Let me think. You boy. You didn’t bring your siblings as I commanded.
Audition Scene Sides “Narnia”
EDMUND: That’s true, but I think I can get them here. Could I first trouble you a piece of Turkish—
QUEEN: Don’t even think about it.
EDMUND: okay. Well you see this robin here just brought me a message.
QUEEN: (Screams in repulsion at the sight of the bird) What is the meaning of this vermin? What are YOU
doing in my courtyard?
The Robin is very nervous, but cannot speak.
EDMUND: It can’t talk, but it did bring—
QUEEN: Quiet, idiot son of Adam. Repulsive, bird. Robins are a sign of spring, and we’ll put a stop to that
at once!
(she takes out her wand and turns robin to stone)
EDMUND: Please don’t. It doesn’t mean any harm. She brought a message from my siblings.
QUEEN: (turns bird to stone, then slaps Edmund) Let that teach you to ask for favors for traitors and spies.
EDMUND: But it did nothing.
QUEEN: Watch your tongue, or you’ll be next.
DWARF: Your majesty, right now, you are hot and bothered--WITCH: Oh really, I am perfectly calm, and whoever thinks otherwise, will join my ménage of stone statues
(threatens everyone with her wand)
Audition Scene Sides “Narnia”
SCENE 9: The Witch confronts Aslan about Edmund’s treachery
(at the stone table)
LEOPARD: Sire there is a messenger from the enemy who craves audience
ASLAN: Let him approach. What is your message, Son of Earth?
DWARF: The Queen of Narnia and Empress of All She Sees desires a safe conduct to come and speak with
you on a matter which is as much to your advantage as to hers.
MRS BEAVER: Empress of ALL SHE SEES, indeed! Of all the nerve
ASLAN: Peace, Madam Beaver. We will not dispute titles at this time. Tell your mistress that I grant her
safe conduct on two conditions: She must leave her wand behind, and she must bring Edmund, Son of
DWARF: Oh, she intends to bring him, don’t you worry.
LUCY: She has Edmund?!
PETER: Lucy, it’ll be all right. We must trust Aslan.
WITCH: Well, well, well, Aslan. Long time since you turned tail and disappeared. How nice to see you
ASLAN: State your business. I do not desire an argument.
WITCH: Nor do I. Here’s someone, I’d like you to meet, Aslan. This is Edmund, yet another pathetic son of
(The queen throws Edmund to the ground in front of Aslan, the siblings gasp and start to come to him)
ASLAN: Hold!
EDMUND: I’m sorry…sorry for everything.
WITCH: You know he’s a traitor, Aslan
ASLAN: But his offense was not against you. It was against his family,. Nevermind. Edmund, There is no
need to talk about what is past. It’s over and done with.
WITCH: Not for me it isn’t. You know what his treachery means for me! Have you forgotten the Deep
ASLAN: Let us say I have. Remind me.
Audition Scene Sides “Narnia”
Edmund enters Narnia and meets the White Witch
WITCH: Stop!! (to Edmund) And what, pray, are you?
EDMUND: I’m…I’m, My name is Edmund.
WITCH: Is that how you address a Queen?
EDMUND: My apologies, your majesty, I did not know.
WITCH: Did not know the Queen of Narnia (the Entourage shivers in fear) Ha! You shall know us better
hereafter. But I repeat---what are you?
EDMUND: I’m a (7th ) grader.
WITCH: Don’t try to confound me. Are you a dwarf with you’re beard shaved off?
EDMUND: No I’m just a kid.
WITCH: A young goat?
EDMUND: No, a boy! If you please, your majesty.
WITCH: A boy?! Do you mean a son of Adam?
EDMUND: A son of what?
WITCH: I can see you’re an idiot. Answer me once and for all. Are you a human?
EDMUND: Of course, your majesty.
WITCH: Ahhh! (suddenly very interested) And how, pray, did you enter into my dominions?
EDMUND: Umm. I came in through a wardrobe. I know it sounds strange. Your majesty. Actually I
followed my sister to play a trick on her
WITCH: A daughter of Eve?
EDMUND: I guess she is.
DWARF: Your majesty. May I speak with you privately.
WITCH: Yes, but be brief. (to Edmund) Stand aside, human boy.
DWARF: This could be good news for your highness. The human boy may have other siblings. His sister
may be in the forest now. If there are a total two girls and two boys, then you may be in terrible danger.
Remember the prophecy about the Four thrones at the Stone Table.
Audition Scene Sides “Narnia”
WITCH: Yes, yes. Do you think I’m stupid?!
DWARF: Of course not, your highly intelligent excellency. My stupidity. Please don’t change me to stone.
WITCH: Stop groveling, you fool. (to Edmund) Human boy, how many brothers and sisters do you have all
together? Now, be precise.
DWARF: Don’t lie to her majesty.
EDMUND: Why would I? There are four of us--two boys and two girls. (dwarf and witch exchange glances)
With your permission, your majesty, I’d like to go now. It’s very cold here.
WITCH: (suddenly EXTREMELY nice) Oh, you poor child. Come and sit next to me. I’ll keep you toasty
warm and we’ll have a nice little chat.