Mental Health Lead - NHS Leeds West CCG


NHS Leeds West Clinical Commissioning Group

Job Role Specification

Mental Health Lead

Job Purpose

The Mental Health Lead will take clinical lead responsibility for development of all aspects of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities transformation and strategy, and development of

NHS Leeds West CCGs position within the overall strategy.

The main focus of this role is to improve primary and community based outcomes and reduce health inequalities through close working with member practices and local partners

The post holder will provide clinical assurance to the commissioning sponsoring bodies and networks that mandate mental health transformation and pathway redesign projects, providing clinical leadership and advice on mental health provider transformation to NHS Leeds West Clinical

Commissioning Committee .

Responsible to

Accountable to

Associate Medical Director or Medical Director

Associate Medical Director or Medical Director

Time Requirements Two sessions per week

Contract for clinical leadership services

There will be a 3 way contract for clinical leadership services with the clinician, CCG and their practice; £90/ hour x4 hours per session; 6 weeks unpaid annual leave.

Draft contract available on request.

Summary of Job description:

Improve outcomes and reduce health inequalities in mental health, learning disability and dementia prevention and care

Provide clinical input into the development of citywide mental health strategies and projects (led by NHS Leeds North CCG as lead commissioner and contract holder).

Take CCG wide responsibility for clinical input into the development of the

Leeds West CCG position within the overall citywide strategy.

Provide clinical input on the development of pathways and transformational workstreams as agreed by commissioners, identifying the clinical evidence to support pathway and transformation proposals.

Take CCG wide responsibility for clinical input into the development NHS

Leeds West CCG specific initiatives and services relating to mental health services

Participate in specific programme steering groups.

Challenge provider clinical quality, outcomes and cost effective process

Produce summary briefings for the Medical Director on national policy implications for LWCCG.

Provide guidance and direction to project clinical leads working on programmes relevant to the public health portfolio (e.g. dementia)

Work towards achieving the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management

Standards for Medical Professionals

Improving Quality and Outcomes

Contribute to redesign of clinical services across all mental health provider

(and community provider organisations involved in mental health and mental health transformation) in partnership with other CCGs and stakeholders

Contribute to plans that have measurable baselines, evidence of need, efficacy effectiveness, and impact assessment including outcomes and equality.

Engage with medical staff, clinical staff and primary care leads in all organisations to assure the redesign of mental health services to achieve quality outcomes

Stimulate development of innovative service models and effective use of resources


Support and secure use of patient voice and patient experience, including use of insight from the Patient Insight Group are incorporated into pathway and transformation proposals.

Consult and engage Leeds CCGs and relevant NHS and local partners in the design, promotion and evaluation of services and pathways

Ensure accessible patient descriptions of pathways are produced

Contribute to the development of guidance and educational plans for Leeds

CCG GP practices.

Primary Care

Contribute to leadership of the implementation of mental health programmes, so that NHS Leeds West CCG is able to deliver measurable significant improvements in commissioning and delivery of outcomes.

Support the development of improvement in quality of primary care.

Attendance Requirements

Clinical input in Mental Health Transformation and Pathway Redesign

Projects and relevant sub-groups (as necessary)

Member of MHPMG (6 times per year)

Member of Clinical Commissioning Committee- it is expected that the postholder will attend 80% of CCC meetings (Wednesday afternoons, 12 times per year)

Key Working Relationships

Associate and Medical Director

Locality Chairs

Clinical Commissioning Committee

Project Clinical Leads relevant to the mental health portfolio (e.g. dementia)

Partner CCGs

Providers of Mental Health Services

MH performance management group

Head of Primary Care Development and Commissioning


This is a description of the duties of the post as it is at present. This is not intended to be exhaustive and does not, therefore, form part of your contract of employment. In consultation with the postholder, the job will be reviewed on a regular basis in order to ensure that the duties meet the requirements and needs of the service and to make any changes necessary.

Professional Standards

The post holder is required to ensure he/she works to the professional standards and/or

Codes of Practice set out for your professional group. It is the postholder’s responsibility to ensure their professional registration is kept up to date.


The post holder is expected to work at any establishment at any time throughout the duration of his/her contract, normally within the boundaries of the Leeds CCGs areas.


It is therefore expected that all employees will develop flexible working practices both within the cluster on a cross-directorate basis, and across clusters and other organisations to meet the challenges and opportunities of working within the new NHS.

Equal Opportunities

It is the aim of the CCG to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on grounds of gender, marital status, religion, race, colour, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic or national origins or on the grounds of disability. Selection for training, development and promotion wil l be on the basis of an individual’s ability to meet the requirements of the job. To this end, the CCG has an Equal Opportunities Policy and an

Equality Scheme and it is for each employee to contribute to its success.

Dignity at Work

All employees/members of the CCG should treat other employees, patients and the public with dignity and respect at all times.

Health and wellbeing of staff

All Directors and employees will demonstrate their ownership and support of this agenda through management and corporate action.

Personal/Professional Development Planning

All employees must have a personal development plan and in conjunction with their manager, should actively determine and pursue agreed training and development needs and opportunities.


All employees/members of the CCG must at all times maintain the complete confidentiality of the material and information that you handle. Failure to maintain confidentiality may lead to disciplinary action.

Data Protection

If required to do so the post holder should obtain, process and/or use information held on a computer or word processor or paper based medium in a fair and lawful way. He/she must only hold data only for the specified registered purpose and use or disclose data only to authorised persons or organisations as instructed.

Health & Safety

All employees of the CCG must be aware of the responsibilities placed on them by the

Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) to ensure that the agreed safety procedures are carried out to maintain a safe condition for all employees, patients and visitors.

All employees of the CCG are accountable, through the terms and conditions of their employment, professional regulations, clinical governance and statutory health and safety regulations, and are responsible for reporting incidents, being aware of the risk management strategy and emergency procedures and attendance at training as required.

All employees have a responsibility to manage risk within their sphere of responsibility. It is a statutory duty to take responsible care of their own safety and the safety of others whom may be affected by acts or omissions.

All managers throughout the organisation have a responsibility to ensure that policies and procedures are followed, that employees receive appropriate training that a local risk register is developed and monitored on a quarterly basis and any changes reported to the statutory

Health & Safety Committees.

Managers are responsible for implementing and monitoring any identified risk management control measures within their designated area/s and scope of responsibility. In situations where significant risks have been identified and where local control measures are considered to be potentially inadequate, managers are responsible for bringing these risks to the attention of the Governance & Risk Committees if resolution has not been satisfactorily achieved All employees must ensure that waste produced within the Trust is disposed of in such ways that control risk to health, or safety of staff and the public alike in accordance with relevant legislation and procedures contained within the policy.

Infection Control

The CCG has made a public commitment to make healthcare associated infection a visible and unambiguous indicator of the quality and safety of patient care and work towards reducing it. All Directors and employees will demonstrate their ownership of, and their support, to this goal through management and corporate action.

Access to Health Records

All employees who contribute to patient’s health records are expected to be familiar with, and adhere to, the cluster’s Standards of Record Keeping. Employees should be aware that patient’s records throughout the Trust will be the subject of regular audit.

Employees who have access to patients’ records have a responsibility to ensure that these are maintained and that confidentiality is protected.

All employees have an obligation to ensure that health records are maintained efficiently and that confidentiality is protected. Employees are also subject to this obligation both on an implied basis and also on the basis that, on accepting their job description, they agree to maintain both patient/client and staff confidentiality.

In addition, all health professionals are advised to compile records on the assumption that they are accessible to patients in line with the Access to Health Records Act 1990.

No Smoking

NHS Leeds West operates a no smoking policy.

NHS Leeds West CCG

Mental Health Lead

Person Specification



Knowledge and skills

Abilities and

Personal Qualities


Qualified Clinical Professional.

Relevant professional qualification or equivalent.

Unblemished registration with GMC or other relevant body

Evidence of continuing professional and personal development.

Experience of working effectively with stakeholders and partners on developing and implementing strategy.

Proven record of delivering transformational change in a complex environment.

Maintaining up to date knowledge and understanding of the national, regional and local policy and priorities for health care, to be effective for lead programme

A high degree of personal integrity.

Commitment to working collaboratively with colleagues and staff.

Commitment to ensuring the involvement of patients and the public in improving services.


Post Graduate Degree in a relevant subject or equivalent

Practising clinician


Able to build relationships across all stakeholders.

Able to set clear targets and standards for performance and behaviours.

Ability to manage a demanding workload and meet tight and often conflicting deadlines.

Able to ‘think on their feet’ when dealing with convoluted and complex problems.

Ability to communicate at all levels, adjusting their communication style to the appropriate audience.

Ability to travel to locations throughout the Leeds area and beyond.

