Owls Topic Web Sept 2015



 Learning different literary techniques through a ‘Talk for

Writing’ programme.

 Developing an understanding of setting a scene and describing characters.

 Writing recounts.

 Writing non-chronological reports.

 Understanding and using different punctuation correctly.


 Greeting others.

 Numbers.

 Days of the week.

 Instructions.

 Classroom objects.

 Structures – C’est

 Opinions.

 Christmas – learn a carol

PSHE in French.

 Communication and participation.

 Self awareness.

 Drugs and their uses.


 3D sculpture.

 Drawing lines and marks.

 Printing.


 Comparing and grouping different types of rocks based on appearance and physical properties.

 Understand how fossils were formed and how we can use them as evidence.

 Recognise that soil is formed from rocks and other organic matter.

 Group living things in different ways.

 Recognise that environments can change and understand human impact.


 Using Charanga programme to learn to sing and to perform our song. .


 What is God like?

 Understand the

Christmas story.

Stone, Bronze and Iron Age.


 Explore the children’s own questions about the perio of study.

 Understand what life was like in prehistoric Britain?

 Examine different sources of evidence and understand how archaeologists use evidence to build a picture of life in prehistoric times.

 Understand the transition between the stone bronze and iron ages and why they happened.

 Know how the stone, bronze and iron age fit into our chronology.


 Understanding place value.

 Formal methodologies across the four mathematical operations.

 Adding and subtracting numbers mentally.

 Times tables.

 Understanding how to solve mathematical problems through existing knowledge e.g 7 x 4 = 28 so 70 x 4 =280.

 Problem solving.

 More than and less than.

 Understanding how to solve word problems based on the four operations.

 Solve missing number problems.


 Invasion games – Tag rugby and football (Dribbling/ handling skills and how to beat a defender / defend against an opponent.

 Three touch ball.

 Korfball.

 Stone age themed dance.

 Forest school.


 E-safety

 Studying various ways of communicating information.

 Designing and making our own Saxon E-book.

 Coding.
