
Holywell Educate Together National School
Newsletter December 18th 2015
Phone: 01 4444386
Winter Holidays December 22nd 2015
Please remember that the school closes for winter holidays on
Tuesday December 22nd at 12pm.
Winter Assembly takes place in the hall on Tuesday morning at
8.45am. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
Winter Concert 2015
This year’s Winter Concert was held on Tuesday & Wednesday last. Many thanks to all the
parents/guardians, relatives and friends who came to see the children sing. The children made
us very proud with their beautiful singing and excellent behaviour. A special thank you to all
the staff who helped prepare the children for the concert, in particular all the class teachers,
pre-school staff, special needs assistants and especially Mairéad, who accompanied the
children on piano and Paul, the music co-ordinator in the school who organised and planned
the event.
Tom also helped out with the new stage ad setting up the hall with chairs, tables and
decorations.Many thanks also to the PTA, led by Saida and Lisa for organising refreshments
and a raffle on both days. We were delighted to have the opportunity to use the school stage
for the first time which was fundraised last year by the PTA.
Congratulations to Emer & Mark’s 3rd Classes
Congratulations to Emer & Mark R.’s 3rd classes who sang in both Bank of Ireland and the
Arrivals Hall in Dublin Airport. The children raised €357 for the Simon Community, the
charity for homeless people. So well done everyone involved.
Class Calendars for 2016
The PTA have published class calendars for 2016. If you wish to buy one of your child’s
class, please send in €5 to your child’s teacher.
Parents Parking in the School
Reminder: parents cars are not permitted onto the school grounds during school hours as
there is no space for them and it poses a serious threat to the health and safety of our pupils.
Dogs in the School Yard
We ask that parents/guardians don’t bring dogs into the school yard, with the exception of
dogs for the visually impaired or special needs children.
Junior Infants 2016
Places for Junior Infants 2016 will be offered to the first 90 children on the pre-enrolment list
for next September. Please remember that the school operates a ‘first come first serve’ policy
and not a sibling policy. If you wish your child to attend Junior Infants in 2016, please preenrol your child as soon as possible.
Faith Formation Classes
2nd class children attending classes with Sr. Mary finishes on Monday December 21st. All
other Faith Formation classes have finished until January.
Healthy Lunch Policy:
Please support the school’s Healthy Eating Policy by giving your children healthy lunches.
Cold pizza, pastries such as brioche and croissants and cereal bars are not allowed in school
as they are contain a high sugar and fat content. Popcorn is also not allowed in school as a
young child choked to death in a crèche some time ago.
Morning-time Supervision:
Please remember that there is no staff supervision in the yard in the morning time until
8.20am. We ask that children do not enter the yard until them. Please remind your child they
must stay inside the courts in the mornings and not leave the yard.
Contact Details:
Please remember to inform the school office if any personal contact details change,
particularly mobile phone numbers and address changes. It is very important that the school
can contact you throughout the school day.
After-school clubs
Expression of interest forms for after-school clubs have been sent home to parents/guardians
today. Please complete and return the forms by Tuesday next. Clubs in high demand with
limited places will operate on a ‘first come first serve’ basis. Teachers running the clubs will
write to those parents who have secured club places for their children.
Season’s Greetings:
On behalf of the Board of Management of Holywell ETNS, I would like to wish all the
children, their families, staff and community of Holywell ETNS a very Happy Christmas and
all the very best for 2016.
Please remember that school re-opens on Wednesday January 6th at 8.30am
Best wishes,
P.S. The next newsletter will be published on Friday January 15th 2016.